“What do you see …”

In front of the quiet hall, listening to Dillus’ words before him, Adier laughed: “Of course I can see the death of these people, and the cause of death.”

As he spoke, he walked straight to the center of the hall, and with the eyes of the others, walked to the side of the coffin in the center.

“All the corpses here have one thing in common, and that is that the heart has been dug out.”

Walking before the coffin, looking at the cold pale body in front of him, Adier opened the mouth and said.

Listening to his words, the face of Dillus and the others suddenly changed slightly, and the eyes of looking towards Adier were more dignified.

Before he could say anything, in front of him, Adier’s voice sounded again.

“Especially this central body, if I guessed correctly, it should be the gentleman’s child.”

Adier turned and looked towards Dillus: “The dead state of this corpse is the worst. All the internal organs in the corpse have been dug out, and all the blood has been drawn away, leaving only dried flesh.”

“Also, all the corpses here have one thing in common, that is, they belong to people who have Knight qualifications and have the Life Seed within the body.”

He looked up and looked towards Dillus in front of him: “I just don’t know … am I right?”

The voice fell, there was no echo in place, only silence.

In front of her, listening to Adier’s words, Dillus and Karam were silent for a while, and said nothing.

As for the two, Bola and Asuo, looking at the conversation at this time, they did not dare to make any sounds, for fear of disturbing Adier and the others.

Papa … Papa … Papa …

Applause burst out in place.

Standing in front of Adier, Dillus applauded, looking at Adier in front of him, and finally smiled on his face: “Good analysis, it is really amazing to see so many things in such a short time.”

He looked up and looked at Adier in a white robe in front of him. “You just said, are you a doctor?”


In the evening, a wooden room door opened, and Adier’s voice came out of it, carrying a medicine chest in his hand.

“Although it didn’t go as planned, fortunately, the final goal was successfully achieved.”

Walking down the road, carrying a medicine chest, Adier thought quietly.

In the room he had just treated Dillus, he walked out of the other room.

There is something very strange in the other person’s body, like some extremely tenacious malignant toxin, which has taken root in the other person’s body, constantly consuming the other person’s vitality.

The situation on the opponent’s body at this time is actually very serious. If it is an ordinary person, I am afraid that he is dead now, but the opponent is a powerhouse that surpasses Great Knight. His vitality is indeed tenacious. Forcibly at this time, he has not died.

However, even if I did not die, it was the limit to this point. If there is no Adier, the other party will be up to a few months at most, and mutation will occur throughout the body, and eventually die.

“But … This Strong, highly polluting Strength is really tenacious.”

Raising his hand slightly, looking at his fingertips, Adier’s face was a little heavy.

On his fingers, traces of light black were spreading, a strongly contaminated Strength was rapidly eroding his flesh, but was resisted by the Strength contained in Adier’s flesh and slowly passed away.

“It was just a short period of contact. Not at all directly invaded the pathogenic body within the body, and there were such horrible consequences.” Looking at this faint black on his fingertips, Adier looked dignified and murmured. Road.

You know, as a Level 2 wizard, and as a pure blood Moon Elf, Adier’s physical resistance is far more than anyone else.

As a Level 4 creature, the ancient Moon Elf’s body resistance to certain things can be imagined, it is absolutely terrifying, even if it is only in its infancy, it is definitely not infected by ordinary pollution.

This kind of thing in front can make today’s Adier infected, and you can imagine how terrible it is.

“Fortunately, this time treating the other party, not completely without profits.”

On the road, Adier meditated in his heart: “Chip, how advanced is breathing?”

“Dillus breathing method … Currently, the evolution degree is 17.4%, and the remaining deduction time is unknown …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

“Almost 20% has been promoted, and after a few more observations, you should be able to promote more than half of it.”

Watching the progress of the chip tip, Adier muttered to himself.

It’s certainly not free to take the risk of treating each other.

After treating the other party, the other party has agreed to let Adier enter the Airlan family’s collection room to read books, and even handed out a copy of Knight Breathing Technique promised by the two before.

Adier had already read the Knight Breathing Technique and was very speechless.

That’s the basic breathing method used by Knight’s apprenticeship to lay the foundation. Although many of the ideas are very good, the actual effect is not even as good as the Dier Breathing Technique that Adier once promoted.

At least that Dier Breathing Technique, Adier spent a lot of effort to find a variety of different Knight Breathing Techniques, and then continued to develop them through the chip.

After nearly ten years, the whole whole number of different breathing methods have been used as the basis of the deduction data. Regarding the specific level of perfection, I am afraid that I can’t find much comparable to the entire Wizarding World.

Compared with this well-proven Dier Breathing Technique, although the breathing method given by the other party is not bad in some concepts, it is definitely not as good as the specific effect.

After all, even if the subject of this world is Knight, what the other person gives is only a low-level breathing method, which is naturally impossible to compare with the Dier Breathing Technique developed by the chip.

Compared with this low-level breathing method, the real gain of Adier is gained in the process of treating each other.

Just like injuries will leave scars, Knight’s daily training will actually leave some subtle marks on the human body. Over time, it will become a unique brand.

This kind of imprint cannot be found under normal circumstances, but it can be clearly found for chips that have extremely powerful computing power and can magnify the line of sight by tens of millions of times.

In the process of treating the other party, Adier also turned on the chip when he was in close contact with the other party’s body, and pushed back through the slight traces left by the other party’s usual training, so as to obtain the Knight Breathing Technique of the other party.

There is no doubt that as the powerhouse that surpassed the Great Knight, the other person’s breathing method must also be very powerful, which is definitely far more than the ordinary breathing method given by the other person.

This is indeed the case.

Although it is not complete yet, it is just less than 20% of this content, which has greatly inspired Adier, and even made the already perfect Dier Breathing Technique go forward again, more perfect.

On the way, Adier had a vague feeling.

After this world, the Dier Breathing Technique, which had been idle by him, may take a great leap.

“Master Dillus, how do you feel?”

In the spacious and gorgeous room, the old voice sounded.

Karam, in a black robe, cautiously took away the bloody cloth from Dillus and asked.

In the bed in front of him, Dillus was lying on the bed at this time, and his clothes were covered with black and red blood, looking terrifying.

It’s just that, compared with the previous one, the kind of weakness that he was full of seems to be lessened. At this moment, he closed his eyes and lay quietly on the bed.

“It’s much better.”

Listening to Karam’s voice in front of her, Dillus opened her eyes quietly, gasping, and then struggled to get up.

He watched his body frown in blood-stained black and red clothes, and then tore off his clothes directly, exposing his strong muscles.

Without the cover of his clothes, Karam could clearly see that on Dillus’ body, a large block of traces of light black covered it, which seemed to cover his entire body directly, with some ominous meaning.

“It was indeed suppressed.”

After carefully observing the black skin on Dillus, Karam was finally relaxed, and the worry in her mind was slightly relieved: “It seems that I have found the right person this time.”

“This doctor’s medicine is very good.”

Listening to Karam’s words, Dillus also approved the nodded: “It was just a random attempt. I did not expect that the other party’s medicine was really good, even the toxins of the contaminated seeds could be suppressed.”

“Unfortunately, there is still no cure,” Karam said with a pity. “If it can be cured, it will be much easier …”

“It’s not that easy.” Dillus shook the head: “The poison of the polluted seed can’t be cured so well. Being able to suppress it and allow me more time is already my luck.”

“Well, if that didn’t happen …” Karam sighed.

“It’s not possible.” Dillus laughed freely: “How can there be so many in the world? If things have already happened, then only bravely, this is what I should do for Knight.”

“It’s a period of time, you need to keep up.”

By opening his mouth, he raised an eyebrow at Karam in front of him: “Although the doctor has good medical skills, but after all is an outsider, during this time, remember to handle the things in the family well, and don’t put things that should not be seen by the other party. Something came out. “

“I understand.” Karam nodded, knowing it.

“You understand.”

Dillus walked towards the wall behind him, took a white robe from above and put it on, and then said, “This time has happened enough, and the loss of the family is large enough. If not necessary, I don’t want to What happened unexpectedly. “

“That doctor’s strength is not weak. You should have felt it before. Without my shot, I am afraid that not many people in the entire family can deal with each other.”

“This powerful genius has mastered good medical skills, and his origins will certainly not be simple. If anything is caused, it will be a problem.”

“I see.” Listening to Dillus’s words, Karam finally nodded, so said.


“It should be here.”

Early the next morning, led by the waiter in front, Adier walked into a large hall.

In the hall, each and everyone bookshelves are placed in it, and there are many paper books on them. They all look good, and look like new books.

If you approach these bookshelves, you can still smell the fragrance, the precipitation of history and the assaults of the senses.

This is the collection room of the Airlan family. It collects all the collections of the Airlan family for hundreds of years. All the books in it can be compared to a small library, and most of them are rare books.

After all, as some of the most powerful Knight families in the local area, the Airlan family’s vision is naturally very high. It is not a precious book and cannot be carefully collected. It even costs a lot of manpower and resources to maintain it every year.

Just now, just looking at the huge bookshelf in front of him, Adier brightened his eyes and walked forward.

Entering this small library, his first choice is, of course, to find those who have knowledge about the extraordinary Strength, that is, about Knight.

After spending half an hour walking around the bookshelf, Adier finally returned to his place.

“Sure enough, although Knight’s materials are available, there is no copy of the Knight Breathing Technique that can be practiced, and all of them have been collected separately.”

Roughly around, Adier ended up helpinglessly said, with some helplessness in his words.

However, this was also what he expected.

Knight Breathing Technique, as the foundation of a family, is enough to create a Knight family. Naturally, it is impossible to easily show it to outsiders to watch.

Adier was able to get a breathing method from the other side, or because Bola agreed in advance, and Adier succeeded in containing the other’s condition.

However, despite this, Adier’s mood was not frustrating.

“Although not at all the exact breathing method, as long as Knight data of this world is enough, it is enough.” Raising his head slightly, looking at the Earth Book shelf, Adier thought.

For today’s Adier, advanced breathing in this world is really important, but Knight data on this world is equally important.

Although I searched Bola’s memory before, the search method is too rough, and it is impossible to take all the memories of a person’s life as their own, only to find some deeply memorable pictures.

Coupled with the fact that Bola’s strength is not strong, not even Knight, they can know too little, and naturally can’t get much information.

With these collections of the Airlan family in front of him, Adier can quickly understand the situation of this world, and can roughly understand how strong the Knight Strength of this world is, so he can figure out his own position for the next action.

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