“Knight’s Strength is derived from Life Seed in the body. Only people with Life Seed are eligible to become a Knight.”

“Thousands of years, after countless years of research by Empire Scholar, people have divided Knight’s Strength hierarchy into four grades, thus summarizing the current Knight system …”

In the quiet book room, the sound of page pages constantly ringing.

Standing in place, with the help of a chip in his head, Adier kept flipping through the pages in front of him, recording the knowledge contained in them, and then transmitting them directly into the brain.

His reading speed, if seen by other people, will definitely startled, even unbelievable.

This is no longer normal reading. In the eyes of other irrelevant people, even flipping the book is not so exaggerated, even if the eyes are staring at the page tightly, I’m afraid I can’t see anything, I can only see the approximate handwriting that was skipped .

It can only be done as a Level 2 wizard, plus Adier with chip assistance. Others, even if they are wizards, cannot be so exaggerated.

After all, in the process of turning a book, people also need to summarize the contents of the book in the cabinet, and even think while reading the book, in order to absorb the contents of the book.

Soon, in the eyes of Adier, a book was flipped through.

After reading this book, Adier did not hesitate to put the book back in place, and then continued to pull out the next book, just like the mechanical process of turning the previous book again.

Many of the books here describe Knight. Even in this world, it should be very precious information. It can’t be seen by idlers even by nobles.

Being able to read these books is also a rare opportunity for Adier. At this time, naturally, I will not let go of it. I devoted my whole body and mind and want to flip through all the books here in one breath.

Fortunately, there is no one else here, otherwise if you see his current speed, you will be extremely horrified and cause some unnecessary trouble.

Among these books, Adier also learned a lot.

For example, the Knight system of this world, after reading most of the books here, Adier has a vague impression, no longer as blank as before.

This world’s Knight is also mainly inspired by Life Seed. Whether or not Life Seed is in the body is an important criterion for whether or not to have Knight’s qualifications.

As long as you have Knight qualifications and a suitable Knight Breathing Technique, you will have the opportunity to activate Life Seed and become an official Knight.

In this world, this phase is also called baptism, and it is regarded as the First Step of the Knight Road, and it is also the most important step.

The sooner you activate Life Seed, the more qualified Knight is.

After being called Knight, the next path is no different from that of the Wizarding World. They are to sublimate Life Energy within the body and condense Life Energy into Battle Qi to promote Great Knight.

In Wizarding World, Knight has reached this point, even if it has come to an end. After that, unless he can become a wizard, otherwise the way forward will come to an end.

But in this world, there is still a way forward.

“After Great Knight, it is Azure Firmament Knight.” Looking at the book in front of him, Adier muttered to himself, the brighter and brighter in his eyes, the more excited he was.

Azure Firmament Knight, Knight at this stage, has been able to sublimate its own strength, so that Battle Qi within the body can always condense outside the body, and even consolidate Battle Qi armor and Battle Qi Wings, so that it can fly in the air.

According to the description in the book, Knight at this stage can already rival some small countries, even if the other party is tens of thousands of troops, they can confront each other directly. It is a true town powerhouse.

Often at this stage, Knight belongs to the noble no matter where he is. He can even have his own name and spread his reputation.

One more level up here is Radiant Knight. According to some descriptions, the strength should be comparable to the Level 2 Wizard of the Wizarding World, which also belongs to the top level in this world.


Gently closing the book and looking at the book in front of him, Adier was lost in thought.

“The Wizard’s Strength originates from the Spirit Sea, while Knight’s Strength originates from the Life Seed within the body.”

Sitting on a wooden chair in place, Adier thought quietly: “After I was promoted to Great Knight, I used to use the chip to figure out a way to go further.”

“If you want to take Knight’s Strength one step further, the choice is nothing more than the one. The most direct one is undoubtedly to further sublime the Life Seed within the body, and to make Battle Qi’s Strength drive the body to transform, thereby breaking the original life limit.”

“And from the description of the materials here, the Azure Firmament Knight of this world has undoubtedly followed such a path, allowing Battle Qi to sublime again, and even condensing the Battle Qi armor and Battle Qi Wings to form a more horrible Strength. “

“As for Radiant Knight …”

Thinking of the description in the book, Adier was lost in thought.

According to the descriptions in some books, after this world, after reaching the apex of Azure Firmament Knight, Knight wanted to go one step further, and only awakened the Power of Origin of his body to infect the flesh and blood of the whole body, and finally let the whole body and Life Seed Become a nature to do it.

This approach brightened Adier’s eyes and inexplicably thought of something.

“In the wizard system, after Level 2 wizards want to go further, they also need to use their Spirit power to demonize their own cells and flesh.”

After thinking about all kinds of thoughts in my mind, Adier’s eyes became brighter when I thought of it: “Combination of the two may cause some changes, and the time for me to be promoted to Level 3 Wizard may be much earlier!

“Chip, build a mission, deduced this possibility!” He ordered to the chip in his mind.

“The task is established, the database is established, and the simulation is in progress … The remaining time: one hour …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

Listening to the sound of the chip and watching the time remaining for the chip to deduct, Adier didn’t care.

There are still many books in front of him. Taking advantage of this effort, he picked up a book again and flipped through it as quickly as before.

In the rush, an hour passed quickly.

“End of deduction …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“The demonization of flesh and blood and the purification process of the body are going on at the same time … 87.1% may have a benign reaction, which will lead to an accelerated progress … 9.4% will have an alienation reaction with unpredictable consequences …”

“Sure enough.” Looking at the results of the chip promotion, Adier flashed ecstasy: “Sure enough, the most extraordinary system can harvest the most!”

“Things between the two systems form a cross, and most likely will form some reaction that will bring about new changes.”

“No wonder in the Epoch of Glory, those ancient wizards value so much the other World’s Strength system.” Sitting in place, Adier murmured.

In some materials stored by the elf family, it was mentioned that in the journey across the world, in addition to plundering the resources and population of other Worlds, the most important thing is to obtain the Strength system of other Worlds.

There will always be differences between different systems, and there will be some intersections, which can get great inspiration and gains.

In the Wizarding World, the practice system of the wizard is itself an ancient wizard who continuously plunders other Worlds, only to learn by little and constantly develop it.

This is also mentioned in some ancient materials.

It is said that at the beginning, the wizard can only master his Spirit and Mana, and the remaining Strength is very weak. Even if he is a formal wizard, his physical fitness is not even as good as a Knight.

The reason why today’s wizards have so many spells and systems, as well as such powerful physical qualities, is that the ancient wizards kept studying and observing the other World’s Strength system with an attitude of learning and observation, and absorbed the benefits of them. Did it.

In fact, in today’s Wizarding World, behind every higher Meditation Method, there are shadows of other Strength systems.

For example, Adier now majors in the worship of the moon god. The ancient wizard summed up the strength of Moon Elf and formed a higher Meditation Method after integrating the unique features into the wizard system. It not only has a strong strength, it can also speed up Moon. Elf’s growth rate.

The same is true of the other higher Meditation Methods. Basically, the World ’s Strength system has been referenced behind, and many different higher Meditation Methods will be formed.

“The two Worlds I have experienced before, although the Strange World is weird, but that World not at all has developed enough extraordinary civilization. As for Jadeite World, it is one of the birthplaces of ancient wizards. The original Strength system It has long since disappeared and is integrated into the wizarding system. “

Sitting on a wooden chair, thinking about the Knight system of this world, Adier was a little excited: “This world has developed a powerful Knight system. If I can absorb the Knight system of this world, I may be able to be like an ancient wizard, Incorporating the powerful Knight system of this world into my Dier Breathing Technique, it is not impossible to create a new Sect in the future! “

It is always an idea of ​​Adier to perfect the advanced Mediation Method.

In the huge calculation of the chip, Adier has a unique advantage in the derivation. It only needs to provide a large enough database for the chip, and it can be quickly improved to form its own advanced Meditation Method.

And if you have the ability to pass through, if there is no accident, Adier is destined to experience many Worlds in the future, and in those different Worlds, there must be many different Strength systems.

This is also a great advantage. At least compared to other wizards, with the ability to pass through, as long as there is enough Boundary Energy, Adier can freely shuttle the new World.

If one day Adier can witness enough World, his Die Breathing Technique may be perfected to a horrible level, and it will not be impossible to become a new Sect.

“After Radiant Knight, are there Source Awakening Knight and Founding Ancestor Knight?”

After hours of flipping through the last book in his hand, Adier frowned.

In addition to the two stages of Knight and Great Knight, Knight of this world can be roughly divided into four stages.

Azure Firmament Knight is the first stage, which is equivalent to the official wizard of the wizard world, and Radiant Knight is the second stage, which is equivalent to the level 2 wizard of the wizard world.

As for Source Awakening Knight and Founding Ancestor Knight, they are the third and fourth stages of Knight. If there are no accidents, Strength will probably be equivalent to Level 3 and Level 4 wizards of the Wizarding World.

This level of information is completely absent from this small library. Even if Adier rummages through the entire library, all they can find are only these two names, and a small amount of information.

In this regard, Adier is not surprised.

Although the Airlan family is powerful, it has been inherited for hundreds of years in the local area, and to some extent, it can be regarded as profound.

But this kind of power also needs to be compared.

The founder of the Airlan family is nothing more than an Azure Firmament Knight, equivalent to the official wizard of the Wizarding World. Under normal circumstances, it is naturally impossible to have detailed information about Source Awakening Knight and Founding Ancestor Knight.

Want to see detailed information at this level, Adier estimates that I am afraid that only those empires are available.

“Although there is no detailed information … But Source Awakening Knight and Founding Ancestor Knight seem to have a relationship with Bloodline.”

Standing in place, carefully recalling a small amount of information about these two levels, Adier frowned.

However, in addition to the details of Source Awakening Knight and Founding Ancestor Knight, in other respects, Adier has gained a lot.

The first is to figure out the distribution of forces in this world and the strength of the entire world.

This world is dominated by several empires, and there are a large number of kingdoms and small countries scattered around.

The royal family of almost every country is the Knight family of each and everyone large and small. Those little duchy royal families may have had only one Azure Firmament Knight. But the founders of the royal families of those empires are at least the Source Awakening Knight in order to have enough heritage to support a huge empire.

Unlike the resources of the Wizarding World, which are monopolized by the major wizarding organizations, all Strengths in this world are monopolized by all kingdoms. Only Knights can become Knights, and civilians are just civilians. When it comes to the degree of class monopoly, it is more than the Wizarding World. To be serious.

After all, in the Wizarding World, even if it is just a civilian, as long as you have the wizarding qualification, you will still be introduced to the Wizarding Academy. Although it is unlikely that you will be promoted to a formal wizard, even third-class wizards may not be promoted successfully. But at least it’s an opportunity.

In this world, even if civilians have Knight qualifications, I am afraid they will not be able to obtain Knight Breathing Technique.

The monopoly of the aristocracy is one, and more important, is that Knight’s qualifications are relatively difficult to find.

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