“According to this algorithm, the strength of this world should be similar to that of the Mason region. With the strength of my Level 2 wizard, it is already a top level in this world.”

Standing in place, carefully recalling the content in his mind, Adier thought for a moment, then fell into meditation.

Although there are two levels of Source Awakening Knight and Founding Ancestor Knight in this world, in fact, according to the records of some books, these two levels of Knight have not appeared for many years. The closest source Awakening Knight to modern times is still Two thousand years ago, a Knight, known by historians as King of Earth, created a huge empire.

According to the records in the book, after this King of Earth has fallen, Source Awakening Knight has never appeared in this world, let alone the higher-level Founding Ancestor Knight.

Of course, Adier is skeptical of this result.

Just like in the Mason area, on the surface, it is true that Level 2 wizards rule everything, but in the Silver Fog Forest, it is not the same as running a high priest, and even beside the leader of the Black Wizard Alliance, Gloria, there is also a Old monster suspected of being a Level 3 wizard.

“However, even if there is a living Source Awakening Knight, the number must be extremely rare, and it is likely to exist only in those imperial royal families. Therefore, the top strength of this world’s subject should still be Radiant Knight.”

Standing in place, Adier thought quietly: “Taking the Level of my Level 2 Wizard as a complete release, it would be comparable to Radiant Knight in this world. Except for those empires that need to be careful, the rest are only with me One level. “

Thinking of this, he could not help but relax.

Touch … Touch … Touch …

There was a slight knock on the door from the outside, and it slowly sounded around, instantly alarming the internal Adier.

“Please come in.” Listening to the knock on the door from outside, Adier withdrew from his contemplation, turned and looked towards the door.

There, as his voice fell, the wooden door was slowly opened, and then a young girl in a long white dress came in from the outside.

“Sir, Mr. Dillus, please come over.”

The maid looked respectful, and looked politely at Adier while admiring Adier saluted politely.

“Is this the time?”

In the place, listening to the maid’s words, Adier murmured, and then said, “I’ll be right there.”

After a while, led by the maid, he walked into a spacious room.

In the room, an unpleasant medicinal herb smell spreads all around, with a pungent stench, accompanied by an irritating toxin, making the body tremble unconsciously, and a very uncomfortable body rises feel.

In the middle of the room, a huge bed stood quietly, a tall man lying there, his face was a little dull, and a black mark was spreading on the exposed skin.

“Mr. Adier, you are here.”

Seeing Adier’s silhouette, on the bed, Dillus eyes opened, although his face was a little dark, but his tone still sounded firm, and he looked very Spirit.

“Draw blood first.”

Looking at Dillus lying on the bed in front of him, Adier nodded, then put down what he brought.

It’s a medicine chest. In the medicine chest, there are some basic instruments.

Remove the special needle from the medicine box, Adier draws blood from Dillus, walks aside, and uses the chip to quietly test.

“The concentration of toxins has increased again.”

Adier couldn’t help frowning at the dark purple blood before him and smelling the stench.

With a magnification of tens of thousands of times through the chip, Adier can clearly see everything in the blood in front of him.

In addition to the various substances contained in normal blood, there is also an abnormal energy flowing in this pool of blood. At this time, it continuously volatilizes into the air, so that the surrounding air begins to be filled with various toxins.

Adier has also studied this kind of abnormal energy before. It is similar to Life Energy, but it is much higher in quality. Even Dillus, who is an Azure Firmament Knight, does not have the same Life Energy contained in the body as this gives Strength. , Eroded a lot by its turn.

“It’s really troublesome.”

Looking at the blood in front of him, Adier slightly shook the head, then took something out of the medicine chest and placed it beside Dillus.

A treatment soon ended. As a wizard, in the research and treatment of this abnormal strength, Adier is undoubtedly better than many doctors in this world. After a treatment, Dillus’s worsening injuries will soon be improved. Contained again.


Feeling a lot of relief from his body, lying quietly on the bedside, Dillus eyes opened again, watching Adier thank him.

“You are welcome.”

Adier nodded, his face looked calm.

This time the treatment was over quickly, and while Karam was still wearing a black robe, holding something in his hand, he walked straight to Adier’s eyes.

“This is the reward for this period of time, a total of seven hundred purple gold coins, please accept it.” Karam said solemnly, looking at Adier seriously.

Listening to him, Adier looked towards his hands.

In his hands was a huge plate with gold coins on it.

This is a purple gold coin, a high-level currency issued by an empire in this world, only circulating between Knights. It uses not only a rare material but also the latest technology, so it is extremely difficult to imitate.

Even Adier, although it is possible to study the manufacturing technology of this gold coin, it is equally powerless for this unique material.

This gold coin has a very strong purchasing power. With this currency, you can even directly purchase Knight Breathing Technique in the Knight Temple opened by the Empire. It is a high-level currency that is truly popular at the upper levels.

Looking at the purple gold coins in front of him, Adier slightly lightly nodded, took them directly, then walked to the side of the medicine box, ready to leave.

“Mr. Adier, can you ask a question?” Behind him, Dillus’s voice suddenly sounded.

Behind Adier, I do not know when Dillus had already got up from the bed, standing on the ground at this time, staring at Adier sharply.

“Excuse me.” Feeling the other person’s eyesight, Adier turned slightly, and looked at the other person and asked.

“How long can I last?” Dillus looked distressed and looked nervous with Adier’s gaze.

Of course, this is just superficial.

In Adier’s induction, the other person’s heart is always calm and there are no fluctuations in emotions. Obviously, he doesn’t really care about this issue.

“If I continue the treatment according to my method, it should be able to last another year.”

Looking at the other party, Adier directly stated the data he calculated, and did not mean to deceive the other party.

“One year? Really?”

Listening to the number, a stunned expression appeared on Dillus’s face, apparently surprised by the number.

“Can’t it be cured completely?” Aside, listening to the conversation between the two, Karam couldn’t help but plug in.

“Sorry.” Adier shook his head. “Heal the injuries on Mr. Dillus completely. Maybe other doctors in the world have this ability, but I don’t.”

He is not telling lies.

The reason why Dillus’s injuries are serious is mainly because of the alien energy being eroded on the opponent, at this time it has penetrated into the opponent’s body and flesh, which is extremely difficult to remove.

If it is in the Wizarding World, in a laboratory with sufficient accuracy, with a variety of rare materials, Adier may be a bit sure. But in this completely unfamiliar World, let alone a high-precision laboratory, even the materials needed to configure the medicament can not be estimated.

“Actually, if you activate Moon King’s Sword and use this advanced magic weapon’s Strength with my own Moon Elf to perform baptism on it, he may also be able to recover.”

Standing on the spot, at this moment, Adier thought to himself: “It’s just that, too much is exposed …”

The power of Moon Elf itself has a purifying effect. Long-term use of the power of Moon Elf for baptism can not only eliminate physical fatigue and internal injuries, but also make Bloodline qualifications one step further.

During this time, Adier had been using the power of his Moon Elf to treat Anlus. Even without the use of other medicaments, the results were very good, which made Adier himself somewhat surprised.

Moon King’s Sword, as an exclusive magic weapon for Moon Elf, has a very powerful increase in the power of Moon Elf. If you activate this advanced magic weapon, then use the power of Moon Elf to perform baptism for it. There are many possibilities. Healing Dillus’s injuries was not even possible.

If you just do this, there will be too much to expose, less than a last resort, Adier does not want to do this.

So, in order not to expose himself, Adier had to say sorry to Dillus in his heart.

Of course, strictly speaking, this is not to say sorry.

With the injury on the other side, if it hadn’t happened to Adier, he should have been violent as long ago, how could he sit on the bed like now.

Both sides are just strangers, each taking what’s all needed.

“A year? … It should be enough.”

Sitting on the bedside, Dillus thought so calmly.

He looked at Adier in front of him and said again: “I wonder if Mr. Adier is interested in the Empire Academy?”

“En?” Adier froze, listening to Dillus.

The so-called Empire Academy refers to several Academy established by the world’s major empires, which are funded by the royal family of the entire empire, and specialize in training all kinds of Knight geniuses.

To enter the Empire Academy, the conditions that need to be met are very harsh. Generally speaking, only the descendants of the nobles in the country are often eligible to enter.

“Master Dillus, what do you mean?”

Suddenly, Adier paused, looking at Dillus behind him and asking.

Finding an opportunity to enter the Empire Academy is also one of Adier’s goals.

As the Knight Academy supported by the entire empire, these empire Academy have deep foundations, and a lot of precious knowledge stored in it is far more than an Airlan family.

Moreover, if you can enter the Empire Academy, Adier can also learn more about the Knight system of this world.

So coming to this world, after understanding the current situation of this world, Adier had the idea of ​​wanting to enter those empire Academy.

“As the Knight family, the Airlan family had some great nobles in their ancestors.”

Sitting in bed, looking at Adier, Dillus smiled. “In Malan Kingdom, I am also a Viscount and qualified to recommend students to the Empire Academy.”

While talking, he went aside and picked up a black card from the wooden table on the side.

“This is Maran Academy’s token. As long as you have this thing and bring the Airlan family credentials, you can enter Maran Academy.” Looking at Adier in front of him, he condensed.

“What do I need to pay …”

Standing in place, listening to Dillus’ words, and silence for a long time, Adier finally spoke.

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