“What do I need to pay?”

In the quiet room, a gentle and quiet voice sounded.

Standing next to a wooden table, looking at the black card in front of him, Adier was silent for a moment before he looked at Dillus and asked.

“I like dealing with smart people.” There was a hint of admiration in Dillus’s eyes.

Holding the black card in his hand, his eyes flashed nostalgic, and he sat quietly on the bed without talking for a long time.

On the side, Adier waited patiently, stood there and looked at each other quietly, without disturbing him at this time.

“In this city, many people think that I have only one child.”

It took a long time for Dillus to speak, and some sighed: “But in fact, in addition to this child, I have a child, which I gave birth to when I was young.”

“Because it is a girl and an illegitimate daughter, plus no innocent Knight innate talent, so I have not told others about it for so many years, I just send someone to send them some finances every few years So that they do n’t get down in life. “

“It’s just now that my other child is dying, and the only descendant I have is this illegitimate daughter.”

Having said that, he was paused, and his gaze turned to looked towards Adier.

“So?” Adier asked back to Dillus’ eyes.

“I hope you can help me take care of her.” Facing Adier’s sight, Dillus said frankly, “I want you to protect her as much as possible within six months.”

“If something bad happens halfway through this period, take her away and settle in a remote and safe place. If there are no accidents halfway through, your mission will end here after half a year.”

He looked at Adier and said, “On this condition, if you agree, this voucher is yours.”

The words fell, Adier’s face was calm, and he seemed to be thinking about the gains and losses.

Only after a while, under Dillus’s gaze, he finally nodded: “The deal.”

The voice fell, and suddenly Dillus’s mind was relaxed.

He looked at Adier nodded in front of him, and asked Karam, who was standing aside, to deliver a package.

“In addition to an invitation letter from the Kingdom of Maran, here is my personal letter of introduction and the three thousand purple gold coin.”

“Many thanks.” Adier gently nodded, looking at Karam walking in front of him, and gently reaching out to put away the parcel handed by the other party.

After doing this, they didn’t talk anymore. There was only Adier’s sound of packing in place from time to time.

“Is this really good? Entrust this to an outsider.”

After a while, after Adier left, standing next to Dillus, while supporting Dillus, Karam frowned and looked distrustful of Adier.

“There is no way.”

In front of his eyes, Dillus changed his clothes and shook his head helplessly: “We have no other choice.”

“The entire family has been targeted. The people we know are too big and too easy to expose. By that time, they may not be trustworthy.

He turned and looked towards the door, and seemed to be able to see Adier’s distant back: “Counting it out, only this doctor is a good choice.”

“He is not a member of our family, and he does not at all often go out during this time, so it is not easy to be followed.”

“And he has good strength. In this period of time, although the character does not reach the point of strictly fulfilling Knight’s vow, it is still a righteous sect, and it is not enough to attack an ordinary girl.”

Standing in place, Dillus’s expression was calm and his eyes were quietly looked towards the door: “After all the conditions are combined, he is the best candidate at present.”

“After all, to this point, we have no more choices.”


“Although I have gained something, how do I always feel that I will be involved in greater trouble.”

Back in his room, packing his luggage, Adier thought.

Thinking of his previous conversation with Dillus, he couldn’t help raising this feeling.

Although the other person’s words were not straight, but felt the emotional ups and downs of the other person’s heart, combined with the tragic situation of the Airlan family this time, Adier has 70-80% grasp. He will protect the daughter of the other party this time, and he will most likely encounter any trouble. .

However, the conditions given by the other party are indeed irresistible to the current Adier.

Find a way to enter the Empire Academy and learn from this world’s Knight knowledge. This is what Adier had planned before. Now that you have this opportunity, you can’t miss it.

After all, under normal circumstances, there is no guarantee from the great aristocracy of his country. As Adier in this world is equivalent to a black household, wanting to enter the Knight Academy specially established by the Empire, such as Maran Academy, is ridiculous and impossible.

After packing for a while, after a while, Adier lifted a medicine box in front of him, and then looked towards.

Outside the room, a black robed man in black clothed was already standing there. At this moment, when he saw Adier stepping out of the room, he bowed slightly and gave a Knight ceremony to Adier: “Mr. Adier, are you finished?”

“There is nothing to pack.”

Looking at the black clothed person wrapped in a black robe before his eyes, Adier calmly said, “I have put the potion prepared for Mr. Dillus, as well as the use method, and you will take someone to take it away.”

“I understand.” Black clothed person nodded: “So, Mr. Adier, come with me.”

As the words fell, he turned straight and walked directly towards the path ahead.

Behind him, looking at his back, carrying a medicine chest in his hand, Adier also went forward.

After a while, they went further and further, and after passing through a basement, they walked to a Small Sect.

Bump …

The sound of a metal collision sounded.

Holding the key in his hand, the black clothed person opened the Small Sect here, then walked aside, and turned and looked towards Adier: “Sorry, because of some reasons, the main entrance cannot be left for the time being, but only from here.”

“I understand.” Adier’s face was calm and gentle nodded, but his heart was a little speechless: “Is it going to be this way even if I go out?”

Not to say on the surface, he still didn’t say much, just turned and walked outside.

Out of the Small Sect, oncoming, there was a long aisle.

It didn’t take long here, in the distance, a little light gradually came, with a low Insect Cry sound, heard by Adier.

He stepped out of the passage and looked out again.

In front of me was a flat grass field, and there was a long stream in the distance, and the sound of the stream flowing constantly made Adier startled.

“Are you out of town?”

Feeling everything around him, he could not help turning around and looked towards behind him.

Behind him, a huge city stood quietly, just like what he saw when he first came.


Step … step … step …

The sound of a carriage going from time to time on a neat road.

Sitting on a carriage, looking through the window to the scenery on the road, Adier was calm and did not speak.

It’s been more than a month since the departure, and during this time, the memories of the Airlan family have become longer. But the tokens and recommendations were still there, which made Adier come to the city.

“Sir, it’s already there.” A voice sounded before Carriage.

The driver was a middle-aged person who looked very honest. On this hot day, he was wearing a short robe and sweating all over.

“Working hard.”

Slowly stepped down the carriage and walked out with his medicine chest. Adier was dressed in a clean white robe and looked at the driver in front of him: “You can leave now and come over to pick me up at night.”

After instructing these, after a while, the driver left the carriage and Adier turned and walked forward.

In front of him was a huge building and a very magnificent gate.

The whole door is black. It looks like it is made of some metal and looks very strong. The word “Maran” is written in the language of this world.

This is the Malan Academy, which is also one of several Academy opened by Malan Kingdom.

Compared to several other Academy, this Academy is best known in Malan Kingdom. Because in this Maran Academy, there are Academy and courses specially for Knight, which is really an advanced Academy that can train Knight.

For this, in these days, Adier is no stranger. After entering the gate, he followed the route in memory and walked towards a huge building in the distance.

As soon as he entered this Academy, dozens of sights around him instantly fell on Adier.

Moon Elf Bloodline’s appearance and temperament bonuses appeared at this time. People around him, men and women, couldn’t help looking at Adier’s body at this time, making him look very noticeable.

But for this attention, Adier has long been used to it.

His face was calm, and his white robe did not seem to be polluted. His handsome appearance looked very delicate, with a calm and upright temperament, and made a deep impression in the hearts of people around him.

Walking along the road, he didn’t go long before he walked into a tall building.

“Mr. Adier, your application for admission has been successfully processed.”

In the spacious room, in front of the counter, a blonde woman in a black skirt with a smile on her face brought Adier a round black sign: “This is your voucher, please take it away.”

“In addition, Academy’s annual tuition fee is fifty purple gold coins, please pay within a limited time.”

Looking at Adier, she added: “There is a schedule here. If you need to fill in other paid courses, you can choose directly here and we will arrange the time.”

While speaking, he passed Adier a course schedule.

After receiving the schedule from the other party, Adier looked up.

On the course schedule, the name and required cost of each and everyone course is quietly stated above, along with a general introduction, including the lecturer and other information.

As for the specific courses above, it can be described as Five Flowers Eight Sects, which include not only the classic Knight courses such as sword technique and bow and arrow, but also other courses such as perfume, flower art, and medicine.

Some of these courses are free and some are paid. However, with the exception of a few courses, most of the courses require only one or two purple gold coins. Compared with Adier’s tuition, it is considered as a tuition fee. Extremely cheap.

Of course, this is actually a matter of comparison.

The Academy registered by Adier is the most important Knight Academy in Maran Academy, and the fees are naturally much higher than other Academy.

In fact, if it is not just for the Knight course, but for some ordinary courses, then no recommendation letter from the aristocracy is needed, and sufficient money can be entered directly to enter.

Looking at the schedule in front of him, Adier glanced at it, and then chose a few courses at will, and returned it to the blonde woman in front of him.

After doing this and paying the required fees, Adier turned around and left in the direction it was coming from.

Touch … Touch …

A slight footstep came from a distance.

In Adier’s sight, a young girl came towards this place.

The girl was wearing a red robe, her long soft hair was well combed, and tied up carefully with red thread. The delicate and beautiful face looked a bit indifferent, and at this time came towards Adier.

Seeing Adier, the girl’s face flashed with surprise, then she returned to normal, her face looked expressionless, and passed directly with Adier.

“It’s hardly weaker than Dillus.”

Adier couldn’t help but pass by, passing by the girl, feeling the breath from the other person.

His face was calm, and he looked no different from before at at all, and went straight forward.

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