“Untitled character, Strength: 12.7. Agility: 15.2. Constitution: 14.5. Spirit: Status: Good.”

The familiar attribute panel came to Adier’s eyes.

Looking at the attribute panel in front of him, Yu Guang looked at the side red clothed girl, and Adier couldn’t help sighing: “It is indeed the Knight Academy set up by Malan Kingdom, just just entering school, you can see such a character.”

It is not because of the strength of the other person, but because of the innate talent of the other person.

In the chip test, the red clothed girl in front of me is probably less than 20 years old this year.

Promoting Azure Firmament Knight at the age of less than 20 years old, even inier talent such as Adier can’t help but be surprised.

“Speaking of which, if in Wizard World, a Knight genius like this would probably be buried.”

Looking at the other person’s back, walking on the road, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

Wizard World not at all Complete Knight inheritance. If this outstanding girl with Knight innate talent is born in Wizard World, most of them will be buried. At most, it will reach the level of Great Knight, and will not be able to move forward because of the lack of follow-up. Life is sleepy.

The environment restricts too many people. Sometimes it is obvious that they have good innate talent, but they cannot grow because the environment does not allow it. It can only be sighing.

“So it is my greatest luck to have the ability to shuttle and have the opportunity to witness the scenery of different Worlds.” Adier thought in the journey.

The sound of footsteps in the distance gradually faded, the two gradually moved away, and the silhouette disappeared from each other’s eyes.

“The vitality of that child is strong.”

On the spacious road, a voice suddenly sounded in the heart of the red clothed girl.

Listening to the voice, the young girl was a little surprised: “How do you say?”

“The Life Energy on that child should not have reached Azure Firmament Knight, but the vitality on him is far more than that, even if it is not worse than you.”

On the girl’s neck, a necklace lay quietly on her chest, and the red gemstone on the necklace was glowing slightly.

“Is also King Descendant?” Asked the young girl frowned.

“Maybe, but the Bloodline breath on him is not consistent with the existing King Descendant. It may be some lost King Descendant Bloodline.”

The voice continued: “Alina, you can pay more attention to this person. The lost King Descendant is not so easy to meet, it is best not to miss it easily.”

“Silver hair and silver eyes, King Descendant with this feature is not much.” Standing in place, faintly looking at Adier’s back, the red clothed girl named Alina gently nodded, and there was a faint red flash in his eyes. Too.

Gently walked out of the high-rise building in front of me, and the sun began to burst into the distance.

Along the trail, Adier walked to the other side.

“Now that you have successfully enrolled, there are things you should do as promised.”

Walking down the road, he thought lightly.

In the distance is another building, with tall buildings constantly skipping from the front, dazzling.

However, in the past few days, Adier has asked for the address, and at this time, not at all got lost, and walked directly down the path in front of him, toward his destination this time.

Before long, he walked to a classroom.

The classroom looks very tall, and the interior is gorgeous, and there are flowers in the aisles around, with a scent of fragrance.

In the classroom, each and everyone girls in different costumes are sitting inside. Some people are chatting while others are looking at the books seriously.

This harmonious scene made Adier a little stunned and couldn’t help but think of his school experience in the first life.

At that time, it seemed to be the same. A large group of students sat in the classroom and did their own things after class. Everything seemed calm and beautiful.

It was only a short while later, he looked back, looked at the open door, and walked directly in.

Slight footsteps sounded outside the classroom, and they stared at them all at once, and then never moved their eyes.

“A student of Knight Academy!”

When he saw the voucher hanging from Adier’s clothes, there was an exclamation in the classroom.

Being able to enter the Maran Academy to study, most of these girls’ families have some power. Being in the Maran Academy, naturally, they are not too knowledgeable, and recognize Adier’s identity at a glance.

Suddenly, a look of awe and admiration stared on Adier’s body, and even around, there were several tall and delicate girls who wanted to go forward and talk to each other.

Just before these girls acted, Adier took the lead in walking forward, and then came to a corner in the surprised eyes of many girls.

In that corner, a girl was sitting there with a delicate and pretty appearance, wearing a long white dress, holding a book in her hand, and staring at Adier in front of her.

“Hello, is it Tamma Young Lady?” Adier said softly, looking at the girl in front of her.


“Do you mean, are you a student of Dillus?”

In the empty hall, in front of a wooden table, a middle-aged woman with blonde hair and a thin figure looked at Adier, her eyes were a little missed, and she was sad and bitter, and her mood seemed a little complicated: “Why didn’t he personally Come and see him daughter? “

This is Tamma’s mother, and also a good friend of Dillus when he was young, an ordinary civilian woman.

Next to the middle-aged woman, Tamma’s face looked quite calm. She put her hands on her shoulders and gently squeezed her.

“Mr. Dillus, he is dead now.”

Standing in place, thinking of Dillus before leaving, Adier opened the mouth and said, then picked up a letter and solemnly handed it to the mother and daughter in front of him: “This is a letter from Mr. Dillus to you.”

“Dead?” The mother and daughter on the other side immediately held her back, and then a complex emotion rose in her heart.

Strictly speaking, Dillus’s character is not really bad. Although the identity of Tamma’s mother and daughter has not been acknowledged, it has also made them worry-free, and even allowed Tamma to enter Maran Academy to learn.

Now he died suddenly, a sorrow, and a sense of inexplicable panic suddenly rushed into his heart, making their mood complicated.

Just looking at the letter from Adier in front of her, the middle-aged woman still held back the emotions in her heart, extended the hand to catch it, and then opened it.

The letter in front of him is indeed left by Dillus. The not at all statement tells about the Airlan family’s affairs. It only explains the lives of the two of them and the identity of Adier, so as to give them peace of mind.

“It is indeed Dillus’ handwriting.”

For a long time, the middle-aged woman in front of her eyes spoke again. Although her face was calm, there was a faint crystal in her eyes.

“Mrs. Talisi, excuse me.”

Standing in front of the middle-aged woman and looking at the other person, Adier bowed, slightly saluted: “Mr. Dillus asked me to give you something, and I will send it to you later. If nothing else, I will first left.”

“Don’t be so anxious.” In front of him, Talisi wiped her tears and looked at Adier in front of her. “If you don’t mind, you can dine here with us.”

“Just right, our family hasn’t been here for a long time.”

“This … okay.” Listening to this, Adier hesitated, then nodded.

After lunch, Adier bid farewell to Talisi’s mother and daughter and then looked towards.

In order to better protect the mother and daughter, Adier specially asked someone to find an apartment near this place and moved directly into it.

It wasn’t until a few days before Adier returned to Academy and was ready to start his class.

On the spacious training ground, dozens of Academy were standing there, looking like they were waiting for someone.

Standing in the crowd, Adier looked at all around.

The people in front of them, like Adier, are the Academy of Knight Academy.

Being able to enter this place indicates that these people have Knight innate talent, and most of them have a good background, otherwise it is impossible to enter school.

However, looking closely at Adier, Adier was a little disappointed.

At present, although these students are out of the ordinary, in fact, Strength is not too strong. Generally, they are not even Knight, just some Knight apprentices.

Someone like the red clothed girl some time ago didn’t see it here.

But if you think about it, this is normal.

Knight Academy is the place where Knight cultivation is taught, and I will come to this place to study, generally those who have just started Knight cultivation.

As for those young people who are already Great Knights and even Azure Firmament Knights, they naturally exist in this Academy, but they are generally in higher grades.

“Now think about it, that red clothed girl, who belongs to a higher grade, is not just a student who just entered school.” Standing in place, looking at the other students around him, Adier thought a little boringly.

After a while, the instructor in charge of the course came over.

Adier took a look. Most of the teachers taught here are senior Knights. Among them, even the old Knight who just retreated from the battlefield was finally assigned to this Academy to teach.

At these people’s level, it is naturally enough to teach those trainees to Knight, but for Adier, the teaching of these people is extremely boring, making him a little bit of Spirit.

However, he still listened carefully, even more seriously than other students around him.

“Images have been recorded.” Waiting for the end of a class, the chip machinery sounded in Adier’s mind.

Listening to the voice, Adier got up from where he was, and then walked down the path, walking towards someone somewhere.

Along the way, when walking to a certain place, a loud noise sounded, mixed with the sound of applause and weapons colliding with each other.

Listening to the sound, he couldn’t help but stop, then looked in the direction of the sound.

In front of it is an empty training field. Around the field, a large group of people are surrounding. At this time, they are watching the stage and cheering from time to time.

While on the stage, the two silhouettes were fighting each other.

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