On the spacious training ground, the two silhouettes crossed in an instant, and then retreated separately.

bump! !!

A burst of metal collision sounded instantly, and it spread out from a distance, so that people far away could hear it.

On the training ground, two silhouettes of a man and a woman are standing on top of each other, looking at each other with vigilance.

Watching this scene, Adier stopped with interest and watched two people fight in the distance.

Compared to the students who just entered the school before, these two are practicing Great Knight on the training ground. The confrontation between them is much more flavorful than ordinary Knight, which has attracted many people to watch.

Among the crowd, Adier also saw a familiar silhouette.

It was a young girl in red-clothed, with long black hair and her waist hanging down, standing elegantly beside her, with a few people beside her.

Seeing Adier’s gaze, the girl turned around and looked at Adier.

The two eyes staggered for a moment and then fell again.

Looking at each other, Adier laughed, then turned and looked towards the confrontation ahead.

“Adier .Fax.”

In the other corner, looking at the silhouette of Adier in the distance, thinking of the material that was seen, the red clothed girl murmured, “I haven’t heard of this last name.”

“Alina, what’s wrong?” A gentle voice came aside.

Beside the red clothed girl, a handsome man in a black robe stood there quietly, with strong confidence on his face, and looked at the side girl and asked.

“It’s okay.” Alina shook her head without saying a word.

“Recorded video … Knight Breathing Technique Reverse, the estimated time is three hours …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

Listening to the tip of the chip, looking at the two Great Knights who stopped to rest in the distance, Adier was satisfied with nodded.

“You can come and see this place often,” he whispered to himself as he watched the distant training ground.

After a while, watching the crowd gradually spread out before him, Adier left here and walked towards his original destination.

“Permissions are locked.”

A large hall, striding in between, looking at what he wanted, Adier frowned.

This is the library of Malan Academy. It is also officially built by Malan Kingdom. It is known as the largest library in Malan Kingdom, which contains the richest collection of books in Malan Kingdom.

The reason why Adier would like to enter Maran Academy is also an important reason.

However, if you want to gain some valuable knowledge here, you also need to pay a lot of money. The most basic thing is permissions.

Compared to other ordinary Academy, Adier, as a Knight student, has the lowest level of permissions and can watch many materials for free.

However, many of the materials he wants to see, a large part of which need to pay, you must pay a certain purple gold coin to read.

As for Knight Breathing Technique, which Adier wants more, it is more expensive in this place. Even if it is the basic breathing method used to lay the foundation, hundreds of purple gold coins are needed, which is far less cost-effective than Adier’s own chip from others.

“However, breathing methods below the level of Azure Firmament Knight can be completely reversed with the huge computing power of the chip. However, advanced breathing methods at the level of Azure Firmament Knight can only be re-introduced 70-80% even in close contact , Ca n’t be deduced completely, but can only be used as a basis for deduction. ”

“So, if you can, it’s best to get a few full advanced breaths.”

Standing still, putting a book down silently, Adier turned to the room aside.

In the room, there are shelves of books, on which there is a book, which emits different glimmers.

Roughly speaking, the books here are not too many, just over a hundred.

These are all Knight Breathing Techniques. Most of them are basic breathing techniques, and they can only practice at the level of Great Knight.

Only those few books belong to the advanced breathing method where you can learn Azure Firmament Knight.

However, Adier took a look. The advanced breathing methods here are basically the most common versions. According to the data, the chance of being promoted to Azure Firmament Knight is extremely low, far less than other advanced breathing methods.

Of course, this doesn’t matter to Adier.

The reason he wants advanced breathing methods is not to practice them, but to prepare as a basic deduction material and integrate it into his Dier Breathing Technique.

In order to do this, he doesn’t need how good the advanced breathing method itself is, it just needs to be complete enough to serve as a reference and reference.

Thinking of this, Adier went forward and looked towards those advanced breaths.

When he saw the prices of those advanced breathing methods, he couldn’t help frowned.

“Even the cheapest 8,000 purple gold coin?”

Looking at the scene in front of him, he couldn’t help muttering, feeling a bit helpless about the price.

This price is simply sky-high.

The purple gold coin, as the currency circulated by the Knight class, has a very high value. Even a purple gold coin, after being exchanged for the currency of an ordinary person, is enough for a person to live without worries and live a prosperous life.

8,000 purple gold coin, this price is sky-high for most Great Knights, even if you can’t afford it.

This is only the worst version, and you can imagine how expensive those slightly better advanced breathing methods should be.

“It seems that before officially starting Knight’s cultivation, we need to find a way to make money.”

Shook the head gently, forgetting his net worth, Adier was helpless.

After paying a series of expenses such as tuition fees, his current family property is only five hundred purple gold coins.

This was what he had paid Dillus for his treatment, and it was entirely his own.

In addition, when leaving the Airlan family, Dillus gave him three thousand purple gold coins.

However, although the other party did not say this, Adier also understood that there was a considerable part of it, which the other party wanted him to transfer to Tamma’s mother and daughter, but did not say explicitly.

Less than a last resort, Adier does not want to use this property, not to mention, in the current situation, even if he counts this part of the purple gold coin, he cannot buy the worst advanced breathing method.

All the possessions on the body are not worth the higher breathing method. Despite this, Adier was not too frustrated.

For a wizard like him, coming to this Knight-dominated World, if you want to make money, cannot be said to be easy, but it may not be so difficult.

“Exactly, I need to stay in this place for at least the first half of the year, and there is something good to do.”

With that in mind, Adier quickly turned and walked outside.

Soon, a few days later, a clinic named Dier Pharma opened its doors on the commercial street of the Malan Academy, and a physician named Adier soon became famous among the Malan Academy.

The other party has first-rate medical skills, not only is the Academy of Knight Academy itself, but also has a perfect appearance.

No matter how difficult the illness is, it can be quickly cured in the other hand. Even if you occasionally encounter an injury that cannot be treated for a short time, you can tell the reason in a short time.

The most rare thing is that the other party has such top-notch medical skills and is a student of Knight Academy. However, his personality is very good. Whether he comes from ordinary person or Knight, he will treat you seriously and responsibly.

With these advantages, this clinic soon became very famous in the entire Maran Academy.

In the morning, the sun shone on the earth.

In the quiet and spacious clnic, Adier sat quietly at the counter, holding a book in his hand, and flipped patiently there.

On one side, Tamma was wearing a clean white robe, and at this time was gently sorting out the small medicine box on the other side, occasionally talking to Adier.

At this point, two months have passed since Adier entered the Maran Academy.

During this time, in order to prevent Tamma from being accidental, Adier invited her to her clinic, and while she was an apprentice, she was able to learn some medicine.

“Adier, it’s time for lunch.”

After a while, Tamma put down the medicinal herb in her hand and watched Adier remind him: “Need me to help you prepare?”

“Okay.” Adier looked up slightly and looked at each other with a smile.

It’s just that Tamma hasn’t waited for preparation. Outside the clnic, a little rushing footsteps suddenly came, which sounded very heavy and messy.

Adier looked up and saw just outside the clnic that several people were stepping into the room with one person.

“Dr. Adier!”

A red-clothed girl yelled anxiously: “Please help us!”

“Slightly wait!”

Listening to the voice, Adier got up and looked towards the center of these people.

On the floor among these people, a young man was lying there, covered with dripping blood, his chest was completely broken, and even flesh and broken internal organs could be seen inside.

This person looks completely dead, eyes open, his face pale and looks like a corpse that has just died.

However, in Adier’s induction, this person still had a sigh of relief, and the Life Seed within the body was still running, using the last remaining Life Energy to hang his dying life.

“It is like this.”

Looking at the tragic situation of this person, Adier gently sighed, then walked in front of this person, his right hand gently stretched out, and placed it on this person’s chest.

At a moment, a faint Moon Elf force was launched, injecting into the opponent within the body in accordance with the way the moon god baptism works.

The gentle Moon Elf’s power is most easily absorbed. Soon, under the stimulation and nourishment of this Moon Elf’s power, the other’s heart begins to recover and gradually recovers the heartbeat.

“There is a heartbeat!” Feeling all this, a few people around showed joy on their faces, and some people looked at Adier’s movements, showing different colors on their faces.

This is not over yet. Looking at the person in front of him, Adier poured a bottle of potion into the other person, and then he said, “Take him to the room inside.”

“He had broken the internal organs of the body and needed surgery immediately.”

“Okay.” In front of Adier, a blond hair youth who seemed to be the leader quickly nodded, while directing the side companion to lift the wounded into the room, while looking at Adier in front of him, asked: “How much is it? “

“Thirty purple gold coin.”

Taking a look at the person who was carried in, Adier opened the mouth and said: “Although he does not need too many precious materials to treat him, it is too troublesome and the price is more expensive.”

“I know.”

Listening to Adier’s offer, the blond hair youth sighed in relief in front of me is a little grateful: “You are too modest.”

“If this injury is treated by other doctors, the cost is at least one hundred purple gold coins. The price you receive is already very cheap.”

In this regard, Adier indifferent expression, just laughed, did not speak.

After a while, when the group went out again, after paying the treatment fee, they were ready to turn around and leave.

“Right, Dr. Adier.”

Before leaving, the blond hair youth who paid the bill was paused. After hesitating, he finally said: “If nothing has happened recently, it is best not to leave the scope of Academy.”

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