“I heard that there have been several horrific homicides recently in Catutan City.”

In the spacious carriage, a man with a normal appearance, a rough body, and a leather hunting suit opened the mouth and said, his voice echoed for a long time throughout the carriage.

“I’ve heard it.” Alice, with her red hair and sitting quietly beside Tamma, was nodded: “I have a distant relative, one of several sheriffs in Catutan City, who once mentioned to me The situation there. “

“The assassins were all nobles, and they looked very miserable before death. They were cruelly divided into corpses, and the corpses were cooked and thrown to inferior beasts. Only one skull remained.”

She slowly recalled, telling a few people present: “According to my distant relative description, in those cases, the attackers seemed to be holding some ceremony, something similar to the usual practices of those famous cults.”

“It’s horrible.” Andak sighed, and then asked, “What happened in the end? Did the killers get caught?”

“I don’t know.” Alice looked at the head lightly, saying it wasn’t clear.

In the carriage, several other people also expressed their opinions on this, and then slowly talked about other topics.

Unconsciously, carriage left the city and took the path outside the city.

It was more than an hour before the carriage stopped and came to some remote place.

The scent of flowers came from a distance, accompanied by a breeze.

Under Andak’s leadership, several people walked down the carriage and looked towards the front.

There is a huge manor in front of him. Inside the manor is a patch of red roses and a large piece of silver grass. It grows neatly there and looks very beautiful.

A burst of floral scent continued to flow as the air flowed, shocking several people’s Spirit.

“A lot of roses.”

Looking at the huge manor made of countless roses, Tamma was surprised.

“This is the origin of the name Rose Manor.” On the side, Andak explained with a smile: “This manor was originally called the Krand Manor. It was run by the Krand family more than thirty years ago, because there are many kinds in it. Roses of different colors are therefore called the Rose Manor. “

“Every period is a holiday. The Klander family will hold a ball in the manor house, and invite the surrounding nobles to play. It is a good activity around this.”

He looked at the crowd and explained as he walked forward.

Around, listening to his words, the rest of the people did not live nodded, and could not help but marvel at the beauty of the manor in front of them.

“What a beautiful manor, so many roses, even just for maintenance and care, spend a lot of gold coins every year.” Beside Tamma, a girl in a gray dress sighed.

“Of course.” Andak laughed, then looked towards the flow of people in front of him: “Okay, time is coming, let’s go in.”

He said so, and then took a few people on the side and walked forward.

Beside them, a teenager in a black robe was standing there, looking up at the huge manor in front of him.

“A touch of blood.”

Adier murmured, feeling the breath coming from the manor through natural induction.

Following the induction, he looked towards the fresh red rose in front of the manor.

In his induction, there was a cold, negative energy breath, with a slight bloody smell.

“Rose Manor? I think it’s pretty similar to Luanfenggang.” Adier sneered, feeling the scent of the surrounding atmosphere.

Through the powerful induction force brought by natural induction, and the powerful analysis function of the chip, he can clearly feel the troops in this place, and everywhere has a faint corpse smell and bloody smell.

Underneath that rose were pieces of bones, all buried in the land, but only covered by the layer of roses above, it was not found.

The entire manor house is full of floral fragrances. As for the faint corpse smell and bloody smell, it will naturally be covered up and not be noticed.

“Krand Manor, the Krand family …”

Shook the head gently, following the flow of people, he walked forward.

Nearby, the dance of Rose Manor is very famous. Every time it is held, a large number of nobles and celebrities come to participate.

In Adier’s status, it would not be too difficult to get an invitation book for Rose Manor, and he got a free ticket directly from a patient’s hand, not even a penny.

Of course, in order to avoid being noticed by Tamma and the others, he deliberately converged his breath through the Emerald Mark and avoided Tamma them, just walking forward with the flow of people around him.

Entering the manor, the bloody smell around him grew stronger.

Smelling this smell, Adier frowned, watching the tourists watching the flowers around him, turned around and walked away.

The ball usually starts at night, and during the day, tourists can travel around the manor and admire the scenery in the manor.

Walking around, following a path, Adier reached an open hall.

The hall was empty, with sculptures and murals.

In the center of the hall, a statue of a heroic man stood there, looking very tall and holding a black long sword in his hand, with a complex triangular mark engraved on it.

“The Turing King.”

Looking at the mural in front of him and the huge statue in the center, Adier spoke softly.

“Yes.” A voice sounded aside.

On the side of the hall, there is an old man in a black robe cleaning, looking like a caretaker here.

He heard Adier’s voice can not help looking up, and then said with a smile: “This is a statue of the Emperor of the Spirit Emperor, Tuling The First statue, said to be something made by a master carving master more than three thousand years ago.”

“Tuling The First.” Listening to the name, Adier nodded.

After so long understanding, he is no longer as ignorant about the history of this world.

Tuling The First, a Legendary of this world, is the first king to unify the whole World.

He established the first unified empire, the first to change the situation of dozens of countries, and swept all the countries of the year with his own power, which could be called a Legendary.

The world that Knight dominates all can build such a great cause, and the strength of the other party is naturally terrifying.

According to some sporadic data records of Maran Academy, this Tuling The First is most likely a Founding Ancestor Knight.

Looking quietly at the surrounding hall, Adier found that in the hall in front of him, there were many things about the Spirit Emperor country.

Either Tuling The First and the other statues of the Emperor Spirit Emperor, or various ancient books that record the history of the Spirit Emperor kingdom, or large-scale murals depicting Turing epics are telling the history of that era.

A strong sense of history shrouded the surroundings, making Adier look a little bit.

“It seems that the master of this manor likes the history of the Spirit Emperor country.”

Seeing what was on display in the lobby, Adier thought quietly.

After a while, he turned and left, leaving only the old black robe in place.

Soon, time passed and the night came quickly.

At night, a dance party is about to begin.

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