In a large manor, a grand ball is beginning.

In the manor house, each and everyone dressed in a gentleman and lady, and dressed in gorgeous clothes, constantly walking around all around.

In the distance, the fragrance of flowers overflows, blooms around, and spreads throughout the manor.

This is a very beautiful scene.

Pieces of beautiful roses grow throughout the manor, and the fragrance of the flowers permeates the entire manor.

In the manor house, there are beautiful dancers of each and everyone dancing around, and together with the sound of the piano played by the musicians, they have created a beautiful picture.

Such a beautiful scene surprised many aristocrats who came here for the first time, lamenting the beauty here.

Inside the manor, Adier sat quietly in a corner without anyone staring beside him.

People around him intermittently passed by his side, but it seemed as if he had not seen him, and walked directly in front of him without stopping.

He sat at a dining table like this, holding a wine glass in his hand, and quietly watching the surrounding scene.

The scene in front didn’t attract his attention in the slightest.

The flowers are so beautiful, but if you know that there are all bones underneath, few people will surely appreciate them.

Moreover, the roses here have been specially cultivated. Although the floral fragrance is more intense, it also reveals a unique ingredient. If you smell this fragrance for a long time, it can be slightly hallucinogenic and the reaction becomes more dull. As if drunk.

Although most of the dancing dancers and interlocutors have no problem, on some of them, Adier also felt a very light bloody taste, as well as a kind of malicious, targeted at some on the venue. people.

Observing this silently, he didn’t say a word, just watching the performance here quietly without leaving.

Not far away, the Tammas were playing there.

I have to say that although this manor has many problems, it is indeed a good place to play. If you do n’t know the actual situation, you can easily indulge in it.

Among the people, even the most vigilant Alice, in the face of the beautiful surroundings, could not help but relax and start to indulge.

At this time, on a high platform, Tamma and Andak were dancing there, with musicians constantly playing the organ, and crisp music constantly fluttering around.

At this time, it was almost late at night, and quite a few nobles began to leave one after another, but the Tamma people did not intend to leave.

There are often wild beasts in the wild at night. Traveling with a guard is actually not safe.

So before they came, they had already negotiated. This time they lived in the Rose Manor this night, and waited until the next day to leave together.

As time goes by, the surrounding tourists become scarce.

When the remaining tourists were only the last dozen or so, the surrounding music began to stop slowly, and then on a high platform in the center, a middle-aged man wearing a dignified gown, looked very kind and walked to the stage , Instantly attracted the attention of everyone around.

“Sirs, ladies.”

He stood in front of the stage, with a warm smile on his face: “Very new people can come to my manor to be a guest. I am the master of this manor, Murlanduo. Krand.”

“You are the last guests left in the manor. In order to make you happy, I have prepared a special program for you.”

He said, with a warm smile on his face, and then pointed to the dancers, and the tall and handsome musicians out of the ordinary: “These dancers and musicians are specially cultivated by our family. Are proficient in all kinds of skills. “

“Since you have no choice to leave, if you want, you can spend an unforgettable night with them tonight.”

The voice fell, and the dancers and musicians standing around moved around in an instant, thinking about the guests who were present.

“This …” Looking at the beautiful dancers walking around, some of the guests hesitated.

However, by now, under the influence of the surrounding flowers, these people’s intellects have become a little confused, and no clear judgment can be made.

In addition, in addition to the psychedelic effect of the surrounding floral fragrance, it also has a weak aphrodisiac effect.

For a long time in the fragrance of flowers, watching the beautiful dancers and handsome musicians around them, these people more or less reacted, without much rejection in their hearts, were pulled away.

“Andak ···”

Faintly faint, looking at the man on his side, Tamma was a little hesitant and hugged the other instinctively.

“Tamma, I’m here.” Beside her, Andak was wearing a white shirt, watching Tamma hugging her beside him, couldn’t help smiling, then hugged her directly, and placed it directly on the wooden table beside him.

Without much hesitation, he picked up Tamma’s skirt directly, and it seemed like he wanted to do something here.

“Don’t waste time.” A voice sounded around him, stopping his action.

Next to Andak, Murlanduo changed into a black sacrificial robe, but his face became cold and indifferent, and he lost his former enthusiasm: “It is time to worship.”

“So fast this time?” Andak was a little surprised and a little sorry. “Unfortunately, I haven’t had time to use this woman once I got it.”

“If you want a woman, it’s all around.” Murlanduo said, “You can find as many as you want when this ritual is over.”

“Okay.” Andak shrugged, indifferent expression on this.


bump! bump! bump!

The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground constantly sounded with a heavy vibration and a dripping sound.

In the darkness, Tamma eyes opened, looked towards.

Just eyes opened, she froze, and almost couldn’t scream out loud.

In front of her were several standing people.

The men stood on an altar and were hung by several ropes to keep their balance.

On the altar, several black clothed persons wearing black robes with triangular marks on their foreheads were processing the bodies there.

Under Tamma’s horrified gaze, the man dug out the hearts of those people, then drew the blood of the other person, and all the internal organs were dug out one by one.

In the process, she could even hear a slight scream and a low tragedy.

There was a sound of prayers in the distance. Each and everyone in the black clothed person wearing a black sacrificial robe surrounded in front of the altar. From time to time, he mourned the low incantation.

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