drop! drop!

The sound of blood dripping on the ground sounded from time to time.

A slight wind blew from a distance, while spreading the bloody smell, it also made the Tamma people feel a coolness.

Feeling the breeze blowing from her body, she could not help lowering her head, and she suddenly froze.

At this moment, she was sitting on a chair with her back against the chair.

It was just on her that the clothes she was wearing had already disappeared, and there was no trace of clothing on her body. There was no clothing to cover her. Even the most secret and sensitive parts could be clearly seen.

And on her body, there were patches of black, which looked like some kind of tattoo, which should be painted when she was unconscious.

Feeling this, her mind became blank for a moment, and all emotions in her heart surged at this moment.

However, no matter how emotional her heart was, her body could not move at all, except for her eyes that could barely be opened, she could not move at all.

“Bring the next sacrifice!” Before she could react, a familiar voice suddenly sounded, making her stunned suddenly.

She was faintly familiar with the voice, and had heard it not long ago, belonging to the owner of the manor.

In front of the altar, Murlanduo was wearing a black sacrifice robe, looking at the crowd indifferently.

He looks like the leader of this group of black clothed persons. Not only does he stand on the altar, but the sacrifice robe on his body is also different from others, more solemn and luxurious.

As he opened his mouth, several black robed men stepped out, and walked towards the Tammas.

Under the gaze of Tamma trembling in fear, the men came to Tamma and dragged one of her companions away.

The towed person soon covered the footsteps of those who were in front, and was dug for blood under the eyes of Tamma’s eyes, leaving only a dry corpse.

The scene in this scene is undoubtedly bloody and scary, especially for a girl like Tamma who has never felt danger before. At this time, her face has become extremely pale, her body is shaking instinctively, and she does not know whether it is cold or scared.

At this point, alive at this time, except for Tamma, there is only Alice.

At this time, Alice was also naked and unable to move, but her expression was calm compared to the expression on the side of Tamma. Even when she saw the bloody scene in front of her, she did not lose her calmness, only the desperate emotion passed by her eyes. .

“This altar and this technique, you are from Tuling Church !!” She spoke hard, her voice was hard, but it was still clear.

“Well? Did you recover so soon?” Murlanduo looked surprised and admired in front of the altar. “It is indeed a trainee Knight who has undergone Knight training. Constitution is much better than ordinary girls.”

“Unfortunately, time is tight now, otherwise I must leave you and have fun for a while.”

“What the hell do you want to do!” Alice asked coldly.

Unfortunately, this time, Murlanduo didn’t reply, just waved his hand with a smile.

A tall silhouette wearing a black robe and a black cloak came forward, holding her in Tamma’s desperate and fearful eyes, and walking towards the altar.

The black altar was wet with blood at this time to become black red, and the blood from one place fell to the ground mixed with minced meat, looking disgusting and terrifying, with a strong bloody smell.

Just smelling this smell, Tamma has an urge to syncope.

“Ann · Andak …” she whispered subconsciously, and at this juncture she was finally able to speak, helplessly thinking of her boyfriend’s name.

“I’m here.” A soft voice rang in my ears instantly, taking her familiar tenderness.

Listening to this voice, her eyes widened sharply, looking towards this black robed man holding herself.

The next moment, the black robed man took off his hood, revealing a familiar and unfamiliar face.

It was a handsome blond man, with a smile on his face, and looked very friendly.

Just looking at his familiar face, Tamma stared wide-eyed, and looked at him in disbelief: “Ann Andak, you …”

“Just take a nap.” Andak’s smile didn’t change, but her right hand quietly stroked her body. “I’ll be gentle and I won’t have any pain.”

He gently opened the mouth and said, as if talking about love between lovers.

Just listening to his words, Tamma’s heart was cold, and his heart was filled with despair instantly.

Soon, Andak hugged him and walked to the altar before placing her on the bloody altar.

She was lying on the altar in this way, and her naked body was in contact with the flesh and blood on the altar. While bringing a sense of nausea, she also heard a strong bloody smell.

With Tamma’s desperate eyes staring, Andak pulled out a black knife and slowly walked towards her, still with that kind and gentle smile on his face.

“Let’s stop there.” A quiet voice suddenly sounded in place. Although the voice was not loud, it reached the ears of everyone accurately and was clearly heard.

Listening to the sound, Murlanduo suddenly changed greatly, looking fiercely towards the altar.

Above it, a silhouette suddenly appeared, standing on the altar at this moment, watching Andak silently.

He was a very handsome boy, wearing a moon-colored robe and a conspicuous silver hair. At this moment, he stood quietly in front of Tamma, and looked at Andak quietly: “Others are fine, but this one , Can’t let you kill. “

He looked at Andak in front of him, quietly opened the mouth and said.

“It’s you!” Looking at the silhouette that appeared before him, Andak complexion greatly changed, and was about to say something.

oh la la ···

The sound of the long sword suddenly sounded on the altar, accompanied by a fierce sword wind.

With Andak’s gaze staring, Adier pulled out Moon King’s Sword and appeared in front of him instantly.


A ten-meter-long silver sword qi fluttered in front of her eyes, and Silver’s Battle Qi turned into the glory of the sky, where the lights flickered with each other, and finally turned into a horrible offensive.

Silver Flower! !!

Familiar life skills quickly exploded, re-glowing in this world.

In an instant, dozens of horrible sword qi swept the place frantically, almost covering the range of several dozen meters around.

The ground in the center began to sag. When the blow was over, a huge pothole appeared in the solid ground instantly.

Countless pieces of minced meat were splashing around. Those were the black clothed persons who had previously surrounded the altar. Before this attack, they had no ability to counterattack at all, and they were beaten to pieces on the spot.

Only those adiers who deliberately bypassed or were life are particularly tenacious can still survive at this time.

“Why … why …”

On the ground in the distance, Murlanduo’s black robe was broken, and there were multiple wounds on his body. At this time, he struggled to climb up from the ground and looked at Adier’s eyes full of disbelief: “It’s also Great Knight ··· Why You are so much better than us? “

Like Andak, as the current generation of the Crand family of Patriarch, he is also a top-level Great Knight. He has extremely tenacious vitality to survive by the strike of Adier.

Similarly, as Great Knight, he can clearly feel that Life Energy on Adier, although powerful, has not yet risen to the level of Azure Firmament Knight, and belongs to the level of Great Knight.

It’s just that as the Great Knight, the opponent’s Strength might be too scary. Just a single blow caused such a terrible result.

In the distance, Andak held the sword in his hand, and at the same time struggled to get up from the ground. At this time, he also looked at Adier with some disbelief.


Standing on the torn altar, Adier laughed, his face calmed as always: “Of course because you are weak.”

bump! !!

The violent collision sounded again, a silhouette flew upside down, hit the wall heavily, and made a huge impact.

That was Murlanduo. At this moment Adier kicked him directly, leaving only a last breath.

After doing this, Adier turned and looked quietly towards Andak.

“do not come!”

While Adier was packing Murlanduo, Andak stood up now, even holding a person in his hand.

That was Alice. At this time, she was naked and embraced by Andak, and her expression was still a little hesitant. She looked at Adier in front of her, and it seemed that she hadn’t reacted from the inversion before her.

“Let me go if I want this woman’s life !!”

Looking at Adier in the distance, Andak’s face was grim and his long sword pointed at Alice.

Here is betting.

In the previous hit, in addition to Tamma, Adier also deliberately avoided Alice.

Whatever the reason, this at least shows that in the other’s heart, Alice still has a certain status and may be used as a hostage.

Although this plan is a bit naive, in the current situation, he has no other choice.

What disappointed him was that when he heard him, Adier didn’t look at him, his face was as calm as before, but he just walked towards him quietly.

The crisp footsteps kept ringing in the silent hall.

At the next moment, a gorgeous silver Battle Qi rose into the sky and turned into a sharp sword glow, which was cut down directly.

He did not avoid the hostage in the other’s arms at all, and even considering this plan, he was going to split the other party into two halves together with the hostage.


A terrifying sense of danger came to mind, and at this moment, Andak’s face was grim and his eyes widened.

bump! !!

Silver’s sword qi was quickly depressed, and a silhouette quickly flew backwards.

In front of Adier, Andak’s body was split in half, and his body looked very miserable.

Huh … hh …

A rapid breath sounded in place.

Looking at Adier in front of her, Alice’s face was horrified, and she hadn’t reacted to the thrill just now.

When the silver sword of Fang Cai just arrived, she almost thought that she would really be cut in half.

Only at the last moment, the horrible sword qi suddenly dissipated, and the remaining Strength hit Andak behind her, which caused the immediate result.

Thinking of this, she could not help but turn around, looking towards Adier in a somewhat complicated mood.

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