In the morning, the sun shone on the earth.

In a wild forest, a silhouette is walking in it.

Walking in this deserted wilderness, Adier wore a robe and a parcel in his hand, his face looked calm.

At this time, his appearance changed a bit. The silver hair, which was very conspicuous, turned into a shiny blond hair, his appearance changed a lot, and he turned into a handsome, very friendly man.

“Through the chip-improved pseudomorphism and the masking effect of the emerald mark, no one can find it in disguise.”

On the road, Adier thought quietly.

The Emerald Mark itself has a very strong concealing effect. With the Emerald Mark, as long as Adier does not actively expose himself, it is difficult for anyone to detect the anomaly.

Walking in the unmanned forest, Adier settled a few wild beasts and went all the way to the deep forest.

This route, he has never traveled before, but read the memories of Murlanduo and Andak, Adier is no stranger to the forest in front of him.

Turning around many forks along the way, after a while, Adier went deep into the forest, where he saw a black clothed person wrapped in a black robe.

After seeing Adier’s silhouette, the black clothed person didn’t speak, but turned quietly and walked to the side.

Behind him, Adier didn’t speak, just holding a black token in his hand and then walking forward with the other party.

After a while, they went deep into the forest and came to a wood house.

“Andak, long time no see.”

Walking into the wood house, a cold, hoarse voice sounded in the ear.

Adier looked up and saw a red-haired middle-aged man wrapped in a black robe standing in front of the door of the wood house. At this moment, when he saw Adier coming, he couldn’t help expressing a surprised expression: “So long No time, I thought you had an incident with Murlanduo. “

“Good luck,” Adier said with a smile on his face. “On the day of the accident, I left the manor in advance and did not stay there.”

“I didn’t expect that to happen that night.”

He said casually, no sign of abnormality on his face.

In front of him, the red-haired middle-aged man was not suspicious, or he didn’t care.

“According to the rules, check the tokens.” He said casually.

Listening to him, Adier passed the black token in his hand.

This token is exactly the one that Andak had in his hands at the time.

The reason for using Andak’s identity instead of Murlanduo’s is because Andak is a lone ranger, usually hidden well, and it will be much easier to disguise his identity in some aspects.

After taking a quick look at the token, after confirming that the credentials are correct, the red haired man was nodded, and then took Adier to the wood house in front of him.

Walking into the wood house, Adier realized that there were still a few people standing in the wood house at this time.

It was two silhouettes of a man and a woman. The man’s face was indifferent, and there was a scar on his face, looking cold. As for the woman, she was a very young girl with a mild smile on her face, looking inconspicuous.

Both of them are members of the Tuling Church, like Andak. They are usually responsible for taking tasks from the red haired man in exchange for what they need.

In the beginning, it was because of this that Andak was able to rise rapidly, from an unrecognized little family, eldest son, to become a powerful Great Knight.

“Bring your harvest.” Sitting on a wooden chair in the wood house, looking at the three Adier in front of them, the red haired man opened the mouth and said.

Looking at each other, among the three, the cold and indifferent man took the lead and took a small glass bottle from his arms.

The glass bottle looks small, with red liquid flowing in it quietly, and it looks like less than a quarter of the glass bottle.

“Well, good concentration. It looks like you’ve got a good harvest.”

When he saw the blood in the glass bottle, the red haired man’s eyes brightened, and he couldn’t help but said with a smile: “This level is almost a standard portion, enough to change a lot of things.”

“How? What do you want to change?” He looked at the two in front of him and encouraged him, “I have come here a lot of good things recently. Would you like to see them?”

“Ten magic potions, two thorns …” For the encouragement of the red haired man, the middle-aged man in front of him was unmoved and said what he needed: “That’s all, the rest Give us all for purple gold coin. “

“That’s all?” Confirmed the red haired man. “Are you sure you don’t change anything?”

He shrugged until he saw them shaking their heads: “Okay, it’s a pity.”

After confirming what they wanted, he took out his pen and paper, quickly wrote down a long list, and then let the black robed man aside.

Beside Adier, watching the movement of the black robed man, the man and the woman left the wood house in a tacit understanding, and followed the black robed man and walked outward.

“How about you, Andak?”

Seeing the two of them leave, the red haired man’s eyes could not help but shift to Andak’s body, his eyes seemed to have some expectation: “You have always been so good, you must not let me down, right?”

“Of course.” Listening to him, Adier laughed, then took out something, and instantly caught the attention of the red haired man.

It’s also a glass bottle, but the red blood in it is very rich and has filled the entire glass bottle.

“Oh my God!” Looking at the glass bottle, the red haired man snapped for a moment, then exaggeratedly exclaimed, “Are you killing several Knight families? You have collected so much!”

He quickly snatched the test tube from Adier, and then cautiously wiped it on a piece of black test paper.

Then on the black test strip in front of me, a kind of silvery luster quickly spread and quickly occupied the entire test strip.

“It turned out to be the highest purity !!” The face of the red haired man changed rapidly, from the original shock to surprise.

Adier was not surprised by his performance.

The red haired man in front of him is actually a linking person of Tuling Church in this city, whose purpose is to collect the Bloodline of the Great Knight families.

As for Andak and the others, he is a specially recruited perimeter member who assassinates those who have the ancient Bloodline to collect Bloodline for his benefit.

The original Andak, through his disguise, constantly assassinated everyone with an ancient Bloodline, and obtained the resources needed for the Knight Breathing Technique and practice from him before he could become a Great Knight in just a few years.

Why Andak came up with Tamma’s idea, and that’s why.

For Adier, the Bloodline of these ancient creatures is not too simple.

In Wizarding World, because he was good at Bloodline potions, he had purified Bloodline of many ancient creatures, all of which were placed in the space of the Emerald Mark.

These Bloodlines have different strengths and strengths. Some are only level one, while others can almost reach Level 4. They are ancient creatures at the same level as the ancient Moon Elf.

So for Adier, the Bloodline of these ancient creatures is basically as much as they need, and there is no need to collect more effort.

“A total of four standard servings. The purity of your batch of blood preparation is very good. Basically, it has been purified. You can count your eight standard servings, which is equivalent to 8,000 purple gold coin.”

After a rough calculation, a warm smile appeared on the face of the red haired man: “Come and see, what’s the point?”

“8,000 purple gold coin.” Listening to this number, Adier couldn’t help nodded: “The speed of this money is much faster than my hard work to get money, but unfortunately not too often.”

If the exchange is too frequent, the other party will definitely have some doubts, and then you will lose more than you pay.

Relatively speaking, although the speed to open money is relatively slow, it is at least safe and will not cause other people to doubt and even gain a lot of connections.

“Is there a hu suction method?”

Standing in place, without hesitation, Adier directly opened the mouth and said.

“Hu sucks, of course.” In front of me, the husky voice of red haired man came again.

He looked at Adier in front of him, put a black book directly on the wooden table, and spread it out.

Adier looked down towards this book, and I saw in it that a copy of the advanced breathing method was written on it.

“Blast Breath, Andela Breath, Earth Roar Breath …”

Watching this breath, Adier murmured.

In this pile of breathing methods, he even saw a few familiar things.

Those are some of the advanced breathing methods sold in the Malan Academy, but compared to the price of the Malan Academy, the price here is much more affordable, basically only half of that.

“Unfortunately, compared to the breathing method provided by Maran Academy, there is a much greater chance of something going wrong here.”

Standing in place, looking at the catalog, Adier shook his head.

Tuling Church is nothing good.

This is a famous cult in this world. According to rumors, the royal family that escaped after the collapse of the original Turing First Empire was reorganized in order to rebuild the Spirit Emperor country.

In order to overthrow the existing dozens of countries, Tuling Church has continuously launched attacks in various countries, and the blood sacrifice has a bad reputation, but it is a complete cult.

Naturally, Adier cannot believe this cult completely.

However, even if there is something wrong with the Knight Breathing Technique here, Adier doesn’t care.

During these months of Malan Academy, he has not been idle.

By setting up clinic, he personally handled a large number of patients, a considerable portion of which were Knight trainees who had advanced advanced breathing techniques.

In face-to-face treatment, with the powerful computing power of the chip, most of the breathing methods that these people have been trained by have been pushed back by Adier. Just because they are incomplete, a complete Knight Breathing Technique is needed as a reference. Deduction.

There is a large amount of basic data accumulated before. Even if there are some problems with these Knight Breathing Techniques given by Tuling Church, Adier can also solve them through chip deduction without causing too much obstacles.

Thinking of this, Adier did not hesitate to choose a breathing method directly in front of the red haired man.

The name of this breathing method is Blood Armor Breathing Technique. Adier has seen it in the library of Maran Academy. It belongs to the cheapest advanced breathing method. It only needs four thousand purple gold coins to exchange it.

“Blood Armor Breathing Technique.” Looking at Adier’s choice, the red haired man frowned: “Andak, you have to think clearly.”

“Although this Blood Armor Breathing Technique is cheap and the combat effectiveness after training is good, the chance of being promoted to Azure Firmament Knight is very low, which is far less than other breathing methods.”

“Since you have 8,000 purple gold coin, you might as well choose a better breathing method.” He looked at Adier and could not help but persuade.

In addition to sincerely trying to persuade, he also hopes that Adier can spend some more gold coins here, and it is best to spend all the gold coins he got this time.

Unfortunately, under his gaze, Adier shook the head firmly, without changing his mind.

He had some regrets about this, but had to give up.

It ’s naturally impossible to store too much precious things like advanced breathing, but the higher breathing method chosen by Adier itself is inferior. Basically all the sites have a copy, and there is no need for it. Wait for the headquarters to relocate.

Very directly, the red haired man threw a thick book directly to Adier.

“And this.” As Adier turned to leave, the red haired man’s voice sounded again.

He looked at Adier and dropped another book: “This is the latest hunting list, if there is an opportunity, kill as many as possible.”

Looking at the list in his hand, Adier opened it directly.

As the pages turned, a silhouette familiar to Adier appeared on the list.

It was a girl dressed in red-clothed, she was very beautiful, she had long hair, and she was the red clothed girl that Adier had encountered when she was in school.

“Alina, the seventh Princess of Malan Kingdom, currently located in the Malan Academy for a long time, and the strength is suspected of being the top Great Knight or Azure Firmament Knight …”

Standing on the spot, Adier slowly read out the data recorded on the list, and when he thought about the disparity at the bottom of the list, he said in a fierce tone: “Top King Descendant, worth fifty thousand purple gold coins …”

“Five thousand purple gold coin ···” Listening to this price, Adier could not help but hesitated and was a bit shocked at the price.

After reading the memories of Andak and Murlanduo, he also knows a little about the disparity offered by Tuling Church.

In the past, the ordinary Knight family, even if Andak slaughtered several people, killed one or two hundred people at a time, and obtained nothing more than thousands of purple gold coin that’s all.

But now, just a royal Princess is worth fifty thousand purple gold coins, which is equivalent to Andak’s hard work to kill one or two hundred people.

This amount of disparity made Adier have to be surprised, looking at each other’s information, muttering to himself: “King Descendant?”

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