“What is King Descendant?”

In situ, Adier turned around and looked towards the red haired man behind him.

“It’s literal.” Behind him, the red haired man laughed: “King Descendant is the descendant of the ancient king, with the Bloodline of the ancient king.”

“People with this kind of Bloodline tend to be extremely talented at innate talent. As long as they acquire a specific Knight Breathing Technique, they will practice very fast.”

“Some top King Descendants can even learn Peak from Azure Firmament Knight all the way, before that there will be no problems.”

“This Alina, even the so-called top King Descendant?” Adier asked, standing still.

“Good.” Red haired man nodded: “She is the most outstanding King Descendant of the Bloodline generation of the Maran royal family. Although she doesn’t know the specific level, it is definitely far better than her brother.”

“Kill her, and the blood that can be extracted is enough to kill several families.”

“Also, this is an opportunity for you.”

Having said that, the red haired man suddenly said with a smile.

“Chance?” Adier thought.

“This is a task that the great master himself sent.”

At this moment, the face of the red haired man suddenly became serious, with a bit of awe and enthusiasm, and seemed to have great respect for that master: “As long as you complete this task, you can not only join the church headquarters, but also have a chance to see the master And received personal recognition from the Lord. “

“Staring at this Princess, shouldn’t it just be us?” Standing in place, listening to the words of the red haired man, Adier acted calmly, and asked directly frowning.

Since this Alina Princess is so valued, in the style of Tuling Church, a large number of powerhouses will inevitably be sent to do it by themselves, and it is impossible to rely solely on their peripheral members.

“Apart from us, other branches nearby, including headquarters, will send people over.”

red haired man opened the mouth and said: “But even so, here is the site we are responsible for. If we arrange it well, there is still a chance.”

“Okay, that’s it.” He stood up, and ordered an order for Adier, “If it’s okay, just leave. I’ll send you a notification in the old place where the next meeting is.”

Adier nodded, didn’t ask much, carrying the previous package in his hand, and slowly walked away.


“Dier Breathing Technique is complete … Is it transmitted?”

A few days later, the mechanical sound of the chip rang in Adier’s ear.

“Transfer,” Adier without the slightest hesitation said, listening to his voice and sitting on the steps of the training ground.

In an instant, a large amount of information flow quickly into his mind.

This new Dier Breathing Technique is based on several complete breathing methods such as the Blood Armor Breathing Technique. Based on other advanced breathing methods collected by Adier during this time, it is based on the powerful computing power of the chip. Yes, it is the most complicated breathing method that Adier has ever seen.

The Blood Armor Breathing Technique, which was originally considered to be humble and inferior in the advanced breathing method, changed instantly after being optimized by the chip. Even in the advanced breathing method, it definitely belongs to the top level.

With this excellent advanced breathing method, Adier’s Knight practice in this world is really the beginning.

A faint silver shimmer lit on Adier’s body, and at this moment, his whole body’s blood was boiling.

bump! bump! bump!

A strong vibration of heartbeat kept ringing in my ears.

Feeling this pulsation, Adier slowly stood up, pulled out Moon King’s Sword, and started his training.

Foreword, raise upwards, straight cut …

It was just a simple action, but at this moment, it seemed to contain something, which made Adier’s eyes extremely solemn and serious.

In addition to the simple movements on the surface, the Life Seed inside Adier is also being activated quickly, allowing Life Energy to flow along the blood in a very complicated way of operation, constantly stimulating Adier’s body, and changing the state of Adier. .

Because it was the first practice, Adier’s progress was slow at first and he was afraid to go all out.

But with the detection and correction of the chip, he made rapid progress, reaching a level that astounded the remaining genius.

The more advanced the Knight Breathing Technique, although the effect may be better, it also means that the practice is more difficult.

When the geniuses of the Knight family are studying the advanced Knight Breathing Technique, they need to be assisted by their elders who have studied Knight Breathing Technique. After a long period of error correction and training, they can practice Knight Breathing Technique by themselves.

Like Adier, it ’s impossible for others to learn the success of the first time without the help of anyone.

“Life Seed starts to activate, and the subject enters a state of life explosion …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

By this time, a flash of silver was flashing on Adier’s body, and that Battle Qi within the body was boiling, which brought Adier into a state of Life Seed burst.

This state will consume Knight’s vitality, and even if the situation is serious, it will consume a lot of lifespan, which can be regarded as serious repercussions.

However, in this world, basically every advanced breathing method has a response to this situation, which can effectively curb repercussions caused by the outbreak of life.

There is still a way to deal with ordinary advanced breathing, and the Dier Breathing Technique promoted by Adier naturally has a way, and it will only be better.

Weak blood began to appear on Adier’s body. At this moment, Adier’s body was full of heat, and a throbbing motion from the depth of Bloodline continued to emerge, which became more apparent in the state of Life Seed’s outbreak.

However, in this state, Life Energy, which was originally extremely powerful, was rapidly sublimating, quickly absorbing the vitality of the body and progressing.

“The training has reached its limit … It is recommended to stop it immediately …”

After training for more than two hours, in my mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded again.

“Is it at the limit?” Listening to the sound of the chip in his head, Adier froze, and his hand stopped.

The so-called limit refers to the loss of vitality.

In the stage of Great Knight and even Azure Firmament Knight, the main way to improve is to continuously activate Life Seed. After putting yourself into a state of life explosion, by consuming your own vitality, you can continuously improve your Life Energy.

Of course, there is a limit to this kind of practice. If you practice too much in a short period of time, it will lead to excessive loss of vitality and even a large amount of lifespan.

Therefore, no matter what the Knight Breathing Technique is, there is a limit to the time for practicing, so as to allow the body sufficient time to cultivate.

During the cultivation time, through the body’s self-healing function, combined with some materials specifically used to nourish the body, you can replenish most of the vitality lost in practicing the Knight Breathing Technique.

In this case, the person is weak for a while, and will not consume too much lifespan.

“It worked well.”

Through the chip, I felt the changes in my body carefully, and Adier thought to myself: “Continue to maintain this speed, I am afraid that it only takes a month, I can become the Azure Firmament Knight of this world.”

In a month, from Great Knight to Azure Firmament Knight, if this speed is said, it is enough to stun a so-called Knight genius. But for Adier, this speed is just ordinary.

Unlike other Great Knights in this world, although Adier’s Life Energy is also only at the level of Great Knight, his life level is far superior to that of Great Knight.

Level 2 Wizard, if placed in this world, it is a powerhouse of the same level as Radiant Knight. Its vitality is much stronger than that of Great Knight.

Not to mention that Adier, as a pure blood Moon Elf, has far more vitality than his peers.

With such a strong vitality, and then start training from Great Knight, the progress is naturally extremely fast, and it is not surprising to have this speed.

These thoughts flashed through my mind, and an idea suddenly came to Adier’s mind: “In my case, I am afraid that at the level before Radiant Knight, my progress will be fast.”

This world’s Radiant Knight should theoretically have the same level of life as a Level 2 wizard. At that step, Adier’s Knight level and wizard level are considered to be on the same level, and the practice speed will slowly decrease.

“Forget it, let’s get promoted to Azure Firmament Knight first.”

Shook the head, Adier thought: “After being promoted to Azure Firmament Knight, I have higher permissions. I will be able to read most of the books in this Academy, and it will be more convenient for the next trip.”

Thinking of this, he put the long sword in his hand into the scabbard, then turned around and walked towards his place of stay.

Time passed quickly, and in an instant, more than a month passed quickly.

In more than a month, Adier not only successfully promoted Azure Firmament Knight, but also increased his reputation in the Malan Academy.

A good and exquisite medical skill, and a gentle temper to others, have now become the label of Adier, which has also made him more popular in Maran Academy. After he has cured dozens of injuries in a row, he has obtained A greater reputation.

Of course, this remarkable fame, in addition to helping Adier become more famous, also caused some eyes to start to focus on him.

“Come in.” A soft voice sounded in my ear.

Sitting in the clinic, writing something on his hand, listening to footsteps from outside, Adier opened the mouth and said without raising his head.

“I’ve heard that your medicine is good. Even if your arm was cut off a few years ago, you can find a way to connect it?” A cold voice sounded in the ear, with some indifference.

Listening to this voice, Adier looked up, and then there was a stun.

Standing in front of him was a beautiful young girl wearing red-clothed, long hair with a dipped waist, which made Adier very familiar.

This is the red clothed girl he met when he was in school, and the Alina Princess who was rewarded by Tuling Church.

Looking at the other person’s silhouette, Adier’s expression remained unchanged, but he couldn’t help being cautious: “Broken arm, I can indeed connect, but I don’t know how the Young Lady knew it?”

“Really?” Alina answered with an accurate answer, a little surprised.

Knight of this world, although Strength is powerful, is indeed inferior to wizard in many ways.

In Wizarding World, surgery like a broken arm, let alone a Level 2 wizard, can be performed by a third-class apprentice who is proficient in human structure and life sciences. But in this Knight-ridden World, no physician can do it.

Therefore, for this world, it is impossible for the medical master to connect the severed arm. Even only those high-level Knights can barely do it with Life Energy. .

But even a high-level Knight can only continue the limb that has just been cut off. Once the time is too long, or the disconnected limb disappears, there is nothing he can do.

After all, for Knight in this world, even if the individual’s destructive power is high, if he does not know the specific operation of the human body, it will not be able to solve the rejection between different limbs.

“Since you have come to me, you must have probed the news.”

Standing in place, Adier laughed: “The Knights that I had surgery on before can now resume training.”

“Indeed.” Listening to Adier, Alina gently nodded, then pointed to him: “So, help me cure this person, is there a problem?”

On her side, a sturdy middle-aged man was standing there, wearing a light suit.

This middle-aged man has a normal appearance, and both his left foot and right hand are missing, and he is standing there with his cane.

After hearing Alina’s words, this middle-aged man couldn’t help but look towards Adier, with some nervousness and hesitation on his face.

Feel free to look at this middle-aged man, and Adier is not surprised by the other party’s requirements.

Recently, after the news that Adier was able to heal the broken limb spread, people often came to the door, and it was Knight for each and everyone.

The only difference is that the patients brought by the other people are nothing more than Great Knights. This one is indeed Azure Firmament Knight. It can be said that Adier has received the strongest patients since this time.

“No problem, start now?” A glance at the middle-aged man, Adier looked towards Alina.

“Of course.” Alina nodded then opened the mouth and said: “I understand your rules, I have all the limbs he needs to connect.”

Standing in place, she pats her hands. Behind them, the two maids walked up instantly, each holding the same box.

When I opened the box, it looked like a hand and a leg.

The two limbs appeared to have been treated, there was not much blood on them, and the activity was good. They seemed to have been removed from the living body.

Just looking at the two limbs, Adier’s eyes could not help changing: “A limb taken from an Azure Firmament Knight?”

“It is indeed the seventh Princess of Malan Kingdom.”

He glanced at Alina, but at the end he said nothing, but took someone quietly to the side of the room.

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