Hong long! !

A huge sound erupted in situ. At this moment, the two figures staggered at the same time, and then one of the silhouettes quickly flew out into the distance. Fiercely hit the wall on one side and smashed a huge pit.

It was Anumu. At this time, there was an amazing wound on the chest. There was continuous blood flowing on it, and the internal organs could be seen faintly.

After all, he’s just an Azure Firmament Knight. Compared with Titled Knight like Orris, there is still a long way to go, not to mention that his broken limb was only taken up by Adier for a long time, and he has not fully adapted at this time.

There was no luck, but just after contact, he was crushed by Orris crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, and he couldn’t stop a blow.

Looking at the miserable Anumu in front of him, Oris stood still, his breathing was a bit unstable, and watching Anumu’s eyes could not help but add a killing intent.

He stepped forward quickly, and it seemed that he was not ready to be merciful again, and was ready to take advantage of Anumu at this time.

It was just that he had just taken a step, and the silhouette couldn’t help but stop.

As a powerful warrior who has experienced hundreds of battles, at this moment, Oris clearly sensed that there was a dangerous scalp sensation behind him, making his eyes instantly dignified.

bump! !!

The sound of metal collision sounded in place, with the trembling and collision of Life Energy.

Suddenly, Adier exploded directly, stabbing his long sword towards the opponent, and collided with each other’s long sword.

The two Life Energys erupted instantly, and each other’s Strength was conveyed to each other through a long sword.

In an instant, Auris complexion changed, and the sword-bearing hands were shaking slightly.

“How could there be such a huge Life Energy !!!” He flashed the thought in his mind, and he couldn’t help but be shocked while watching Adier.

In the collision with Adier, he could clearly feel the Life Energy uploaded by Adier. The input was powerful, but it was just the level of the ordinary Azure Firmament Knight, which was far worse than him.

However, although there were some shortcomings in quality, in terms of quantity, it reached a level that shocked and puzzled him, almost several times more than him, which could not help but shock him.

This is the benefit of strong vitality.

Although Adier is just an Azure Firmament Knight, at the level of life, he has greatly surpassed this level.

Level 2 Wizard’s vitality, plus the bonus of Moon Elf Bloodline, brings Adier’s strong vitality and physical fitness.

In this regard, let alone Azure Firmament Knight, even the real Radiant Knight is only on par with him.

With strong physical fitness and vitality, the corresponding Life Energy will increase. Although it is not qualitatively comparable to Orris in front of it, it is sufficient to bury the other in quantity.

“Is it King Descendant?” At this moment, Oris suddenly came up with the idea.

As a Titled Knight and a great nobleman of inheritance for hundreds of years, he has stood on top of the Malan Kingdom. He knows many things that ordinary nobles can’t reach.

The so-called King Descendant, as the name implies, refers to the descendants of the king.

Legend has it that there was a period of glory in the epic era ten thousand years ago.

During that period, one after another, Founding Ancestor Knight came out one after another, and shot wildly in the World, and its Strength shocked the entire World.

Historians who studied this period later called this period the era of the kings. The Founding Ancestor Knights that were achieved at that time were each enough to be used in future generations to unify the entire World like King of Earth. King.

Therefore, in this world, the descendants of Founding Ancestor Knight are called King Descendant.

As King’s descendants, once these King Descendants awaken their Bloodline, they will awaken a variety of innate talents. Not only are Knight innate talents far superior to ordinary people, they are also more likely to inherit certain characteristics from their ancestors.

In front of him, in the face of such terrible performance of Adier, Orris immediately associated it with King Descendant.

He hadn’t waited until he thought, in front of him, the explosion of Life Energy began again.


A violent crackle sounded suddenly, with a trail of silver or green Battle Qi.

In front of him, Orris and Adier both backed away, their faces a bit more dignified.

Adier calmed, Adier looked calm, looked at Auris in front of him, and swung his sword directly.

The Moon King’s Sword of silver blooms in an instant, and the Life Energy of silver on it flashes, instantly turning into a horrible silver sword glow, rushing away.

Just to Orris’ surprise, the ultimate goal of this sword glow was not him, but a corner in the distance.

There, a middle-aged man with a broken black clothed body and a huge depression on his chest was holding the wall hard, his face looked pale. It was the middle-aged man who had attacked Adier before.

He had previously stood there watching the game, thinking that everything would have been settled after Orris shot, but he did not expect Adier to emerge suddenly.

At this moment, he looked at the silver sword glow that struck in the distance, and instantly the complexion changed greatly, with horror and fear in his eyes.

He wanted to escape subconsciously, but the previous heavy damage still exists, even if it is Azure Firmament Knight. At this time, it is considered good willpower to stand there, let alone want to escape quickly.

“Damn!” Looking at the scene in front of him, Orris scolded in his heart, but didn’t hesitate to move. He rushed directly to the middle-aged man and stopped the silver Battle Qi with a sword.

Taking advantage of this effort, Adier had already stepped in front of Anumu. After picking him up with one hand, he rushed out quickly, without any intention to continue fighting with Orris.

On the other side, looking at the silhouette of Adier in the distance, Orris had gloomy and uncertain expression on his face, and looked at the middle-aged big man who had been unable to move behind him. After hesitating for a while, he finally did not pursue.

The training of Azure Firmament Knight is not easy. Even the old Knight nobles like Orris Earl, there are only two Azure Firmament Knights in their family, which can’t be easily lost.

Just to chase the Adier, they lost an Azure Firmament Knight, and the sale was really worthless.

After all, today’s attack was not just the side of the Great Prince. The Tuling Church in the back is the main force, there is no need to kill and kill each other in person.

In particular, Adier, who is suspected of King Descendant, Life Energy within the body, has reached a terrifying point. Even if his veteran Titled Knight shot it himself, he might not be able to win the opponent in a short time.

Thinking of this, Orris’s original glomy and uncertain complexion gradually returned to calmness, watching Adier’s disappearing back, while the game was dignified, but also a little sorry.

“It’s a pity, if an awakened King Descendant, if he can pull to the camp of His Royal Highness Prince, he might be able to cultivate a real Radiant Knight.” He looked at Adier in the distance, and regretted: “Unfortunately, such a person , But he turned to that Princess. “

“Since you refuse to surrender, you have to find a chance to solve you.”

His eyes looked towards the distance, as if he saw the swordsmen and corpses lined up in the distance.

Step on … step on …

The rapid footsteps sounded in place.

In a meadow, Adier walked away with Anumu on his back, and his speed was so fast that the previous sprint champion would be ashamed to watch it.

But because of the fear of Anumu’s injury, his speed is not too fast, at least far from reaching his limit speed, even if it is slow compared with the ordinary Azure Firmament Knight.

Fortunately, the Azure Firmament Knight in this manor is limited. It is very difficult to meet the third Azure Firmament Knight in addition to the previous Orris.

As for the rest of the Great Knight, let alone the speed of Adier, even if it really catches up, it is at best a sword.


At this time, a tremor came from a distance, accompanied by metal collision sounds caused by the collision of weapons.

“It’s Princess !!” Listening to the sound, after judging the direction and distance of the sound, Anumu complexion greatly changed, and his pale face became even more ugly: “What happened, Oris Earl really wanted to be right Let’s start !!! “

Listening to the sound, Adier’s original rush was just as slow.

He looked at some direction in the distance, feeling the fighting sound from the distance, could not help frowned, seems a little puzzled.

“Are the attackers so bold now, without any concealment, just start working in this manor?” He looked at the direction of the sound, a little puzzled, and his face became more dignified.

“Because that’s the Big Prince.” Behind him, Anumu coughed a few times before finally reluctantly saying: “The style of the Big Prince has always been this way, and anyone who wants to kill must be killed anyway.”

“Don’t say that this is just the manor of Orris Earl. Even if it is a royal palace, if the Prince is really determined, he will definitely start.” He bleeds blood, his face pales unknowingly: “This is also the military Consistent style. “

“It’s really overbearing and direct.” Adier sighed softly.

Before deciding to vote, Adier also analyzed the data of several successors of Malan Kingdom in detail. As the most powerhouse, Big Prince naturally studied the same.

The Prince’s style has always been so overwhelming and direct. When he was ten years old, he dared to fight with a male lion. After almost dying, he not only had no fear in his heart, but challenged him daily until he forcibly killed the lion.

Domineering and straightforward, this has always been the military’s usual style, and some of the conditions caused by it, even Adier were a little unexpected.

Just like this time, Adier thought that, as the other party, even if he wanted to do something with Alina, he would probably estimate his reputation and the King Maran behind him.

As long as the other party has a little scruples, in the current situation of Alina, it only needs to take the shelter of Maran Academy to delay for several years. While letting the other party focus on other people, they can also slowly accumulate strength.

But reality and ideal are far behind.

The opponent completely ignored the influence and did not give Alina any time. He directly instructed his subordinates to attack Alina, leaving no room at all.

This domineering and direct style made Adier feel a little sighed and felt a little tricky.

“Adier.” Behind him, Anumu’s voice came again.

Lying on Adier’s back, he said hardly: “Let me down, Alina Princess is more important.”

“I have been seriously injured. Now, instead of not helping me, I will hinder you.”

He looked at Adier and said that it was a bit difficult, and the voice was getting smaller and smaller.

Looking a little surprised at Anumu behind him, Adier didn’t rather die than abandon his companion than he wrote in some previous books, but was rather nodded.

This choice is not difficult to make.

Just like what the other person said, Anumu was seriously injured by Oris, and his combat power is not ten. Not to mention the strength against an Azure Firmament Knight, it is not bad to be able to fight against a Great Knight.

Rescue Alina with this strength in the past, let alone help, it is not bad to be caught by others, but to harm others.

Standing in place and looking up, suddenly, Adier waved his hand, and a silver ray flashed on the silver long sword on his hand.


Several screams screamed in place, with bloody air blooming with blood flowers, and a sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

Around, Adier shot directly, killing all living people around, and then carrying Anumu back to a small humble cubicle.

The cubicle looked small, filled with straw, with a faint aroma.

When he got here, Adier lowered Anumu behind him, and then said, “You’re hiding here, don’t be found.”

“Okay!” Looking at the cubicle in front of him, Anumu’s difficult nodded, went in without hesitation.

After doing this, Adier turned around and, after erasing all traces, looked towards the distance.

And in the distance, a fierce battle began.

bump! bang!

Above a wide hall, several loud sounds sounded in place.

Dozens of Knights lined up with each other, more or less with the breath of Life Energy, and were fighting each other at this time.

In the center of many Knights, Alina is wearing a red robe, and her whole Red Battle Qi is gradually condensing. At this time, she is looking at the person on the opposite side.

It was a few men in black robes, almost covered with black robes all over their bodies, and only a pair of dark eyes were exposed.

The eyes of these people are dead and calm, and there is a very obvious sense of enthusiasm and madness, which is extremely contradictory in combination.

In front of these people, a triangular mark gradually emerged, with a horizontal eye in the center, with strong majesty, symbolizing the bodies of these people, it is a descendant of the Spirit King dynasty.

“People of Tuling Church?” Looking at the black robed men with triangular marks on his forehead, Alina looked dignified and took the initiative to open the mouth and said.

Just to her mouth, the black robed men in front of her didn’t speak, just stood still, a pair of dead and crazy eyes staring at her.

The strength of these people is very strong. The Life Energy each and everyone is Azure Firmament Knight, but they all have a good face. Even if they occupy a huge number of advantages, no one takes the initiative to start, just quiet Looking at Alina silently, she seemed to want to surround her here.

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