“Full five black clothed Knights, you really deserve me.”

Standing on a high platform, looking at the black clothed persons standing in front of her eyes, Alina’s face was dignified, and some self-deprecated said with a smile: “What benefit did my big brother give you, even at such a cost To me. “

The voice fell, but not at all echoed.

The black clothed people in front of me are carefully trained by Tuling Church, each of which is comparable to Azure Firmament Knight, and even more powerful in some ways.

These people are very strong in combat literacy and will never make some low-level mistakes. At this time, they ignored Alina’s words directly, and the only eyes that were exposed were silent and fanatic, like staring at a prey.

In the place, only the sound of fighting from surrounding Knights kept coming, accompanied by the sound of weapons colliding with each other.


Looking at the black robe Knights in front of him, Yu Guang looked at the surroundings, and Alina’s heart became more anxious.

The situation at hand is very bad for him.

Due to miscalculations, she had no idea that Tuling Church would intervene in the incident, and even blatantly sent her to attack her royal family Princess.

At this moment, there were ten whole Knights around, but among such a huge team, Knights belonging to her accounted for an absolute minority, and the total amount was less than half of the opponent’s. May crash at any time.

The reason why these black robe Knights are not moving is actually waiting for the surrounding Knights to resolve the battle.

Even Azure Firmament Knight, if besieged by dozens of Knights at the same time, will be under great pressure. If it is common to cooperate with five similar Azure Firmament Knights, it is even more lifeless, and there is no hope.

The reason why the other party is not attacking now, but to surround her here, is nothing more than to prevent her by some means to avoid unnecessary injuries that’s all.

“If this continues, I’m afraid I won’t be able to die until my people come to support me.”

Standing in place, looking at the neat queue in front of her, Alina frowned secretly: “Just trying to escape, it’s a bit difficult for me.”

She turned slightly and looked away towards a tall silhouette in front of her.

It was a very tall and burly middle-aged man, who was also wrapped in a black robe, only showing his face.

He has long black hair, is very tall, and is almost three meters long. The face was a bit rude and looked like a Bloodline with some Barbarians clan.

It was just that his breath was terrifying, and under Alina’s induction, he was much stronger than the ordinary Azure Firmament Knight, even compared with the titled Knight of Orris.

“It’s okay to send five Azure Firmament Knights, but in order to deal with one of these Azure Firmament Knights, I even called a Titled Knight.”

Looking at the tall and burly middle-aged man, Alina gnashing teeth: “Tuling Church, really heartbroken.”

She is no stranger to the middle-aged man in front of her. Instead, she often heard news of each other in the past.

The reason why Titled Knight is Titled Knight is that this level of Knight is an absolute powerhouse wherever it is, and it is often famous and sung by the world.

The middle-aged man in front of him, Knight, known as Barbarian Beast, has a discoloring notoriety.

This Knight was born to a barbarian tribe in the northern part of the Hemala Empire. At the age of ten, he killed people like scything flax. It was even more cruel when he was finally introduced to Tuling Church. He once slaughtered several cities when he was just promoted to Azure Firmament Knight. The brutal horror of his technique makes the scalp numb.

Born from a barbarian tribe and acting as brutal and horrible as magic beast, Knight’s final title is Barbarian Beast. Not only is he famous in the Hemala Empire, but even in the Malan Kingdom, he can often hear each other’s reputation.

“Lilice, can you handle it?” Alina sighed in her mind, and finally asked, standing still, with several thoughts in her mind.

“If you just run away or drag on, there should be no problem in a short time, but if you want to solve these people, I can’t do it in my current state.” In my mind, a voice sounded instantly.

“It’s okay, just drag it on,” Alina replied calmly.

She didn’t want to get there until she had no choice but to.

If you want to make the consciousness in the necklace go to war, it will cost a lot, and after this time, the next time you want to call the other party out, it will take a long time.

But now, she has no other choice.

The lineup of Tuling Church is too strong right now. If you don’t do this, I’m afraid I can’t deal with it.

Because I didn’t expect the other party’s hands-on time to be so fast, I am afraid that the person she arranged is still in assembly, and it takes more than several hours to come here to talk less.

For such a long time, when these reinforcements came over, Alina estimated that she had already been cold, and the corpse was estimated to have been peeled and blood drawn, leaving absolutely no trace.

She has heard about Tuling Church’s usual style as a King Descendant.

Thinking of this, her sword-holding hands could not help but tighten, her dark eyes began to gradually become red.

It seems to be aware of something. In front of him, the eyes of the middle-aged big man named Barbarian Beast also changed slightly. The horrible Battle Qi was rising, faintly condensing into a Battle Qi armor.

Just as the two sides were about to start, in the distance, a rush of footsteps suddenly sounded, which instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

Under the watchful eyes of a crowd, in front of the distant gate, a teenager Knight walked up from there, holding a beautiful silver long sword in his hand.

It was a very handsome young man, with a very good temperament, as if a god son had come to the world, it seemed to have a unique gentleness and memorable.

“Adier?” Looking at the teenager walking in the distance, Alina froze, and then she felt some joy and anxiety in her heart.

Beforehand, Tuling Church suddenly broke out, but Adier and Anumu disappeared without any trace.

This naturally disturbed her, whether it was her death or her enemies, it was not a good result for her.

Seeing Adier return now is naturally rejoicing.

As for worry, it’s because Anumu not at all appears.

As her own Knight for many years, she was skeptical of Anumu’s loyalty, believing that he would not betray herself.

But there was no betrayal, but the other person was missing the silhouette at this time. It is likely that he was attacked by Orris Earl and the others and even died directly.

“Who is it?” The hoarse voice sounded in place.

Standing in front of Alina, looking at the silhouette of Adier in the distance, the middle-aged man opened the mouth and said. The silhouette sounded hoarse, but also very hard, with a strong local accent.

“Alina Princess’s new Knight, Adier.Fax.” Behind him, a voice sounded.

A black robed man opened his mouth, looking at the middle-aged man in front of him: “According to Orris, he is also an Azure Firmament Knight, and he has a strong medical skill …”

Listening to the paper, Dahan didn’t speak, but just waved his hands quietly.

Behind him, two black clothed Knights walked out from behind him, pulled up their long sword directly, and rushed towards Adier.


Three shares of Battle Qi erupted instantly in place, and two shares of Battle Qi continued to condense, rushing towards Adier with a horrible impact.

Silver’s Battle Qi not only flickered around, but collided with the two black clothed Knights in front of him, without any weakness.

Adier backhanded a sword, and a sword glow exploded from the tip of the sword, carrying a light beam of silver, and instantly exploded while touching the opponent.

bump! !!

An explosion-like vibration instantly sounded around, accompanied by the rapid movement of silver Battle Qi.

In front of them, one after another, Silver Battle Qi is constantly flashing and condensing. Thousands of silver awns are flashing here, turning into hundreds of sword qi, and finally condensing into a little core.

Silver Flower! !! !!

The secret of life broke out here. At the moment when he met the two black clothed Knights, Adier slammed his hands. A huge Life Energy was flowing on the long sword on his body, and a terrifying energy broke out.

bump! !!

The smoky sky was rolling, carrying the gravel on the ground and the broken floor.

In front of the eyes, the originally clean and tidy floor cracked directly, and a large hole with a length of more than ten meters was formed in an instant. The material in it was squeezed out by a strong Strength in an instant.

Affected by this attack, the two shadows flew upside down, and the Battle Qi armor that shrouded on him was mostly broken, and he was healing.

“So scary Strength!”

Looking at Adier in the distance, feeling the powerful Life Energy contained in this blow, the big man with the title of Barbarian Beast was not slightly changed by complexion. His eyes were fixed on Adier, his eyes looked very bright, as if watching With an excellent prey.

“This Knight is so strong that two black clothed Knights cannot solve him!”

After a closer look, he said, and then waved again.

Behind him, another black clothed Knight left behind, rushing to Adier with a sword in his hand, and seemed ready to join the siege lineup.

Standing opposite Dahan, watching this scene, as soon as Alina’s body moved, she wanted to rush forward to stop it.

Only at this moment, a few sharp eyes gathered on her, and at the same time, there was a sound.

“Wait a second.” Lilice opened the mouth and said in her mind: “This is a good opportunity.”

“It wasn’t long before that Knight got into your hands, and I took this opportunity to see if this Knight was reliable.”

“Isn’t that enough now?” Alina was puzzled by Lilice’s claims.

In the face of five Azure Firmament Knights and a Titled Knight, in a situation where the situation seems to be down, they can still resolutely rush over to fight.

This kind of performance is enough for her. At least she asked herself, if she encountered such a situation, I am afraid that eight-nine would turn around and run.

“Not enough.” In his mind, Lilice’s voice sounded again: “If only as an ordinary player, such a degree is naturally enough.”

“But what you need is a true confidant.”

She seriously opened the mouth and said: “Do you know what is your biggest advantage over your brothers?”

“Of course you.” Alina opened the mouth and said without hesitation.

“That’s right.” Lilice said in her head: “As a guardian, I remember dozens of top-level breathing methods, and even if they were king-level breathing methods, I remember a lot.”

“Those are your strengths.”

She continued: “It’s just that if you want to turn these things into real strength, you still need to be truly trustworthy and have a good innate talent.”

Listening to this, Alina silently nodded and agreed.

Knight Breathing Technique is extremely precious. Only top nobles are allowed to have the top breathing methods, even if Alina is a prince, she is not qualified to have much.

However, after all, Knight Breathing Technique is just Knight Breathing Technique. If you want to turn this thing into strength, you need to have enough loyalty and innate talent to be able to practice.

But relatively speaking, such people are not easy to find.

The condition of is innate talent alone is enough to keep a large group of people out. Among a large group of so-called Knight geniuses, those who can be promoted to Azure Firmament Knight can be counted on one’s fingers, not to mention the Titled Knight and Radiant Knight.

And the standard of loyalty can block a large group of people.

After all, none of them wanted Knight who had worked so hard to cultivate him, but he was enveloped by others and even rebelled at the crucial moment.

Thinking of this, Alina also understood a little: “Do you mean, want to investigate again?”

“Yes.” Lilice’s voice sounded again: “I’ve observed your profile of Knight.”

“He has a good personality, a calm temper, a friendly personality, and a nice guy.”

“He is also extremely good at Knight innate talent. He can be promoted to Azure Firmament Knight at this age, and as King Descendant, there is no doubt the possibility of promotion to Radiant Knight in the future.”

Having said that, her tone was paused, and then she went on to open the mouth and said: “It’s just that the more such a person, the more you need to be careful. You know, there are not many smart people in this world.”

She sighed, and seemed to think of something.

Alina didn’t speak anymore, but looked in the direction of Adier, silently watching the situation there.

bump! !!

The violent collision sounded continuously here.

In the distance, Adier was holding Moon King’s Sword of silver, covered under Silver’s Battle Qi, against three black clothed Knights in front of him.

In this battle, he fought very hard.

None of these three Knights were unusual.

Knights, who were specially trained by Tuling Church, are undoubtedly very powerful. In Adier’s feelings, each one is better than Anumu. The combination of the three of them makes the pressure even stronger, making Adier all Could not help frowning.

On the other hand, Adier’s own Strength is also limited.

Although he is a Level 2 wizard, at the Knight level, he is only an Azure Firmament Knight.

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