On the spacious platform, watching Adier struggling underneath, Alina no longer hesitated, pulled out the long sword on her waist, and then quickly moved forward.

In the process, her eyes turned red, covered with the powerful Battle Qi of Scarlet Red, and she looked like she was wearing a flame armor, which was very gorgeous and dangerous.

“Baal Qi of the Malan royal family, the scenery is really good.”

In front of him, looking at Alina rushing towards him in the distance, a glimmer of admiration flashed in Dahan’s eyes, and his body was motionless, without any intention of rushing up.

Behind him, two black clothed Knights rushed forward, holding a long sword in each hand, and greeted Alina quickly.


The massive black battle qi erupted here, with extremely intense erosiveness, and felt heavy pressure.

A red long sword stabbed violently, but was blocked by a black clothed Knight’s long sword. The two collided and made a huge noise.

Feeling the strength from her body, Alina was startled subconsciously, and then the rest of her eyes saw another black long sword coming at him, and fiercely chopped it on her crimson armor.

bump! !!

A burst of strong explosions sounded in situ. Black Battle Qi and Crimson Battle Qi, two different Battle Qis collided with each other. In the end, it seemed that a strong chemical reaction had occurred.

At a moment, Alina’s silhouette was blown out, and her breath was a bit unstable.

Before she could calm down, two breathes rushed from her two corners, and then the two black clothed persons, all wrapped in black armor, showed only a pair of eyes.

They were holding a long sword, with terrifying fanaticism and silence in their eyes, and finally rushed towards Alina without fear of death, so that the momentum of Alina in front of them was not changed by complexion.

“Damn!” Alina scolded in her heart as she watched the two black clothed Knights in front of them, parrying them.

There is always a gap between reality and ideal.

In the past, although it was known that the black clothed Knights specially cultivated by Tuling Church were not easy to deal with, watching Adier faced the siege of three men with ease, and thought that was not the case.

But it’s not until now that you meet them directly, you can feel the power of these black clothed Knights.

These black clothed Knights are specially cultivated by Tuling Church. Each of them is a genius carefully selected from the Knight family. They have been training since they just remembered. I do n’t know how many secret methods have been practiced, just to have more Strong combat effectiveness.

In the case of one-to-one, these black clothed Knights are powerful, but they are not much stronger than Princess Alina, who was born in the royal family. But the two besieged together, but there was a tacit understanding from childhood, which caused far more pressure than the simple two Azure Firmament Knights joined forces.

It was only in an instant that Alina was completely suppressed.

Feeling the pressure in front of her, she could scarcely imagine how Adier in the distance could sustain it.

Compared to her situation here, on another battlefield, Adier is facing three black clothed Knights at the same time, and the pressure they face is far greater than her here.

bump! !!

A fierce quake erupted, accompanied by a black clothed person shadow being hit by fiercely.

In the distance, Adier waved the long sword to the right, and a silver sword glow instantly condensed, chopped on a black clothed Knight, and knocked it off instantly.

But at the next moment, two other long swords appeared, also with the horrible Battle Qi.

The remaining two black clothed Knights cooperated with each other, and at this moment of Adier’s shot, the fierce outbreak directly entered the state of life explosion. Two long swords mixed with horror Life Energy smashed towards Adier fiercely.

“The target enters the state of life explosion, and the physical state is greatly improved …” At this moment, the chip sounds in his head sounded, accompanied by another message: “It is recommended to cross the long sword and avoid to the right …

Feeling the feedback from the chip in his head, Adier was meaningless, and the long sword struck directly to the left.

bump! !!

The collision sound of gold and iron sounded in place, accompanied by the pulse of Life Energy.

A black cross sword was suddenly looked towards Adier, but it was cut empty.

Looking at this opportunity, Adier stepped forward directly, and his whole body, Silver Battle Qi, burst into a frenzy, chopped off at a black clothed Knight in an instant.

But at this moment, the man who had been hit by him before rushed back again, and a sword stabbed behind him, bringing a faint tingling sensation.

Adier turned back and struggled with the siege of the three.

He did not reveal the level of the level xnumx wizard’s comparable power to the radiant knight, only showing the strength close to that of titled knight, coupled with the powerful observation power brought by the chip, the three of them looked a little embarrassed in the face of the siege of three black clothed knights. , But in fact it is not dangerous.

Just in the distance, Alina didn’t know this. Looking at Adier who was struggling in the distance, she no longer hesitated.

“Can’t hesitate anymore.” Looking at Adier who was struggling in the distance, Alina no longer hesitated, and said directly in her heart: “Lilice, let’s go!”

“Okay.” A soft voice sounded in my heart and responded to her in an instant.

At the next moment, a scarlet red Battle Qi emerges on Alina, wrapping her body in an instant.

Her long hair turned red instantly, and the momentum of her body rose instantly. The whole person was like a flame, burning there.

“This aura.” On the opposite side, feeling the breath of Alina, the big black robe stared and seemed to feel something unbelievable: “Radiant Knight …”

As the voice falls, a change takes place in an instant.

Under his gaze, in the distance, Alina was covered in crimson armor, and a pair of scarlet red Battle Qi Wings began to condense, although it looked a little transparent, but it really existed.

“Battle Qi Wings !!” A few surprised voices sounded around.

Around the battlefield, some surviving Knights looked at Alina’s sad, crimson wings, all shocked.

oh la la ···

The crisp crackling sounded in place.

In the same place, Alina looked aloof, took a step forward, and then a crimson long sword waved forward.

The horrible sword glow emerged here. In Alina’s within the body, the huge Life Energy was mobilized at this time, instantly condensing into a horrible offensive.

Desolate! !!

She spoke softly, and then a sound of broken glass sounded, and the horrifying Life Energy erupted.

Like a huge explosive exploded here, the horrible smoke and dust permeated the surrounding world near 100 meters, destroying the terrain around this training ground cleanly.

In the surroundings, I felt the formidable power of this blow. Those Knights who were still fighting have been greatly changed, and quickly entered the stage of life explosion, and then rushed outward to avoid being affected by this Strength.

The violent scarlet red Battle Qi stayed here for a long time, slowly rising, creating a horrible flame, constantly burning around, and it looked very beautiful.

Standing in place, looking at the formidable power of her blow, Alina did not relax at all, but looked diligently into the distance.

In that direction, a breath far beyond Azure Firmament Knight also rose.

“Cough cough …” A cough came from a distance.

A burst of smoke dispersed, and in the smoke, a voluminous silhouette appeared.

It was a tall Barbarians, three feet tall, full of flesh and blood, looking powerful.

But at this time, his condition was very bad, there were many small injuries on his body, and blood continued to flow out of the wound. It seemed that he had also suffered considerable injuries in the blow just before.

Behind him, the two black clothed Knights stood there, looking unscathed.

Apparently, at that moment, the Knight named Barbarian Beast erupted, stopping all of Alina’s Strength. This allowed the two black clothed Knights behind to survive without being hurt.

“Suspected Radiant Knight’s breath and momentum … Unfortunately, you are not a complete Radiant Knight.”

Standing in place, looking at Alina in the distance, the big black robe man looked dignified: “If it was a real Radiant Knight, I would have died a moment ago, and it is impossible to be alive.”

“But this level of Strength, you will never be Alina Princess, who is it?” He looked at Alina in the distance and asked loudly.

“Who am I? Is this a serious problem?” In the distance, Alina opened the mouth and said.

Her face was indifferent, and she looked no different than before, but her eyes were obviously vicissitudes and calm, and she seemed to be indifferent to everything: “For a group of dead people, who is I?

“Hehe … you can guess the part even if you don’t say it.” In the distance, the black robe sneered: “I said, why is the seventh Princess of a royal family even asking many of us to go horses.”

“It seems that the guardian of the Maran royal family has fallen on you.” He looked at Alina in the distance, his face gradually becoming solemn.

In the distance, listening to his words, Alina didn’t speak, but her face became much sharper, and then she rushed forward.


Two Battle Qis hit each other, bringing up a large swath of smoke.

Among the large pieces of smoke and dust, two silhouettes fought and slaughtered, making a sound of long sword collision.

There was a continuous roar from it, like an adult magic beast was roaring wildly, and it sounded terrifying.

Standing still, looking at the roar from a distance, the two black clothed Knights looked at each other and rushed forward involuntarily.

It was only a moment when Alina’s pressure increased.

After the performance of Lilice’s Strength came out, her Strength at this time is already very powerful. If it is not limited to physical deficiencies, I am afraid that the strength that can be exerted at this time may be no less than Radiant Knight.

Even so, her opponents are not simple.

The two black clothed Knights who cooperate with each other, together with a long-established Titled Knight, have a strong horror of Strength, even in the face of digital Titled Knight’s attack, they can hold for a short time.

Knight’s Strength is highly dependent on the body. Although Lilice was once a guardian, her strength is definitely far above Radiant Knight. However, if she does not have a body, she will also be limited by Alina’s Strength. The strength that can be exerted at this time is only The limit of Azure Firmament Knight is equivalent to Peak’s Titled Knight.

With this strength, in the face of the siege of two black clothed Knights and a Titled Knight, although they can firmly suppress the opponent, they can’t help each other for a short while.

Stuck in place for a while.

In the distance, three black clothed Knights joined forces to siege, firmly suppressing Adier. On the other side, Alina also suppressed the opponent firmly, but also could not resolve the battle in a short time.

“Hold it up!” In the distance, the middle-aged man was wrapped in the gray Battle Qi armor and looked at Alina in front of him. “This level of Strength, she won’t last long!”

On the side, the two black clothed Knights siege very well.

Opposite them, Alina had the same plan.

“When is the person you scheduled to arrive?” A voice sounded in Alina’s heart: “I can only fight for this intensity for five or six hours at most, and then I will exhaust all of your Life energy within the body. “

“Enough is enough.” Alina opened the mouth and said: “Up to four hours, my people will come over, and then they will be resolved together.”

“Okay!” Lilice agreed, then focused on controlling Alina’s body, launching a terrible offensive.

Both counter-attacks are mainly protracted, so although the fighting is fierce, the danger is suddenly reduced a lot and it turns into a protracted war.

Soon, hours passed quickly.

“What’s going on?” In Alina’s mind, Lilice’s voice looked a little tired. “Where’s the person you arranged? Why haven’t you arrived yet?”

“I don’t know.” Alina’s voice was a little puzzled, and the expression on her face was iron-blue: “Normally, you should have been here long ago.”

“No need to wait.” A husky rough ore sounded across from him.

Looking at Alina in front of him, the big black robe opened his mouth, exposing his fangs and a send cold shivers down one’s spine smile: “Do you think we didn’t do any investigation, just come to you stupidly?”

The voice dropped, and suddenly, Alina’s heart was cold and she noticed the abnormality in front of her eyes.

“You guys deliberately dragged me … deliberately dragged me to the present.” She looked at the black robe in the distance and said, her face looked a little iron-blue.

“It’s good if you know.” The black robe sneered: “Unfortunately, you know a little bit late.”

“By now, your Strength should be exhausted.”

In this regard, Alina did not speak, but the strength of the injury began to increase, and the crimson Battle Qi erupted like a raging flame that began to explode.

“The situation is not good.”

In the distance, while facing the three black clothed Knights in front of him, watching the battle between Alina and the others in the distance, Adier thought.

He was not unaware of Alina’s delay.

Through the powerful induction brought by natural induction, he was able to blur the emotions in Alina’s heart, very calm, not at all too much urgency.

But now, the emotions on the other side have begun to be confused. Although not feeling much, the anxiety can clearly feel.

Obviously, things have exceeded Alina’s expectations, and they are slowly moving in a bad direction.

“It seems like that.”

Feeling all this, Adier sighed.

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