“How to do?”

Yi Jian forced the black robe man in front of him to retreat, feeling the scarce Strength on his body, and Alina was anxious.

After the long battle just before, the situation at hand was very clear.

The Knights of these Tuling Church already understood her deployment. Instead of winning, she beat somebody at their own game, using the mentality she wanted these people to leave her to hold her back.

At first, if she made up her mind to leave, these people would not be able to keep her in front of her. But this battle has now hit, and after spending hours and hours, her Strength is almost exhausted. Although she can still suppress these people in front of her, she is becoming more and more powerless.

After all, even if it is a guardian of the royal family, although the Strength that he had before his death was far more than that of Titled Knight, the body he was controlling at this time was still her own. The Life Energy within the body was far from being comparable to the real Radiant Knight. It is also impossible for the Strength to exceed the upper limit of Azure Firmament Knight.

“There is only one last solution left.” Lilice’s voice sounded in her mind, with some obvious fatigue.

“Lilice teacher, do you think?” Listening to Lilice, Alina was startled and seemed to think something.

“The vitality of the two of us is fully bloomed in a short period of time, and the Strength we obtained should be able to solve these people in front of us.” Lilice’s voice sounded again: “But once this, not only you and my life will be severely depleted, may It will break your Life Seed. And once the outbreak is over, we will never have a little Strength, and if there is any unexpected situation, it will be over. “

“Now we have no other choice.” Lilice gritted her teeth, a bit of resentment flashed in her heart: “You start.”

“Okay!” Lilice responded, his voice sounded.

It was just that she hadn’t waited for her to move, and in the distance, a terrifying hissing began to sound.

The huge silver Guanghua flickered in front of her eyes, and the endless silver Battle Qi was boiling, faintly condensing into a huge silver giant web, roaring in place, sending out a shock that was scary enough.

Silver Flower! !!

The sky ’s silver Battle Qi is flying, and under this blow, a lot of smoke is rising around it, and it is filled with sky gravel.

During this period, a fast silhouette shuttled through it, holding a silver long sword in his hand, which was Adier.

Compared with the previous one, his breath has changed a lot. After several hours of fighting, his body’s breath not only did not decline, but he looked more and more exuberant.

Just for a moment, he came to Alina, and at a more terrifying speed, he rushed towards the black robe man in front of him.

A silver long sword pierced sharply, and collided with each other with a large gray sword in an instant, making an amazing impact.

In the collision, a huge Life Energy slammed into Adier’s body along the blade, causing him to spit out blood on the spot.

“Princess, hurry up!”

Standing in front of Alina, Adier fought against Barbarian Beast Knight in front of her, screaming blood, shouting, looking like she had exhausted all her strength.

Two black long swords stabbed from one side and stabbed at Adier at a tricky angle, shattering a large piece of Battle Qi’s armor on his body, revealing the flesh and blood inside it.


Looking at Adier who was besieged by Barbarian Beast Knight in the distance, Alina froze, and an inexplicable mood rose in her heart.

He certainly knew what Adier was doing. Such a desperate fight was nothing more than to allow her to escape by this opportunity.

“Alina, go !!!” Lilice’s voice sounded quickly in her mind.

Observing the situation in front of her, she overjoyed: “Take this opportunity to leave immediately!”

“Unfortunately, Adier …” Listening to Lilice’s words, looking at the silhouette of Adier desperately fighting in the distance, Alina hesitated.

“Don’t hesitate! Don’t waste the opportunities your subordinates have desperately created for you!” Lilice’s voice with some anxiety and anger: “Did you forget your mother’s death?”

“Did you not swear to take revenge on your dead mother?”

Listening to this, Alina’s heart trembled, looking at the silhouette of Adier in the distance, and finally no longer hesitated. Once the silhouette turned, she wanted to run away.

It’s a pity that her plan finally failed.

A sword wind came from the air, and a long sword rushed with the corrosive Battle Qi, blocking Alina’s way in an instant.

In the other two corners, two sharp and dangerous Battle Qis came, blocking all the escape directions of Alina in an instant.

These were the three black clothed Knights that had previously been suppressed by Adier. Seeing that Alina wanted to leave at this time, she immediately joined forces and rushed to her, letting her idea of ​​escaping completely fail.

Forced by helplessness, she had to pull up her sword and tangled with the three black clothed Knights in front of her.

“It seems that these people can only be killed now.”

Standing in place, feeling the side three Battle Qi, Lilice sighed softly: “I hope that your Knight can last longer, otherwise this time I’m afraid it will be contained here.”

In this regard, Alina did not speak, but her eyes were firm, she pulled forward her sword, and Life Energy was roaring.


The sound of the quake erupted in place.

On a pitted training ground, Adier’s silhouette was blown out again.

Watching the silhouette of Adier being hit, the black robe big man complexion grave and stern, was about to go to Alina’s side.

It was just next moment, a sharp sword wind struck again. In front of him, Adier blew a lot of blood, and there were several horrible wounds all bleeding, but he still rushed to him regardless.

Suddenly, the impact of several long swords kept ringing in situ, and two different Life Energys collided with each other and exploded in situ, leaving a few more potholes around.

“Worth it?”

A sword forced Adier in front of him, looking at the miserable appearance of Adier in front of him, black robe big man complexion grave and stern: “Your strength is really strong. In the case of ordinary one-on-one, even me, I haven’t Law takes you down. “

“But when you are in this state, even if you fight for your life, when will you finally stop me?”

He looked at Adier opened the mouth and said in the distance, with indifference in his words.

But just in front of his eyes, Adier didn’t say anything, his face was still very calm, but he quietly took the long sword in his hand and rushed to the other side crazy.

“Okay, since you don’t know anything, then I will kill you first, and then walk over your body !!!”

Seeing this appearance of Adier, Dahan stopped speaking, just lifted the big knife in his hand and greeted Adier.

He slashed down with a stab, and the gray mang and Adier’s sword qi collided with each other, eventually bursting into bursts.

In this crackling sound, Adier was beaten again and again, and the silhouette became more miserable.

Battle Qi’s armor, which is formed by Battle Qi, has been shattered, and the healing speed is far less than the speed of fragmentation. The wounds are almost everywhere, and the chest is almost cut open. You can see the drenched with blood. flesh.

However, even if the battle reached this point, Adier still did not step back, with his own flesh and blood forcibly blocked the three Barbarian Beast Knights in front of him, even if they were hit again and again, they were able to quickly stand up, even the whole strength did not. Faded in the slightest.

As the battle progresses, Life Energy within the body is constantly being consumed.

In Adier, an inexplicable change is happening.

The original smooth and delicate skin began to dry out, a beautiful silver long hair began to pale and wither, a handsome and stunning face began to wrinkle, the whole portrait became old for many years in an instant, in an instant Become sullen.

Over time, this change is happening fast and is becoming more and more obvious.


Perceived the change in Adier, the big black robe was surprised, and for the first time a surprised expression appeared on his face: “You burned your vitality.”

Tone barely fell, and a terror of pressure struck from above.

The sky ’s silver Battle Qi is constantly intertwined in the air, condensing into countless sword glows, and finally turning into the core point, smashing downward fiercely.


The horror of the horror sounded in place, and the strength of this attack far surpassed the previous one, so that the barbarian Beast Knight felt a horrible pressure and instinctively defended.

The next moment, a severe pain came from the body, accompanied by the splash of gravel and the impact of a huge Life Energy.

“This level … is wrong !!!”

Feeling the pressure on the body, the big black robe felt something strange in his heart, and then opened his eyes sharply.

Beside a black clothed Knight in the distance, a silver long sword stabbed fiercely, the horrifying Life Energy erupted instantly, and fiercely hit the black clothed Knight.

“The target of this blow is not me!” Looking at the scene in the distance, Dahan flashed this thought in his heart, and then heard a strange noise.


The sound of broken flesh sounded in place.

In the place, being hit by Adier, the black clothed Knight had not yet responded, and was directly overwhelmed by the huge Life Energy, turning into a pool of minced meat.

This was the first black clothed Knight to fall in this battle, which immediately caught the attention of everyone present.


On the other side, a sword hit a black clothed Knight in front of him, and looking at Adier in the distance, Alina felt a touch in her heart.

In the distance, on a platform, Adier is holding a long sword and standing on a pool of ground meat.

At this point, his hair had completely turned pale, and his whole body looked weaker and weaker, his face full of exhaustion, like an old man with a heavy air.

However, despite this, his eyes were very bright, and his face was so calm as before, as if he didn’t feel any pain.

Compared with the previous stunning appearance, his appearance at this time is very miserable, as if life is about to come to an end, it is regrettable.

Around, looking at Adier’s appearance at this moment, a few surviving Knights could not help but pay some respect.

At this moment, a long sword stabbed out from behind, passing through his chest in an instant.

That was another black clothed Knight, who was lurking at this time, and only then appeared to give Adier a final blow.

With this blow, Adier’s body finally fell, and fell heavily to the ground, making a heavy noise.

Step on … step on …

A footstep sounded in place, accompanied by a sound.

“You are very good.”

With a long knife in his hand, he walked silently to Adier and looked at Adier’s miserable appearance now. The big man named Barbarian Beast Knight couldn’t help but admire it; To this point, you are still the first. “

“Cough … cough …” A weak cough sounded in place.

On the ground, Adier struggled to get up, and the wound on his chest continued to bleed, with tiny flesh fragments inside.

However, despite his miserable appearance, his face was still calm, his eyes staring quietly at the big man in front of him, struggling to get up.

“It’s enough for a newly recognizable prince to reach this time, no matter how you say it.”

Looking at Adier in spite of his weakness, struggling to get up, Dahan agreed: “How is it? Are you interested in being my subordinate?”

He spoke directly, looking at Adier, who was struggling to the last moment, and did not conceal his appreciation: “The injury on your body is already serious. If you don’t think of a cure now, you will die immediately.”

“I can heal your injury.” He laughed, showing a smile on send cold shivers down one’s spine: “How?”

The voice fell, and there was no response at the moment, but only a cough sounded continuously in the place.

It was not long before Adier’s voice sounded again.

“No need.” The weak voice sounded in place, with some firmness in calm.

In front of him, Adier got up hard and looked at Barbarian Beast Knight calmly in front of him: “Although I am not an orthodox Knight, I also know that Knight’s vows and rules are not changed by anything.”

“Since I chose her as the prince, I won’t have any regrets, even now.”

He slowly finished the words in his mouth, and in the process always looked at the Barbarian Beast Knight in front of him, even if he was full of scars, he was still not timid and uneasy.

Watching him say this quietly, the Barbarian Beast Knight in front of him is not moving, just a little bit sorry: “Unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer Knights like you now.”

“You are indeed a warrior.”

He opened the mouth and said, and for the first time showed his approval expression on his face: “As a respect for the warriors, I will give you a painless way to die.”

“Many thanks.” Listening to the man in front of him, Adier spoke calmly, without the slightest timidity.

“Almost okay.” Spirit watched all around forcefully, in his mind he thought silently.

The sharp wind blew around, with a strong murderous aura and a long grey knife, and quickly chopped off towards Adier’s neck.

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