In the calm square, after Alina’s treatment, Adier’s injury was finally restrained temporarily, although it did not improve, but at least it no longer continued to worsen.

He lay quietly on the ground, his long sword loosened, his eyes closed, and he seemed to be asleep.

In the distance, a slight sound of horseshoes slowly sounded. From a distance, it was transmitted to here, and they were accurately heard.

Listening to this voice, standing in place, Alina’s face was indifferent, but she waited quietly, and the red long sword in her hand never recovered.

Before long, in the distance, many Knights came from afar.

These Knights wore red leather all over and there were three-four hundred people in total. Among them, those with the lowest strength also had the probabilities of Knight. They belonged to the most elite warriors no matter where they were.

And at the forefront of these Knights, a middle-aged man with a dark complexion and wearing a black armour hurried on his horse, with a panic and anxiety on his face.

“Alina Princess !!”

When seeing the silhouette of Alina in the distance, this person sighed in relief, quickly dismounted, kneeling on one knee: “You’re fine!”

“Dara, give me a reason.” Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, Alina’s face was cold. “I told you clearly that I would let you bring the scarlet Knight group to support.”

“As a result, not only did you come so late, you didn’t even bring the Scarlet Knights in full.”

While speaking, her tone became colder and her eyes became worse.

“I’m sorry.” Listening to Alina’s words, a middle-aged man named Dara was sweating coldly and quickly explained: “I had already taken someone off, but Barbarian Beast outside wasteland suddenly rioted, forcibly hit the camp, greatly Delayed time. “

“Barbarian Beast riot?” Listening to this explanation, Alina froze, then ignored the matter before her, and quickly opened the mouth and said: “What’s the situation over there?”

“Because I found it in time, it has been suppressed now. Eddie and Earl are leading someone there, so this time only I will bring someone over to find Princess.” Looking at Alina, Dara replied respectfully and didn’t dare to look up.

“It’s okay.” Alina sighed in relief, then raised her head, looked at Dara in front of her, and said again: “Your business, I’ll care about you when I go back.”

“As for now, send someone to find Old Bastard.”

Cold light flashed in her eyes: “Also, take this injured Knight back for treatment.”

“Yes!” After hearing Alina’s orders, Dala sighed in relief, and quickly got up, leading someone to all around the surviving Knight.

After the previous battles, there weren’t many Knights around, and most of them fell into a coma. They fell to the ground quietly and looked just like corpses.

If Knight’s vitality is far stronger than ordinary person, I am afraid that none of them can survive.

However, nonetheless, there were not many Knights who survived. Of the forty or fifty people Alina brought in, only seven or eight survived.

Soon, Dara walked to Adier and looked at Adier who had been “comatose” in front of him, and he was stunned first.

For Adier, Alina’s newly acquired Knight, in these months, he is no stranger.

Although there are not many contacts between the two parties due to the difference in his usual duties, Adier’s gentle character and outstanding appearance have left a lot of impressions and favors in him.

But at this moment, Adier was lying quietly on the cold floor, his body was very weak, and his white hair was pale, as if exhausting his last strength.

In an instant, Dara thought of the reason, and there was a little respect in Adier’s eyes.

He carefully lifted Adier, personally into a bright and comfortable carriage, and then took up the long sword and took Knight to search for a distance.

The results of this search disappointed Alina.

The manor was long empty before him, with only ordinary servants left.

As for Orris Earl and his relatives, it seemed as though they had completely disappeared, and there was no trace in front of them.

Without any gain, this result is disappointing, but in the process, Anumu, who was previously hidden in the corner by Adier, was also found, and soon returned to Alina’s side.

After seeing Adier who was pale and his vitality was completely burned, the middle-aged Knight, who had always been taciturn, could not help but move again after a long silence.

He truthfully told Alina the scenes he had seen before, including how Adier has now rejected Oris Earl’s offer, and how he was rescued from the opponent.

Listening to these things silently, watching Adier’s unconscious silhouette in the distance, Alina could not help but sigh, and then led someone slowly away from the manor in front of her.

It seemed to be to vent his anger. Before leaving, Alina set a fire here and set the manor in front of her.

The beautiful manor ignited in front of them, and the historic building was reduced to the fuel of flames, all turned into the flames of scarlet red, where it blazed.

And among the burning flames, a silhouette slowly manifested in it.

He was old and dressed in a black robe. At this moment, his eyes were gazing at Alina in the distance, his eyes were always calm.

“The image of destiny … has been changed …”

Standing on the fire sea, looking at Alina in the distance, he muttered to himself, his words carried a thick vicissitudes, as if he had experienced baptism for thousands of years.

In the distance, on the other side.

At the moment the old man appeared in the fire sea, in the carriage, Adier opened his eyes sharply.

“Just the feeling …”

Struggling to get up, he didn’t want to continue pretending to be in a coma, and under the action of some inexplicable induction, he looked directly towards a certain direction in the distance.

Somewhere in the distance, a faintly discernable induction is coming, accompanied by a throbbing sense of soul.

Adier is no stranger to this feeling.

At the beginning, when he awakened to cross the power and went to the first World, he had this feeling. It was extremely real and impressive.

“Let my soul throb, what is it …”

He looked at the distant direction, feeling inexplicable incoming from the depth of one’s soul, he couldn’t help muttering, and hesitated in his heart.

In the depth of one’s soul, a longing is filling his soul, urging him to go in that direction in the distance, looking for something.

But in this case, Alina is not very easy to explain, there are many that may make them doubt.

Once that step is reached, his previous performances are equivalent to being completely abolished, and it is a tiring effort.

Standing still, hesitated for a while, but Adier made a decision.

“The coordinates of this world are there, advanced breathing, not Alina’s.”

He looked into the distance and no longer hesitated in his heart: “But what can make my soul desire things is not so easy to come across. If you miss this time, it may be difficult to run into it next time!”

Looking in the distance silently, feeling the surrounding atmosphere, Adier thought.

However, just as he was about to stop pretending to rush straight towards the direction of induction, the distant breath suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared clean and never felt anything.

This change caused Adier to hesitate and not fully react.


A footstep came from outside, instantly attracting Adier’s attention.

Outside the carriage, Alina was dressed in an elegant red robe, with a long sword on her waist, and walked towards the carriage.

“you’re awake?”

Seeing Adier standing in the carriage, Alina was a little surprised, a smile on her face: “Why are you standing here?”

“I just woke up, and my feet are a little numb, so I want to stand for a while.” Looking at Alina who walked into the carriage, Adier depressed the complex mood before, a smile appeared on his face, and he replied weakly.

“The injury on your body is still serious. It’s better to sit now.” Alina nodded, without much doubt about Adier’s words, just opened the mouth and said with some concern: “Sit down.”

“Okay.” Adier gently nodded, then, with Alina’s help, carefully seated.

After doing this, Alina did not step out of the carriage, but sat quietly in the carriage and looked at Adier in front of her.

The emotions in his eyes were complex, ranging from regret and sadness to pain and anger.

Looking at the tragic situation in front of Adier, there were various emotions rising in her heart, which made her emotions very complicated at this time.

“You should know what is going on with you.” It was a long time before Alina spoke again, breaking the silence in the carriage.

Listening to Alina’s words, Adier gently nodded, his face looked calm: “I’m a doctor, and I know the situation on my own.”

“The injury on your body is very serious.” Alina said a little bit complexly: “It has burned vitality. Without accident, your lifespan will not be more than fifty years later.”

“I understand.” Adier laughed: “It’s not bad for fifty years. In this world, living long or short, not at all makes too much sense, after all, it’s about to die.”

Listening to Adier’s words, Alina didn’t say anything, but just looked at him in silence and remained speechless for a long time.

There was a moment of silence in place, and after a while, Alina said again, “Actually, there is another way.”

“Although your vitality is burning, if you can promote Radiant Knight, you can break the existing limits and let your body glow with new life, thereby extending your lifespan.”

She looked at Adier, seriously opened the mouth and said: “Although this is not easy, I have confidence in you.”

These words are naturally false.

Promoting Radiant Knight from Azure Firmament Knight is much more difficult than anyone would imagine.

In the Malan Kingdom, the number of Azure Firmament Knights is at least hundreds, but the number of Radiant Knights, even in the heyday of Maran Knight, is only less than ten.

The difficulty is imaginable, and it is by no means what the so-called Knight genius can overcome.

In Alina’s mind, if Adier had not burned his vitality, there may be some hope, but by now, the hope of success is very slim.

It’s just impossible to say this in front of Adier, so on the surface, Alina still looks confident in Adier.

While talking, she also picked up a black wooden box, which was right in front of Adier.

“This is a breathing method, it’s a gift I give you.”

Looking at Adier in front of her, she opened the mouth and said: “You have gathered Battle Qi Wings. At this point, the original breathing method has no effect on you. You must change to a more advanced breathing method.”

She looked at Adier, and took out a black book from the wooden box in front of her: “This is the follow-up part of the previous breathing method, now it’s over to you.”

“I understand.” Listening to her, Adier nodded, the expression on his face seemed quite calm.

Looking at his appearance, Alina sighed in her heart, and then gently pats his shoulders, looking towards him.

“Lilice, you say, what’s his chance of being promoted to Radiant Knight?”

Stepping out of the carriage and feeling the breath of Adier in the carriage behind her, Alina couldn’t help asking.

“The chance is not enough.” In his mind, Lilice’s voice sounded: “He has too little vitality, it is difficult to just rest on the Peak of Azure Firmament Knight, let alone promotion.”

“But even then, he is a Titled Knight.”

Lilice continued to open the mouth and said: “A Titled Knight is regarded as the number one person in the entire Malan Kingdom. Even if he loses the opportunity to go further, it is a good Strength. It is totally worthwhile to use a high-level breathing method.”

She opened the mouth and said so, and she sighed and regretted in her words.

Listening to her silently, Alina did not continue to speak, but was injured, carrying the long sword, and walking towards the other side.

In the carriage, after confirming that Alina left, sitting in the carriage, Adier opened the wooden box in front of the black.

In the black wooden box is a very thick little black book, full of handwriting.

Looking at the book, Adier flipped through it casually.

This is a higher breathing method called Blast Battle Qi, which matches the breathing method that Alina gave to Adier before, which is equivalent to the follow-up part of that breathing method. There are not many differences.

However, compared with the previous one, this breathing method is obviously much more detailed, not only the training after condensing Battle Qi Wings, but even the life seed and promotion of Radiant Knight.

“Radiant Knight, in terms of level, is roughly equivalent to the Wizard’s Level 2 Wizard, which is already on par with my own level.”

Silently recording the content of the book in front of him, thinking about the content, Adier said silently: “Unfortunately, although the harvest is good, unfortunately, I did not see the breathing method after Radiant Knight.”

However, despite his disappointment, he was not surprised by the result.

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