In the early morning, the sun shines outside the door, brightening the outside world.

In a wide training ground, a teenager is drawing a sword and slowly practicing his own things.

Pick up, hack, cross …

The actions of each and everyone were condensed and condensed in his hands, and finally came out of him in a very natural way.

While he was training, Alina was watching there intently, feeling the pulse of Life Energy on the teenager, and couldn’t help sighing: “Great …”

“In just one month, I can practice that breathing method to this extent.”

Looking at Adier’s movement in the distance, she sighed and felt the gap between people deeply.

“Indeed.” Lilice’s voice sounded in her mind as well: “This is a monster. If I had sent the breathing method myself, I would have thought he had been practicing for several years.”

“This terrible innate talent, let alone now, even when I was alive, I had never seen one.”

She looked at Adier in the distance, and sighed deeply: “Perhaps only in the era when the kings came together, a similar genius appeared.”

“Can he compare with the past king?” Alina was shocked, and for the first time she saw that Lilice gave such an evaluation.

“Of course.” Lilice nodded: “I’m sure that even the kings, innate talent in their youth may not be as strong as him.”

“Unfortunately, in this age, the king is extinct. Even with such a powerful innate talent, it is no longer possible to reach the top like the king of ancient times.” She looked at Adier, who was earnestly training in the distance, and there was something out of date. sigh.

In the distance, Adier could guess a little about Alina’s discussion, although he didn’t know it.

After getting that breathing method, Adier started practicing.

With the help of a chip, his progress can be called a thousand miles. For ordinary people, it is extremely difficult to understand and learn the advanced breathing method.

In fact, he has deliberately covered up his progress, and in the eyes of the two Alina slowed down deliberately.

But despite this, his progress today still shocked Alina and deeply felt the difference between people.

After a while, when a training session was over, he put away the long sword in his hand and moved to the side.

On the side, a few maids stepped forward, carefully handing over the Grade 1 light green potion to Adier.

Looking at the bottle of medicine in front of him, Adier drank it directly, then turned around, looking towards Alina walking towards him.

“How? Is it effective?”

Looking at Adier, Alina asked.

“OK.” Adier laughed: “Somehow it works.”

The potion he drank was his own.

After returning to Alina’s territory, under the pretext of healing himself, he began to make a lot of search for some prescriptions and materials of this world, and deployed some medicaments from it.

On the surface, these drugs are configured to heal injuries, but in fact, these drugs also have the effect of enhancing the effect of breathing training.

Of course, this medicine is specially configured by Adier, so in addition to him, although it has the effect of strengthening breathing training to others, it is far less effective than his own.

“Yes, I have collected almost all the materials you requested last time. Do you need to go and see?”

Seems to be thinking, Alina opened the mouth and said.

“I’ll go and look back.” Adier nodded: “With this batch of materials, the next batch of Boiling Blood Medicine will be refined soon.”

“Okay.” Listening to this, Alina could not help showing a smile on her face, looking very happy: “With your configured Boiling Blood Medicine, the next batch of Knight will soon be cultivated.”

The so-called Boiling Blood Medicine is another achievement that Adier has made since this time. The effect is to improve the system and allow some apprentices who have reached the limit to improve their physical fitness faster.

In theory, as long as the apprentice’s body can withstand it, he can continue to use Boiling Blood Medicine to forcibly increase his physical fitness to the point where he can activate Life Seed.

In fact, this is the Knight series potion that Adier has promoted in the past.

In the beginning, Adier had researched Knight’s Life Seed for a short time, and after reading a lot of related results of other wizards, he developed a series of potions that can accelerate Knight’s ascension.

Although these potions can only raise people to the level of Great Knight at most, and they are time-consuming and labor-intensive, they also have a great effect.

Especially in this World dominated by Knight, for those lords and kings who have territories, this kind of potion can be called a strategic item. Once you hear the news, it is estimated that it will come to snatch immediately.

Of course, here at Alina, Adier’s version is not a complete version, but a rude version. Not only does the system improve the role of the original version, but also the repercussions are much larger.

But even so, this rude version of Boiling Blood Medicine still excites Alina for a long time. Not only did she put down a password, it also made people crazy to collect relevant materials for refining this Boiling Blood Medicine.

This just gave Adier a good reason to directly take over all the material acquisitions of Alina and take the opportunity to collect all kinds of materials in this world.

With the strength of a huge strength collection, its efficiency is much easier than Adier alone. In just over a month, Adier has found hundreds of materials that can be used to make advanced medicine.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, and after chatting with Alina for a while, Adier left and walked away.

Alina’s estate is located outside the city of Maran. It is completely surrounded by each and everyone barracks. Not at all how many people exist.

After walking outside the manor and saying hello to several guards, Adier took a horse, carried a bow in his hand, looked like a hunter, and walked quickly towards the forest in the distance.

“No one followed.”

More than a child, walking in a barren forest, the powerful Spirit sensed the surrounding scene, and Adier flashed this thought.

After confirming that no one was following him, he randomly found a cave, lowered the horse and longbow, changed his clothes, and then prepared to leave.

“Just stay here for now.”

Before leaving, he turned around and glanced at the white horse behind him, and a whisper of Spirit revealed silently, conveying a message.

Just for a moment, the batch of white horses closed their eyes and lay on the ground quietly, seemingly asleep.

After doing this, Adier applied a defensive witchcraft in situ to avoid the white horse being eaten by other wild beasts while he was away.

He turned and looked towards the distance, and his body began to change slightly.

A white hair quickly turned into blond hair, and his pale face quickly became ruddy. It was only a moment when he turned into a handsome young man with a smile on his face and looked very friendly.

After changing his appearance, he turned and walked in one direction, which was much faster than riding.

At his rapid speed, only half an hour, the sound of a flowing stream began to appear in the distance.

Hua hua 哗···

The clear stream was flowing in front of the eyes, making a sound.

In the noise, Adier turned and looked towards a big tree behind him.

It was a large tree with yellow leaves, and the trunk looked very large, with several meters long and wide.

It was just on this huge trunk that a slight sword mark was very clear, and a white opening came out on it.

Looking at the sword mark, Adier’s face remained unchanged. After careful observation, he turned and walked along the stream towards the other side.

Soon, in the distance, a small black wood house appeared at the end.

“Andak, you are here.” A voice sounded at the far end.

In front of the wood house, a red-haired middle-aged man was standing there. After seeing Adier’s voice, he just said hello: “You came early.”

“It happened to be in this generation before, so by the way come faster.” Looking at each other, Adier casually said: “Isn’t anyone else yet?”

“Only two came.” The red-haired middle-aged opened the mouth and said: “Go in, Lord Lida is waiting inside.”

“Master Lida?” Adier suddenly hesitated as he heard the name, a strange feeling rose in his heart.

He is no stranger to this name, and has even fought a battle with this person.

The so-called Lida is the real name of Barbarian Beast Knight, that is, the Titled Knight who led the team to assassinate Alina last time.

Settled down, on the surface, Adier’s expression did not change. After confirming the token, he continued to move forward.

Gently pushed open the door of the wood house. Inside the wood house, a few lines of gaze came in an instant, and they were accurately placed on Adier.

Adier looked at it, but found that the people inside were basically acquaintances.

Standing next to each other were a man and a woman, and their looks looked similar, as if they were related by blood.

In fact, these two people are indeed siblings. The big brother is called Salar and the younger sister is called Dilier. They are very good and have reached the level of Great Knight.

During the period when Adier changed his name to Andak, he also occasionally performed several tasks with these two people, and they were still somewhat intimate with each other.

Seeing Adier coming in from the push-out door, the two men gently nodded and said hello.

Adier’s gaze was then placed forward.

In the seat in front, a tall middle-aged man was sitting there.

He is tall, even if he is sitting, he has the height of an ordinary man standing, and his muscles are strong and strong, like a little giant, full of wildness.

This person is Lida and Barbarian Beast Knight who fought Adier.

In the chest of the other person, Adier also saw a few wounds, which he had left with his sword himself before, and has not recovered yet, leaving deep scars.

“Name?” Lida looked indifferent, eyes closed, when Adier came in.

“Andak,” Adier answered honestly, then walked directly to Salar siblings without continuing to speak.

The place suddenly fell silent until ten minutes later, when several others entered the door.

“Are these people?”

When the agreed time arrived, Lida opened her eyes and looked towards the red-haired middle-aged: “Only these five?”

“I’m sorry.” The red haired man looked respectful and stared at the barbarian Beast Knight, who was so immense. He felt the same pressure: “In Maran City, there are only a few members who have reached the level of Great Knight Now. “

“Forget it, it’s better than nothing.” Lida shook her head, feeling calm about it.

He looked at the five people in front of him and opened the mouth and said: “The specific situation, someone will tell you in detail later.”

“As of today, you are my subordinates and you are no longer members of the periphery here.”

Listening to his words, the five people present at the other look at each other in dismay, some are confused.

However, they did not dare to refute the Lida’s order immediately.

In this World, Tuling Church is a cult that everyone shouts, but these people are basically nothing good. Most of them have a handle on Tuling Church, so they dare not move at all.

Moreover, aside from these, the strength and fierce name of Barbarian Beast Knight in front of them also made them dare not refute, but just looked towards the red haired man aside.

“The subdivision over Xiqiao Empire sent information. It seems that something happened at the junction of Malan Kingdom and Xiqiao Empire.”

On the side, feeling the confusion of several Adier people, the red-haired middle-aged opened his mouth and explained, “There is an important base for us, so in order to prevent accidents, this time Lida will lead the team and reinforce in the past.”

“Of course, after this time, you are our full members,” he explained with a smile and Adier and the others.

Listening to his explanation, although there were still doubts in the hearts of the few people present, they said nothing.

“Let’s go in half a month.”

In situ, Lida got up, looked at the five people who opened the mouth and said, “I don’t want someone to be late, otherwise you won’t want to see it in the end.”

He opened his mouth, and a send cold shivers down one’s spine smile appeared on his face, with a hint of madness.

Listening to his words, the five-person complexion changed slightly at the scene, and finally looked at each other before walking quietly towards the door.

On the way out, in the eyes of others’ surprise, Adier was specifically left behind.

“Andak, I remember, you were also the Academy of Maran Academy.”

Inside the quiet and dark wood house, aside, the red-haired middle-aged man looked at Adier and asked solemnly.

“Yes.” Adier gently nodded to the question: “Yes.”

“Do you know this person?” The rough mine’s voice sounded in place.

Aside, looking at Adier in front of her, Lida spread out a painting, revealing what was inside.

This is a very good oil painting. The task inside looks very realistic and looks very real.

In the painting, a teenager with a silver long sword in his hand and a long silver hair stood quietly, looking very outstanding in his temperament.

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