“Do you know this man?”

Sitting upright, Lida held the oil painting in her hand and stared at Adier.


Looking at the painting in front of him, Adier hesitated.

The person painted on the oil painting in front of him knew him naturally, not others, but clearly himself.

“This person is also a student of Maran Academy, a first-time freshman of Knight Academy, and has a great reputation in Academy.” He looked at his portrait, hesitated, and spoke introduced.

In front of the two of them, he did n’t say too much information at all, but just said something easier to inquire.

“Only these?” Lida frowned stood before her. “And, this person is just a freshman at Knight Academy?”

“Good.” Adier nodded.

“You just said, this person is proficient in medicine?” Aside, the red-haired middle-aged opened his mouth, his face became more dignified in an instant: “So, have you heard of Boiling Blood Medicine?”

Listening to this, in an instant, Adier heart startedled.

On the surface, however, he still maintained the previous expression, but with a little doubt on his face: “Boiling Blood Medicine, what is it?”

“I haven’t heard it at all?” Looking at Adier’s performance, Lida repeatedly asked, his tone seemed a little impatient: “Can you go back to Maran Academy now?”

“No.” Adier shook his head. “Since the Rose Mansion, my identity has been discovered by some people, and now I dare not enter Academy.”

“But in Academy, I still have some friends.”

This is not a falsehood. In Andak’s memory, there are indeed many friends in Maran Academy, and many of them are apprentices of Knight Academy.

After all, Andak was still very human before being exposed. Normally, not only was he generous and hospitable, he also knew a lot of academic figures in Academy through his wrist, and even established cooperative relationships with some people.

“Very good.” Lida’s face finally eased when she heard this: “Launch your previous relationship, though check it out.”

Having said this, he then explained many things to Adier before letting Adier leave.

“Did the people at Tuling Church know so soon?”

Walking among the wild forests, thinking about the content of the conversation, Adier was helpless.

Boiling Blood Medicine, this medicine was completely taken out by him during this time. It took more than a month since the finished product was taken out, and the people in Tuling Church knew the news.

Not only did I know the news, judging from the way Lida valued them, it is likely that they already knew the specific data, otherwise there would be no way to explain what they valued.

Similarly, judging from the previous ambush of Alina with Grand Prince before Tuling Church, it is obvious that there is a cooperative relationship between the two forces.

Now that Tuling Church knows the news, as a partner, will the Prince know the news as well?

“Forget it, let Alina give them a headache.” Shook the head, Adier thought.

The news of Boiling Blood Medicine was leaked out. Strictly speaking, this incident will not have much impact on him, but will raise his value and importance invisibly. Since then, whether he stays with Alina, Whether you choose to go to other forces, you can get enough attention.

“However, in just one month, such confidential things could be leaked out. It seems that most important people around Alina have betrayed them.” Adier thought on the road.

Thinking about this silently in his heart, after a while, he walked away, and the silhouette gradually disappeared between Mori.

In the next few days, Adier continued to pretend to be Andak, and contacted some of his old friends in Maran Academy as Lida had previously ordered to get news.

Of course, the process of not at all actually plays a big role, and it is totally for some people. Not at all is too substantial.

After completing this process, for some considerations, Adier deliberately reported some information to make Lida and the others pay more attention to him.

Adier also attaches great importance to the vest of Tuling Church.

This can also be considered as an extra path for yourself.

As the legacy of the former First Dynasty, the strength of Tuling Church is undoubtedly huge. If it really broke out, it would never be weaker than any empire.

Such a huge force with a long history, the number of higher breathing methods collected in its church is absolutely unimaginable, maybe more than the existing empires combined.

After all, when it comes to the time and history of existence, the five empires that exist in the World today, even the longest-lived, are less than half of Tuling Church.

And isn’t Adier’s fundamental purpose in this world to collect as much advanced breathing as possible?

Developed in Tuling Church, this is to find yourself an additional channel to obtain advanced breathing methods, as long as they can be mixed to a high level, advanced breathing methods will definitely not be lacking.


Half a month passed quickly.

In the early morning, in a small town, Adier became Andak, and he put on a black tights, and now he was behind Lida honestly.

Aside, some of the other Knights are also accompanying, including Adier and Lida, a total of six people.

These six are very strong. Needless to say, the famous Barbarian Beast Knight Lida in the Northern Territory is not a trivial matter. Each one is a Great Knight after countless killings.

“Well, it’s the place.”

Walking into a deserted corner, Lida stopped and suddenly opened the mouth and said.

Listening to his words, the other people present looked towards the front with some doubts, with some doubts in their eyes.

In their sight, there was a barren valley in front of them, not at all saw any artificial trace.

Only Adier, looking at the scene in front of him, felt a movement in his heart, and seemed to feel something.

“High-energy response detected …” In his head, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

In front of them, feeling the doubts of them, Lida did not speak, but just raised her arms quietly.

The faint scarlet fluorescence slowly blooms. On Lida’s hand, a scarlet red ring is glowing. A triangular mark on it is particularly conspicuous and looks very beautiful.

Under the light, the scene in front of me began to change.

In the gorge in front of him, a paved path began to appear, and the road above was paved with white slate, which looked very clean and tidy.

“This is …” Watching this scene quietly, several Knights present were shocked.

Although the killing power of this world is powerful, it is not as versatile as a wizard, so it rarely has some special abilities.

Like the scene in front of me, if it is placed in the Wizard World, I am afraid that a Wizard Array can do it, but it is extremely difficult to do it in this world.

“It seems to be the use of Life Energy.”

Standing silently in the crowd, watching the scene in front of him, Adier was also a bit surprised: “Pure Life Energy can also achieve this effect?”

“Let’s go.” Lida’s voice continued.

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