On a wide plain, there are buildings everywhere, looking a little messy.

It seemed like something had been washed here, and the whole place looked messy, with rubble and building debris everywhere.

In the surroundings, some corpses and broken weapons can be seen, and there are obvious traces of battle left here.

Standing between this wreckage and observing everything around, Lida complexion ashen: “It’s late …”

“It’s at least half a month before these corpses die.” Adier’s voice sounded aside.

He inspected several dead bodies around him, and from these bodies he obtained the approximate time of the battle.

“Half a month.” Listening to this, Lida froze. “Who was sending us a few days ago?”

In a flash, everyone present thought about this problem.

Although they have been on the road before, on the way to the road, their contact with this base was not cut off at all, and they have been in contact until the past two days. They can see the messages left by these people.

If the fighting here took place half a month ago, who has been communicating with them since then?

This thought flashed through their hearts. Subconsciously, an ominous premonition arose in their hearts, and then looked towards all around.

In all around, the broken buildings stood quietly on the flat ground, looking very peaceful, without any exception.

“Scatter the search and start talking as soon as you encounter something.”

Looking at the calm surroundings all around, Lida frowned slightly before she said.

Listening to his words, the crowd silently nodded, then each found a direction and began their own search.

Because of the abnormalities found before, they are not at all far away from each other. Everyone is within the sensing range of each other. As long as the breath has fluctuations, they can be found immediately.

Walking quietly among the ruins, Adier was searching carefully.

On the road, he looked towards all around.

Here is a fragmented hall. There are many stone platforms in the hall, as well as some sealed corpses and flesh. It looks like it should be the laboratory or material storage room of this base before.

“73 Bloodline ···”

Passing through this room, walking to a corpse at random, Adier silently read the words written next to the corpse.

The dead body in front of me was a dry body. The whole body’s blood had been drained, and the heart in the body had disappeared.

“Bloodline ···” Looking at the corpse in front of him, Adier whispered and thought of it a lot.

Judging from his investigations during this period of time, it seems that the Tuling Church has been collecting Bloodline of different Knight families, and even frequently attacked royal family members in various empires to extract their Bloodline.

Collecting Bloodline so crazy, I don’t know what it is for.

On the way, Adier thought about this problem and generally continued to move forward.

It didn’t take long before, at a certain moment, he suddenly choked.

At this time, the breath of others’ life suddenly disappeared in his induction, as if suddenly blocked by something.

He looked up and looked towards all around.

In the surroundings, a fog is growing, in the fog, light and shadow appear, like a blurry picture, constantly interwoven in front of the eyes.

The ambiguous pictures were constantly intertwined, and they touched each other, eventually forming something, which made Adier choke.

It was a long or short line, which was constantly intertwined in this place, and finally condensed into a large or small net.

“What is this?” Looking at the scene in front of him, Adier was a little stunned, and the thought flashed in his heart.

Despite the upheaval in front of him, in his natural induction, not at all felt any dangerous premonitions. Instead, a strange feeling rose up and slowly penetrated into the entire soul.

It was a throbbing sensation from the soul, stemming from his soul essence.

Adier is no stranger to this feeling. He used to have it when the shuttle ability was just revived, and when he met World Stone, he felt the same, but he felt a lot lighter.

This is actually a kind of information and hints from the depth of one’s soul, which represents that some major things appear.

“What is this time again?”

Feeling the throbbing movement within the body, Adier frowned, thought to himself.

After thinking for a while, hesitating, he started to walk towards the fog ahead.

As the steps progressed, the fog in front of them began to change, and a strange scene began to appear.

Those were broken images, like the memory clips that Adier had seen before, but more fragmented and fragmented.

Most of the pictures are useless pictures, only a few pictures are useful.

Among them, Adier even saw a silhouette of an acquaintance.

That’s Alina. It appeared here frequently at this time. As Adier progressed, the number of appearances increased.

And as Adier keeps looking forward, in his depth of one’s soul, a change is beginning to occur.

This change is very vague, but it is real, giving Adier a different feeling.

“This is … evolving again?”

Feeling the feeling in his body, Adier flashed the thought in his mind.

While in Mason’s area, his shuttle ability has evolved once.

That was when I first came across World Stone and absorbed a lot of Boundary Energy from it.

Absorbing a large amount of Boundary Energy, the original shuttle ability began to become more powerful, resulting in stronger capabilities.

It’s just that the last time the shuttle ability started to evolve, it was because it absorbed enough Boundary Energy.

As for this time, Adier is unclear as to why the shuttle changed.

At this point, he was slowly moving forward.

I don’t know how long it has been before, the complicated picture in front of me began to normalize, and the fog in front of me gradually dissipated, revealing the last picture.

The earth was collapsing, the mountain was cut off, and blood and corpses were everywhere on the earth.

On the broken ground, several silhouettes were standing there, one of whom was Alina.

In the picture, she looks a lot more mature, wearing a red armor, her breath is much stronger than at this moment, making Adier’s body tremble, feeling a stronger Strength than herself.

And beside Alina, three other silhouettes were standing, shrouded in a fog, unable to see the true look and breath.

Standing in place, watching this picture quietly, a message suddenly rose in Adier’s heart, an inexplicable instinct made him think in his heart, and he said involuntarily: “Child of Destiny ···”

“Good!” An old voice came from a distance, and responded instantly.

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