In the empty and silent place, a voice came from behind.

Listening to the voice, Adier turned and looked back, just to see a silhouette appear behind him, watching him silently there.

It was an old man wearing a black cloth robe, a face that looked old and somewhat terrifying, the skin on his face was loose, covered with red cocoons one after another, and the blood of purulent water flowed out continuously. It looks terrifying.

He stood there quietly, with no living breath on his body, only a pair of eyes looking lively, calm and full of spirituality, with a world of vicissitudes and ancient times.

“who are you?”

Adier frowned, looking at this person in front of him.

From the body of the old man in front of him, he felt an unusual breath.

In addition to his appearance and appearance, the old man’s breath also made him care.

It was an extremely strong rotten atmosphere, not physical, but like the decay of the soul in nature, giving him an extremely awkward feeling.

“You shouldn’t show up here.”

Looking at Adier in front of him, old man opened the mouth and said, his eyes were always calm: “In the picture I saw, not at all you exist.”

As he spoke, in front of him, a picture began to appear.

Among the ruins, several silhouettes walked among them.

Those are also six silhouettes, and each of them is very familiar to Adier.

“Lida, Andak …” Looking at these six silhouettes, Adier expressionless, quietly read out the names of those people.

These six people are exactly the six people who came here this time, but unlike them, from the perspective of breath, the Andak appearing in this picture should be the real Andak, not his fake product.

This thought flashed through my mind, next moment, and the picture in front of me began to change.

Another picture began to appear. In the picture, a huge monster with three skulls appeared, roaring on the plains.

At the feet of this monster, the bodies of the five Andak lay silently on the ground, leaving only Lida, struggling to run away. The original left arm had disappeared, and the wound looked bloody.

“This is …” Looking at this scene, Adier expression condensed.

“This is the future of the scene that originally happened.” The old man’s voice sounded ahead.

He looked at Adier in front of him, his eyes seemed calm: “I can’t see the fate of Strength on your body.”

“You are not accepted by the Cycle of Destiny in this world, but you are not affected.”

Looking at Adier, old man opened the mouth and said, it seems that he is very interested in Adier’s current state.

Standing opposite him, listening to his words, Adier’s heart was more solemn: “Cycle of Destiny? What is it?”

“Cycle of Destiny, this is the integration of the destiny of the World, and every life born in this world exists in the Cycle of Destiny in this world.”

Looking at Adier, the old man quietly explained to him: “As for the existence of Strange World like you, because the fate of this world does not exist, you can’t see your silhouette from it.”

Listening to the words of old man, Adier frowned secretly, right hand subconsciously touched the long sword on his waist.

“Don’t be so nervous.”

Looking at Adier’s actions, old man laughed, an ugly smile on an ugly old face: “Entering different worlds, although this kind of thing is rare, but it is also considered to be some powerful world and race Nothing. “

“In my thousands of years of life, in different Worlds, I have seen at least dozens of outsiders.”

He looked at Adier and said with some pity: “Unfortunately, most of these people didn’t end well. They basically died on World’s Poison.”

“World’s Poison?” Adier asked decisively, listening to this somewhat strange word.

“This is the backlash of the World.” The old man explained, “When you sneak into a World, the instinct of the World will start backlash, and the power of the World penetrates you in the depth of one’s soul, slowly affecting you. “

“You can understand this as being unconvinced, but the consequences can be more serious than that.”

Having said that, he laughed, and then pointed to his old and ugly face: “This picture of me now is the backlash created by World’s Poison, and step by step has made me what I am now.”

“That’s why you got my attention.”

He looked at Adier and opened the mouth and said with great interest: “Your essence is very special, obviously the level of the soul is not high, but it seems to be able to shield the erosion of the power of the world, even if it is behind a Child of Destiny, still It’s been alive to this day, and it doesn’t even look like anything. “

“It’s something I don’t even dare to do.”

“Child of Destiny.” Hearing the word, Adier froze, thinking of the picture he had seen before.

In the previous picture, there are four silhouettes, and one of them looks exactly like Alina.

“Yes, that little girl.”

Seems to understand what Adier was thinking, old man opened the mouth and said: “Don’t look at her so foolishly, it’s a genuine Child of Destiny.”

“Have you heard of the protagonist template? That’s it.” He opened the mouth and said, and then seemed to think of something, and pats his head again: “Forgetting that you are just a newbie, I guess I have never touched this kind of thing before.”

“You can think of this as the protagonist in the epic novel, no matter how low the starting point, no matter how humble the origin, you will eventually come to the stage in the center of the World and let everyone give her way.

“Of course, this little girl hasn’t reached such a point. She is now a supporting role at best, less than the Son of World.”

The old man kept talking, just like a word.

After a while, looking at the awkward expression on Adier’s face, he only reacted. Some sorry opened the mouth and said: “Sorry, sorry, I haven’t talked to people for a long time, I can’t help but speak more . “

“You don’t know. In order to stay as long as possible in this world, I usually try not to talk to people, for fear that a force that does not stir the power of the World will make my World’s Poison deepen.”

“It’s only in the presence of your special existence that I dare to speak like that, without having to worry about the backlash that causes the power of the world.”

“Well, after speaking so long, it’s time to get back to business.”

The old man’s face was right: “Introduce yourself, I’m Cilla, a messenger of fate.”

“Adier.” Looking at the other person’s appearance, Adier’s face was slightly positive, and he was introduced.

“You have great potential. Are you interested in becoming a messenger?”

On the opposite side, the old man named Cilla looked at Adier in front of her, and expressed some confusion in the expression: “As long as you become a life runner, I can tell you many things you didn’t know in the past.”

“Liferunner, is that to do and so on?” Looking at the enthusiastic appearance of Cilla in front of him, Adier took a step back indifferently, and then asked back.

“As you can see.” Looking at this image of Adier, Cilla didn’t care, but laughed: “We are walkers on the edge of destiny, with Child of Destiny as the prey, the power of World as the goal, and walking in the multi-world . “

“The specific things and rules are too complicated for you now.”

Looking at Adier, Cilla opened the mouth and said: “You just need to know what you can get.”

“Become a liferunner and you will get the Mark of Destiny to collect the power of World.”

“As for the usefulness of the power of World, I don’t need to say more about this, you will naturally know in the future.”

“What do I need to pay?” Adier asked, looking at Cilla in front of him.

“I like dealing with smart people.” With a click of his finger, Cilla smiled. “One thousand units of World Stone allows you to delay payment for a period of five hundred years.”

“One thousand units of World Stone.” Listening to this number, Adier frowned subconsciously, some of whom could not figure out the meaning of this number.

For the career of the life-runner, he was completely obscured by his eyes. All the information he knew so far was heard from the other party, and he might be pitted by the other party by accident.

“The so-called World Stone is the cohesion of the power of the World and what we need to obtain.”

On the opposite side, watching Adier’s response, Cilla explained: “Don’t look at the number of a thousand units, but in fact, just to leave a mark of fate on you, I need to pay a hundred World Stones first. “

“And for others, the number of a thousand World Stones may be many, but for you, it may not be.”

He paused, then opened the mouth and said: “Your soul is very special in nature, and it seems to be able to shield the World from your perception, so that you can stay close to the Child of Destiny of this world.”

“This has a very good condition. Child of Destiny often has the terrifying power of the World. As long as you have some influence on the Child of Destiny, you can take out a large number of World through the mark of fate. force.”

Having said that, his expression became a bit wry: “Like the little girl around you, if you can continue to affect her, make her like you, and even marry and have children with you, then you will get a lot It’s trivial to get a large sum of money and get a thousand or two thousand World Stones at once. “

“If you can kill her and end some of this world’s trend ahead of time, the harvest will be even more amazing, and it will definitely make you a rich man at once.”

“Of course, before you have to do so, I suggest you don’t do it that way.” He added: “Child of Destiny has a lot of World Power condensed. Once killed, the backlash caused by World Power will come immediately. , With terrifying consequences. “

“I won’t say much about the consequences. It’s serious anyway.”

Having said that, he looked towards Adier: “Okay, that’s all for the rest.”

“So, what about your choice?”

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