Standing in place, facing the choice given by the old man in front of him, Adier not at all hesitated.

He directly chose to agree.

The reasons for choosing to agree are strong and complex.

The introduction given by the other party is one of them. The so-called life runner seems to sound good, and it involves the extremely powerful and complex system of destiny.

In The Witcher World, it is said that there are also prophets who can predict the fate, but it basically exists only in the legend of the ancient wizards. It has disappeared in the Mason region.

Now that he has the opportunity to get in touch with this field, from his heart, Adier doesn’t want to miss it.

The second reason is the strength of the opponent.

The other party can directly pull him into the field without his response. His true strength is likely to be far above Adier. If he rejects the other party, who knows what will happen when the other party is angry?

Of course, this reason is not the main one.

After all, there is a shuttle ability within the body, and Adier has no choice but to leave this world. Do n’t go. The other party can never continue to chase into the wizard world.

The main reason is what the other party took out.

It was a purple spar, which looked about the size of a fingernail, shaped like a seed, and looked very beautiful.

This is the seed of destiny and the inactivated state of the destiny.

When seeing this seed of destiny, in Adier in the depth of one’s soul, a familiar throbbing motion reappeared, with an extreme desire, urging Adier.

Facing this feeling, Adier chose to believe, so he didn’t hesitate for a long time and directly agreed.

Of course, in order to prevent the other party from cheating on himself, Adier still showed a hesitant appearance to bargain with the other party.

The final result, although it did not bring down the price, successfully added some conditions.

Adier can choose to pay Cilla a thousand units of World Stone within five hundred years, or he can choose to turn in all the gains obtained from this world and give them to Cilla after removing some of the consumption to serve as the other party’s compensation.

This condition is specifically added to prevent the other side from cheating. After all, if Adier still hasn’t gotten a thousand World Stones after five hundred years, wouldn’t he dig a pit and jump?

“Trust me, you will never regret today’s decision.”

Adier was certain, Cilla was relaxed in his heart, and a somewhat wry smile appeared on his face.

“How does this thing work?” Adier was a little confused as he looked at the seed of fate handed by the other party.

“Anyway.” Cilla casually said, “Any way you use, whether it is Life Energy or Spirit, or you can swallow it directly, you can directly activate this seed.”

“As for the specific contract, I wrote it on the seed of destiny, and it will take effect when you are sure to become a liferunner.”

Listening to this, Adier nodded, Life Energy on his body began to mobilize, and slowly poured into the purple seed of fate on the palm of his hand.

In an instant, the seed of destiny in front of it began to shine, and then slowly melted, directly into Adier’s arm.

The next moment, in Adier’s induction, an inexplicable Strength was injected into his body, and some change began to occur.

I just haven’t waited for this Strength to start to work. Before he in the depth of one’s soul, an inexplicable attraction began to appear. Before this Strength started to work, he directly swallowed this Strength.

A violent reaction came from my heart, accompanied by a unique sense of tranquility.

At this moment, Adier saw his own in the depth of one’s soul.

It was an illusive starry sky. On the sky, countless stars were dotted. Although very illusory, it was beautiful and huge.

At this time, a torrent of purple leaps from the outside, like a seed, causing some changes in this imaginary starry sky.

A subtle difference began to arise, and in Adier’s in the depth of one’s soul, a message was quickly fed back into his mind.

“This is … evolved again …”

Feeling the message from in the depth of one’s soul, Adier was shocked and flashed the thought.

The change within the body occurred at an instant. After devouring the seed of destiny, his ability within the body changed again. Compared with the previous one, it seemed to have some more functions.

I have n’t waited for Adier to react. In the depth of one’s soul, it seems to be the end of digestion, and the seed of fate is again spit out and begins to really work.

“Is the user detected … whether the seed of destiny is turned on?” In his mind, a man and a woman could not be distinguished, and some mechanical sounds sounded.

Along with this voice, there was also a complicated contract, which was previously made by Cilla and Adier.

“OK!” After checking the contract and confirming that there are no problems or loopholes in it, Adier was nodded.

With certainty, in his palm, a complex purple circular mark began to emerge, looking very conspicuous.

“Well, this is the mark of destiny. It can be hidden normally, and it can be activated directly when needed. Very convenient.”

Looking at the mark that appeared on Adier’s palm, Cilla smiled with satisfaction: “The specific situation and some knowledge, you can know directly by looking back through the mark, there is no need to ask me.”

“My information has been added to your mark. If necessary, you can contact directly through the mark.”

With that said, he turned around and seemed ready to leave.


Seems to be thinking, his steps paused: “As your guide, let me remind you.”

“This world is now at a high frequency of fate. The power of World is unprecedentedly active. It is better to be careful if not necessary.”

Having said this, he disappeared from his place as if he had left.

In situ, after he left, the surrounding nothingness scene gradually began to disappear, and returned to the former laboratory.

Around, a smell of corpses kept coming, and a dry corpse lying in a huge glass bottle of each and everyone looked very scary.

Looking at the familiar scene around him, Adier didn’t care, but detected himself the first time.

Having absorbed some of the Strength on the Seed of Destiny, his ability within the body has undergone new changes, adding some unique innate talent abilities.

That’s the ability to harvest the power of the world. You can harvest and use the power of the world that was originally wrapped around you.

This ability, originally a seed of destiny, was also copied after the Strength of the destiny was absorbed by Adier’s soul.

Although the functions seem to overlap, one belongs to itself and the other is an imprint, belonging to outsiders, with different natural properties.

In addition to this ability, there seem to be some other changes, but they are very vague and not very clear.

With these abilities of the Seed of Destiny, Adier felt differently.

The very powerful induction has become more horrible, and it has a vague intuition, as if you can predict what will happen later.

In his own body, Adier also saw a unique Strength.

It was a breath of purple, and at this time it was constantly around his body, pouring into his body from time to time.

When these Strengths poured into Adier within the body, a familiar feeling emerged on Adier.

“This feeling …” Feeling this feeling, Adier took a moment and then looked towards his attribute panel.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 48.3. Agility: 50.1. Constitution: 48.7. Blood purity: 64.1%. Boundary Energy: 1.8. Bloodline: Moon Elf (infant).”

In his eyes, the familiar attribute panel emerged.

Only at this moment, as a plethora of purple strength continuously poured into the body, the data of Boundary Energy was constantly changing on the attribute panel, and it increased by a few points in just a few seconds.

This growth is not a one-time, but continuous, except that in the first few seconds, the subsequent growth rate has slowed down significantly.

“Don’t …” Looking at his growing Boundary Energy, Adier flashed a hint of joy in his mind and thought of a possibility in an instant.

He extends the hand and starts to motivate Spirit in accordance with the message returned when the Mark of Destiny is activated, extracting the power of the World that exists on him and condensing it out.

Soon, a purple crystal appeared before my eyes.

With the advent of this crystal, Boundary Energy’s data was suddenly missing a few points on Adier’s attribute panel.

“Sure enough, the Strength I have always used to shuttle World is actually the power of World.”

Observing this scene silently, Adier frowned: “About five points of Boundary Energy is equivalent to one unit of World Stone?”

“So a thousand units of World Stone is five thousand Boundary Energy.”

Five thousand Boundary Energy. This is a very scary statistic. At any time, Adier has never owned such a huge Boundary Energy.

“Forget it, take it slowly. If it doesn’t work, let’s deliver all the Boundary Energy harvested by this world.” Thinking of this, Adier frowned, and then opened his mouth and said: “Chip, update data, Boundary Energy and World Stone exchange rates are flat. “

At the next moment, the attribute panel in front of it suddenly changed. The Boundary Energy, which was already close to two hundred, shrank sharply in an instant, leaving less than 40 points.

The reason for this is naturally to facilitate conversion and reduce the number of intermediate calculation steps.

After doing this, Adier did not study the changes on his body, but took the long sword in his hand and silently walked out of the laboratory in front of him.

After gaining the power of the Seed of Destiny, a strong premonition appeared inexplicably on his body.

At this time, Adier clearly felt that an inexplicable feeling emerged from his heart, as if something was about to happen.

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