In the distance, strong winds blow around.

In the strong wind, a little bit of movement is coming from underground.


Standing in place, Lida was in black leather, suddenly suddenly confused at this moment.

Titled Knight’s strong keenness made him feel a little wrong at this time, but he didn’t know what went wrong.

At this moment, he only felt a bit depressed, and his heart seemed to be squeezed, making breathing difficult.

Feeling this anomaly, he frowned secretly, then walked calmly toward the distance, ready to merge with his subordinates.

Just before he started to move, in the distance, a scream sounded suddenly.

aaaaaah …

A miserable howl sounded in place, like a shout before death, which was disturbing.

Suddenly hearing this voice, Lida’s attention was drawn to it in an instant, and the original tense mind was a little relaxed for a moment.

bump! !!

A burst of long spear sound came from my ears, accompanied by a roaring strong wind and pressure, which was directly transmitted to Lida at this moment.


At the next moment, a sound of collision sounded in situ, two different Strengths collided in an instant, the violent Strength sputtered all around, and a burst of fireworks lit up around.

He hurriedly blocked the blow, and Lida’s silhouette quickly reversed backwards, but before he could stand still, a more horrifying whistling came from behind.

Several huge, thick and long arms stretched out from the ground, and quickly flung towards Lida, fiercely hit him, knocking him out of a great distance.


Suddenly hit hard, Lida coughed up blood, and subconsciously looked towards the direction she was standing in before.

There, the earth was rolling and shaking, and then a huge monster broke through the ground and got out of the ground.

It was a huge monster with three huge heads and dozens of arms. Standing a dozen meters tall, standing there, it looked like a tall building, giving a strong pressure.

“this is···”

Looking at this huge monster in front of him, Lida’s eyes flashed with shock: “The seed of pollution has actually succeeded …”

I have n’t waited for him to come back to his senses. In front of him, the huge monster ran towards him quickly, even though it was as tall as a small floor, but the speed of running was still extremely fast, and he came to Lida almost instantly. before.

Looking at the huge three-headed monster in front of her, Lida didn’t mean to dodge, she just pulled out her gray sword and rushed towards the other side.

The next moment, a slight sound sounded in place. In situ, a huge blade glow passed across the eyes, bringing up a piece of black flesh and spreading it all around.

In front of the eyes, the huge three-headed monster was cut out of a huge hole in the chest, and the black flesh inside was exposed, with an extremely disgusting taste.

However, even in the face of such a serious injury, the three-headed monster in front of him seemed as if he was okay. He didn’t seem to react at all. He still re-entered Lida with no care and grabbed dozens of arms toward the other.


Despite dodging in time, Lida did not completely avoid in such a close range, her arm was firmly grasped by a pale arm, and she could not pull away at all.

On the arm, an inexplicable Strength began to emerge, with an extremely strong erosion and pollution.

“Not good !!” Feeling this feeling on her body, Lida flashed the thought in her mind, her body dragged by the arm in front of her, leaning involuntarily towards Monster.

Looking at this scene, a strong sense of danger flashed in his heart, the arm of the right hand holding a large sword trembled slightly, and the brilliance of Battle Qi flashed on it.

I just didn’t wait for him to start to move. A shining sword glow appeared in front of me. He took a keen sword wind in a silver long sword, cut down that arm in an instant, and cut the arm directly.

On the side, Adier became Andak again. At this moment, holding a long sword in his hand, he grabbed Lida and left from Monster’s arms.

“Andak. Looking at Adier in front of him, Lida seemed a bit surprised, and then looked at the three monsters behind him, without the slightest hesitation opened the mouth and said:” Run! !! “

As the words fell, he took Adier and ran away instantly without hesitation.

As Titled Knight of Tuling Church, Lida has learned a lot about the plans in Tuling Church.

This three-headed monster with a height of more than ten meters is part of an important plan. Once it is successfully manufactured, with its strong pollution and huge body size, even the Peakled Knight of Peak can’t beat it, only one escapes. Way to go.

Fortunately, although this monster has strong vitality and destructive power, it is not outstanding in speed, just the level of the ordinary Azure Firmament Knight.

In the face of Adier and Lida who fled, the monster couldn’t catch up. After snarling for a while, they looked away and left.

The two fled all the way out. In the process, the several Great Knights who came here before had no news at all, only the low roar sound from time to time came from a distance, which was creepy.

All the way to a small mountain peak outside the base, they stopped.

Standing in place, Adier turned to look back.

I saw in the building ruins behind me, a corpse started to stand up, and in the ruins, a monster with a long head crawled out of the ruins, where it kept roaring.

“It turned out to be really successful.”

Looking at the horrible monster standing on the ruins in the distance, Lida’s face was a little sighed and a little fanatical: “Your Majesty prepared the army and trump card for decades, and finally …”

He stood still, whispering from time to time, watching the horrible monsters in the distance not only did not feel afraid, but was very enthusiastic in his heart.

“When did you reach Azure Firmament Knight?”

After a while, his eyes looked towards Adier aside, thinking of the scene just before, could not help but have an appreciation in his eyes.

At present, if it wasn’t for Adier’s appearance in time, he would be in danger, and he would lose an arm if he was in trouble.

However, this also proves from the side that Adier’s current strength has unknowingly reached the point of Azure Firmament Knight, otherwise it is impossible to hurt the monster at all.

“Just a few months ago.” Looking at Lida in front of him, Adier’s face remained respectful, and then with some doubts: “Master Lida, I wonder if these monsters are here?”

“That’s Contamination Beast.” Listening to Adier’s words, Lida turned back and looked towards the distance, and her vision gradually became clearer: “Taking the seed of pollution as the core, various Bloodline mixed experiments, and finally a powerful monster.”

“Let’s go.” He looked a little excited: “Although there are some losses, compared with this news, all the losses are worth it.”

As the words fell, he turned and walked behind, no longer looking towards the distance.

In the distance, watching Lida leave, on a building ruin, the three-headed monster that had attacked Lida suddenly rose, and the central human-like head turned around, one of them Glittering with wisdom.

In an instant, more than half a month passed.

Lida and the others seemed to be very concerned about what happened at that branch base, so when they returned to the branch where Malan Kingdom was located, they hurried away with people, allegedly to report to the headquarters.

As for Adier, it seems to be because the previous performance impressed the other party, and because he has become Azure Firmament Knight. Before Lida left, he also arranged a job for Adier, making him the head of a certain area.

In this regard, Adier accepted it.

This kind of branch manager does not need to consume too much time, as long as he is willing to delegate authority, some of his subordinates will solve daily tasks for you.

As the person in charge, Adier only needs to show up once in a while, and by the way solve some problems that others can’t solve.

In addition, the area he is responsible for is not far from Maran City, so it is generally convenient.

After a quick tour of the area in which he was responsible, Adier was restored to his original appearance and returned to Alina’s estate.

“Why did it go this long this time?”

In a spacious and gorgeous room, sitting on a comfortable wooden chair, looking at Adier in front of her, Alina asked softly.

She was wearing a light white sleeve dress with red hair all over today, and she looked a little tired, and she seemed to have consumed a lot of energy during this time.

“Sorry, there was a delay on the road, which caused this trip to take a little longer.”

Looking at Alina in front of her, Adier laughed, apologizing apologetically, “It makes you worry.”

“It’s okay.” Alina shook the head, looking at Adier and asking, “How about this trip? Any gains?”

This was the reason Adier used to leave.

After all, it’s okay to say that in a day or two, whether you go hunting in the mountains or playing in the distance, you can fool around.

But this time leaving for almost a month, it would be impossible to justify those reasons.

So this time he left, he used an excuse to go somewhere to prepare materials, and wanted to deploy some medicine to restore vitality.

“The harvest is not bad.” Adier opened the mouth and said: “I encountered something on the road and just found a way to go back and try to configure.”

“That’s good.” Listening to this, Alina couldn’t help smiling.

With so long before, she has no doubts about Adier’s medical skills.

Whether it is a very difficult operation followed by a broken limb or a powerful medicine that can directly improve the physical quality of Boiling Blood Medicine, it is undoubtedly not available to ordinary medical practitioners.

Therefore, she is very confident in the level of Adier’s medicine and medicine.

Opposite her, at this moment, looking at Alina in front of her, Adier also sighed.

After activating the Seed of Destiny, his perspective at this time has changed greatly from the past.

In his sight at this time, it can be clearly seen that, on Alina’s body, a ray of purple breath is constantly rising, although it is constantly consuming and burning, it is still constantly being supplemented.

This consumption and replenishment made his World power reach a balance, and it was always growing slowly, which made Adier feel terrified at this time.

“That’s right, one more thing.” Alina’s voice sounded again before her.

She looked up and looked at Adier in front of her: “During this time, you need to prepare more, and in a few days, we will go to Catutan City.”


PS: Recommend a friend’s book “Summon is the master”. DND seals the text, the protagonist has a summon golden finger and comes to the realm. From the weak to the strong, he is gradually promoted to Legendary. He condenses the divinity, ignites the divine fire, weaves the Divine Spark, obtains the clergy, and creates the [summon division] this caster class through golden fingers. .

Friendly recommendation, if you like this type, go for a little collection.

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