“It’s still your World.”

In a simple room, sitting on a chair and looking at Adier in front of him, Cilla lamented: “Although the other World is wonderful, for us, the life runners, it is not our World.”

“The rejection from World seems to be abandoned by the entire World. I really don’t want to experience it again.”

He looked at Adier in front of him and sighed, and seemed to have a deep understanding of this in his words.

“World exclusion, what does it feel like?” Adier asked with interest, listening to Cilla.

“Imagine when you were the most unlucky, amplifying that feeling by dozens of times is almost the same.”

Speaking of this, Cilla’s face was a bit unsightly: “When you go out, you will encounter a swift magic beast, and killing a person will cause the powerhouse to hunt down. Even if you usually drink water and eat, be careful, for fear you will be one step.

“This is the end of World exclusion. In addition to World’s Poison, which is eroding all the time, it is also subject to the pressure of Cycle of Destiny, being careful all the time, for fear of dying there by accident.”

At this point, he shook his head: “Fortunately, at least this time at World, not only did I not lose money, but I also made a lot of money. If you count the ones you owe me, you can say that you make a lot of money.”

“Loss?” Adier asked back, wondering: “Is loss common?”

“Almost.” Cilla laughed: “Randomly entering the World is like this. Basically, seven or eight times are at a loss, and the rest are profitable.”

“But as long as there is money to be made, then World Stone earned once is enough to randomly enter ten consumptions.”

“Like the World I entered this time, not only does it have extraordinary knowledge, it is just in the outbreak of the World trend. More than one Child of Destiny was born. It is much easier to harvest the power of the World.”

He looked at Adier and explained carefully: “Of course, you are different from us.”

“Your soul is special in nature. It seems to be able to shield the erosion of Cycle of Destiny and World’s Poison of different Worlds, and even close to the Child of Destiny of that World without being affected.”

“I have seen a few similar things like this unique nature of your soul, but you have seen almost this one that you have almost completely shielded like you.”

“Can anyone else do it?” Adier listened to Cilla’s words, and then became interested.

He knew the immediate situation.

The reason why he can shield the influence of different worlds is entirely because the shuttle ability of within the body exists, so that he can experience different worlds without any accident.

Relatively speaking, other people must not have such conditions, but they can do the same thing, and they have to make him think about it.

“This nature is not uncommon among life runners.”

In the face of Adier’s problem, Cilla was laughed: “Deathrunners are not what they want to be. Without some special characteristics and talents, it is impossible to activate the seed of destiny and become a liferunner.”

“The nature of the soul can be somewhat special, at least compared to the ordinary person. At the same conditions, the rejection of the world is not as great as the ordinary person.”

“You can understand this thing as the most important innate talent for life runners, and your situation is equivalent to a top genius, and the resistance to rejection of different worlds is far stronger than other life runners.”

“Is this better understood?” He looked at Adier said with a smile.

“Indeed.” Looking at the smile on Cilla’s face, Adier couldn’t help laughing, a smile on his face.

“But here, I want to remind you.” Cilla’s face was positive and looked serious. “Even if you can be immune to the impact of World exclusion on you, but as you and Child of Destiny keep in touch, you Sooner or later, it will be slowly affected by the strength of that World, creating a serious backlash. “

“Child of Destiny is the protagonist of an era, and while they are alive, they are the core of Cycle of Destiny.”

“Even if you can be immune to World’s rejection of you, as you approach the Child of Destiny, the impact of Cycle of Destiny will slowly emerge, and eventually you will be backlashed.”

“So what should I do?” Adier frowned, asking Cilla, asking back.

“As long as you are near Child of Destiny, Cycle of Destiny will continue to affect you. There is no way to avoid this.” Looking at Adier, Cilla shook the head: “So, we must try to harvest as much as possible with the least cost. The power of the world. “

“However, the operation in this area is a bit complicated. You can buy some strategy information yourself later, and then operate according to your own understanding.”

“Oh, yes.” After thinking about it, Cilla said, “Don’t think that Child of Destiny is only the little girl.”

“In the World that was lurking for decades, I once deduced part of the future through the mark of destiny, and finally got some information.”

“There are at least four Child of Destiny in that World. According to the pictures I get, there should be a Child of Destiny in the four empires of that World, and only Malan Kingdom has confirmed the identity, that is the little girl.”

“You also need to be extra careful about this, don’t accidentally get involved in the trend of the times, and it will not be fun if you can’t get rid of it.”

Looking at Adier, he kept telling, explaining some of the information from the previous World very clearly.

Adier listened carefully to the information he explained.

He knew that the other side had been lurking in Knight World for decades, and his knowledge of that World should be far above him.

What’s more, the reason why the other party helped him at this time was that he was afraid that Adier would not get too much in that World.

If the power of the World harvested in that World is less than a thousand World Stones, then Adier will most likely give him the World Stones obtained by that World in accordance with the previous agreement.

So even in order not to suffer, Cilla will wholeheartedly introduce Adier.

“Yes, at that World, you need to pay more attention to Tuling Church.”

What seemed to come to mind, Cilla suddenly opened the mouth and said: “I have been following this organization for a long time. If other Child of Destiny exists, it is likely to exist in this organization.”

“What about Tuling Church?” Listening to this familiar word, Adier didn’t respond much, just quietly nodded, and then asked another question: “You have been in that World for decades, and you do n’t know what the World is. How much do Source Awakening Knight and Founding Ancestor Knight know? “

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