“Source Awakening Knight and Founding Ancestor Knight?”

Listening to Adier’s words in the spacious and gorgeous room, Cilla stumbled: “What do you ask this for?”

“I’m a bit interested in the Knight system of that World.” Adier opened the mouth and said, and did not hide his interest in the Knight system.

“Source Awakening Knight and Founding Ancestor Knight of that World … I know some of it.” Cilla shook the head: “Unfortunately, in the context of that World, it is unlikely that the level of Founding Ancestor Knight will appear again. powerhouse. “

“I have a torn Book of Kings on hand. It belongs to a founding ancestor knight of the world. Although some of the content about the founding ancestor knight is missing, other information still exists.”

“How about five hundred World Stones at a price?” He watched Adier asking.

“One hundred.” Adier directly changed his price without bargaining.

After visiting Destiny World for so long, he is not completely idle. He constantly summarizes the information of each product through the chip, and he also has some understanding of the purchasing power of World Stone.

Generally speaking, the existence of a level like Founding Ancestor Knight, even in Destiny World, is considered to be top-notch, and its inheritance value is definitely worth nearly a thousand World Stones.

However, Cilla’s inheritance is not the same. The most important Founding Ancestor Knight is missing. The value is relatively discounted to the complete volume. The price is no problem if it is reduced to one or two hundred World Stones.

What’s more, this Knight inheritance, apart from Adier, is unlikely to be of interest.

Different systems require different things.

Just as wizards need not only a lot of potion aids in the process of growing up, but also a lot of basic knowledge to assist in building magic templates, other systems will have this problem more or less.

If there is not a lot of medicament assistance, and the various knowledge that ancient wizards have accumulated over the years, even if they have obtained a wizard’s advanced Meditation Method, what will happen in the end?

Without the knowledge of the predecessors, and without a lot of resources to assist in the practice, it is not surprising that he rushed to the higher Meditation Method and killed himself directly.

By the same token, the top inheritance of a Strange World is precious, but for others in the World, I am afraid that it only has a part of reference and research at most, and its appeal has greatly decreased.

“One hundred and fifteen.” In front of him, looking at Adier, Cilla opened the mouth and said: “Can’t be lower, it’s not easy for me to get this inheritance. I could take a great risk to find an antiquity. The king’s tomb. “

Sitting in front of his eyes, Adier didn’t reply, just watched him calmly all the time.

“Okay.” Adier saw a bit of hair, Cilla helplessly said: “One hundred and thirty World Stones, and in addition to this king’s inheritance, I will tell you something I know, how about it?”

“Deal.” After thinking for a while, Adier finally nodded and agreed.

They quickly completed the transaction, and after making the contract, they left and returned to their respective Worlds.

In an empty laboratory, the smell of herbs kept coming from all over the place, permeating the entire laboratory.

At the next moment, Adier reappeared in the center of the laboratory, and then looked towards his right hand.

On his right hand, a black crystal lies quietly in his palm, looking like some kind of black jade, very beautiful.

“Is the information interface detected, is it connected?” In his head, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

After Adier chose to confirm, a lot of information came in an instant.

In the mind, the chip is running fast, and the huge computing power is mobilized this time to quickly simulate a scene.

Soon, in Adier’s sight, a tall silhouette appeared in place.

It was a very striking silhouette. The whole body was burly and tall, with a unique temperament, which looked very impressive.

In him, the horrifying Life Energy is rising rapidly.


The violent crimson Battle Qi erupted, condensed on him, and eventually formed a huge silhouette of a tall several dozen meters.

It was a much larger Battle Qi armor, which looked like a fire cow from the outside, covered with a crimson armor, with a huge pair of crimson wings behind it.

This fire bull’s several dozen meters is tall and full of horror, full of tyranny and insanity, as if the next moment will erupt and directly kill everything.

The fire ox roared in the sky, the sound shook the four wilds, and the life energy deep in the ocean escaped. It looked like a little sun burning in the raging flames, assimilating all the creatures in the four wilds directly.

“Is this Founding Ancestor Knight?”

Opening his eyes silently, in his mind, the scene simulated by the chip still exists and has not completely disappeared.

Watching this scene quietly, thinking about what the king’s inheritance recorded, Adier thought to himself: “Beyond all Knight, the king in this world is enough to compare with the horrible Strength of the great wizards in history.”

“Founding Ancestor Knight ···· The so-called ancestor originally meant this.” Thinking of the content in his head, Adier was a little surprised.

This Book of Kings has helped Adier a lot.

According to Book of Kings, after entering Radiant Knight, Knight would need one more thing to reach Source Awakening Knight.

That kind of thing is Bloodline. Only those who have Bloodline can consolidate the power of Bloodline in Bloodline and combine with Life Seed within the body to form their own unique Knight trend.

“In the ancient times of this world, the ancient kings slaughtered the magic beast of the ancient times, and extracted the Bloodline of the ancient magic beast and merged them into their bodies, so as to obtain greater potential.” Thinking of the content on Book of Kings, Adier read ; “The king who merges magic beast Bloodline, and his descendants will also have greater potential, so he is called King Descendant.”

“Because of this, these first generation kings of magic beast Bloodline are also known as Founding Ancestor Knight.”

After reading this silently, Adier was surprised: “If this is the case, it is no wonder that Founding Ancestor Knight has not appeared in this world for so long.”

“I want to think that those magic beasts that have the potential to advance the king have been hunted out in the ancient times of this world.”

Bloodline will gradually dilute and decline as its descendants continue to multiply. Even the Bloodline of Founding Ancestor Knight, after thousands of years, there may not be much potential in Bloodline.

And with those Bloodline out of the ordinary magic beasts being hunted clean, the decline of Knight in this world, and even the founding of Ancestor Knight, became an inevitable trend.

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