“It turned out to be the case.”

After reading the entire Book of Kings, Adier expression is a little stunned, and finally has a general understanding of the history of Knight in this world.

The Knight system of this world comes to the end, no doubt it also depends on certain resources. You need to extract a Bloodline seed from the corpse of the king-level magic beast, and combine it with your own Life Seed to continue to move forward. .

Many Knights in Knight World today are undoubtedly blocked by things like Bloodline.

According to the history Adier read, this world has not seen a new king for the whole millennium since the birth of the last earth king.

This undoubtedly indicates something, most likely in this world, the magic beasts that can be used to extract Bloodline have been slaughtered.

The King’s Bloodline is dying incessantly. After losing the new Bloodline supplement, the recent generation is not as good as the next generation, which has led to the disappearance of even Source Awakening Knight.

“Maybe the power of the World in this world is boiling for precisely this reason.”

Looking up towards the distance, thinking of something I learned in Destiny World, Adier thought.

The outbreak of World Power is not unprovoked, and often has deeper reasons.

Generally speaking, only when World enters an important turning point, the power of World will gradually boil, condensing the trend of an era to determine the direction of World.

In this world, the Knight system is about to come to an end, and to a certain extent, it may be considered as a critical period, so it has led to the trend of the World and gave birth to the Child of Destiny of this era.

“Anyway, the original purpose was achieved.”

Thinking about his gains this time, Adier shook his head: “Unfortunately, the original itinerary cannot be changed.”

At first he approached Alina, but just wanted to get this world’s breathing that’s all through the relationship of the other party.

But up to now, one step of the king-level breathing method, but he can’t leave, but he has to hold the thigh tighter.

After all, a Child of Destiny is not so easy to find, at least until the end of the era of the opponent, Adier is not ready to leave the other side.

Thinking of this, he got up and walked out, opening the iron door of the laboratory.

Outside the door, several guards were standing there, and after seeing Adier come out, they were complexion changed and started saluted bows.

“How long have I been in there?” Adier asked, looking at the guards.

“About five minutes …” A glance at each other, Adier in front of him, a guard carefully opened the mouth and said.

“It’s only five minutes.” Listening to this number, Adier froze, then thought instantly: “It seems that the time in Destiny World is not the same as this world.”

The thought flashed in his mind, he didn’t think much, just walked away and walked towards the door.

Outside the door, the sun was spreading over the earth.

In the distance, a few black horses ran on the flat ground. After seeing Adier’s silhouette, they ran directly towards here.


After half a month.

Adier was walking in the streets of a strange city.

At this time, he had changed his face, and the whole man was walking with a kind smile on the streets of the city and watching all around.

“It’s really hilarious.” He looked up, watching the silhouettes everywhere on the street, and some Knight from outside the city, and couldn’t help sighing.

This is already Catutan City, and it is also the capital of Malan Kingdom.

Recently, the Knight’s book of Malan Kingdom is about to start, which makes many distant Knights come one after another, and want to express it in the Knight book this time.

According to the usual practice of Malan Kingdom, this time the Knight ’s canonization, the top fifty should be able to be awarded to the Lord, and the top three may even get a territory.

If you can get first place, you can not only get a piece of Fiefdom and Baron titles, but also the king’s personal invitation to participate in King Maran’s banquet.

For those small families who were born, and even some wild Knights, these rewards are undoubtedly attractive, so they have attracted a group of Knights from far away to come and participate in this competition.

“It seems that there are quite a few opponents this time.” Adier muttered silently as he watched Knight constantly moving around.

For this competition, he really wanted to perform better. If conditions permit, it is not impossible to consider winning this championship.

It’s not for fame or anything, it’s just to better harvest the power of the world.

Although it is just the beginning of the life of the runner, after reading a lot of materials, Adier is very sure that with the participation of a Child of Destiny, Alina, this time the book is probably not unusual.

For Adier, this unusual accident meant a lot of World Power to be harvested.

Therefore, not only can’t he hide, but he must actively participate in it, so that he can get more opportunities.

After walking on the street for a while, in the distance, a silhouette of a thin figure began to appear.

It was a thin girl wearing a gray robe. The whole person looked weak and weak, and seemed to be introverted. At this time, looking at Adier walking away, she shyly said, “First, sir, may I buy Flowers? “

She spoke with a weak voice, and took out the flowers on her hand, looking at Adier with a timid look.

Looking at the girl, Adier did not speak, but quietly left three gold coins.

“Thanks Mister Xie!” Looking at the three gold coins appearing in the basket, the girl looked very happy and somewhat dim.

She stood up and walked quickly towards the alley behind her.

Behind her, Adier followed silently, saying a word.

They slowly walked towards the alley, went deeper and deeper as time passed, and finally reached an old street.

There, a stench came from all around, accompanied by a low wailing noise.

Adier turned and looked towards all around, and I saw in all around, there were more than a dozen small children lying on their backs, shivering coldly.

There were deep blood on the ground, and it looked fresh. Around, a few beggars sobbed and looked at Adier with fear in his eyes.

“Leader Andak, what are you doing to give this Little Brat three gold coins?” Inside, a rough voice came.

Under Adier’s gaze, a man more than two meters tall and wearing a coarse coat walked out of it, with very thick hair on his body.

He stepped out of the hut, carrying a child’s body in his hand.

Adier looked at it, it was a boy, one hand had been broken, and the flesh on one face seemed to have been stung by a dog, and his flesh was blurred.


Looking at Adier, the man in the coarse coat spit and spit, and threw the body directly to his side, making a noise.

In the distance, a few big black dogs ran up quickly, watching the man’s corpse left glowing in his eyes, and rushed forward, biting directly.

Watching this scene, Adier frowned slightly: “Angel, what are you doing?”

“It’s nothing.” Middle-aged man casually said, “A disobedient Little Brat was taught by me, and I accidentally killed him.”

He touched his head and looked somewhat sorry.

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