“Be careful next time.”

Looking at the big man in front of him, Adier frowned, in the end, he still didn’t get entangled in this issue, but just said casually: “It is not necessary afterwards, don’t do anything with these children.”

“Yes, leader!” Angri was nodded with a certain murmur, and looked sorry.

At this time, in the front room, several silhouettes came out.

There are three silhouettes in total, two of them male and one female, and they don’t look too young.

“Boss Andak, you are here.”

Seeing Adier standing in the distance, the three hurried out and looked very respectful.

Although there are not many contacts, only from the previous data, Adier’s strength is most likely at the level of Azure Firmament Knight, which is an absolute influence figure for them.

Such an influential figure, not to mention being in the orderly Tuling Church, even in other places, there is no problem in trying to kill them, and naturally you cannot offend the slightest.

“Um.” Seeing the three people coming out of the room, and Angri standing on the side, Adier’s face was cold, but he was just nodded.

The four people in front of him are the team members under him and the core of this division.

Catutan City after all is Wang Capital. Not only is the area of ​​the city large, but the forces and relationships involved are also complicated.

So in this city, Tuling Church has set up a total of six branches, each monitoring a certain area.

After Adier rescued Lida, he was assigned to one of the divisions and served as the commander of the division.

Of course, strictly speaking, with the strength of Azure Firmament Knight, as a commander of a branch, in fact, there are still some talents.

However, Adier was only a peripheral member of Tuling Church before, and now it has officially joined. It can be considered a good place to do this.

“Anything special has happened recently?”

When he walked into the room and looked at the four people in front of him, Adier asked without turning a corner.

“Compared with two months ago, these days, more and more Knights have gathered in this city.”

Standing in front of Adier, the only woman in the four opened the mouth and said.

She has rare long brown hair, and her skin is dark and wild. Looking at Adier at this time, expression is very serious and focused: “There is a task passed down from the top, let us collect all the information and information of Knight this time. , All report up. “

It’s no surprise that Adier’s face didn’t change when he heard this.

Knight Tourney is only held every five years, and it involves a lot of things, including the competition of various forces, which can be regarded as the scene of rarely seen.

It is normal for Tuling Church to take this seriously.

But what the woman said later surprised Adier.

“This time, we have several special characters coming over.”

Standing in front of Adier, the woman opened the mouth and said: “In addition to the candidates sent by the heirs of the Malan Kingdom, it is said that this time, the Gounod Empire will also send someone over, where there is a person Gouno Prince.”

“Courne Prince?” Adier frowned as he heard this.

Gounod Empire is located further north of Malan Kingdom. It is famous for its borders with the ancient forests. Most of its residents are belligerent and aggressive. It is the strongest of the four empires. Instigate every few years.

Unfortunately, although this country is powerful, it is also facing the biggest pressure. Not only is the country nearing the horrible Cino Forest, it is also vigilant and even boycotted by the surrounding large countries.

The Malan Kingdom to the south and the Xiqiao Empire to the east are not soft persimmons. In the case that most of the military power is restrained by the ancient forest, it is not easy to face several big powers at the same time.

However, although the relationship between Gounod Empire and Malan Kingdom has not been too rigid in recent years, the distance between the two countries is not close. From one country to another, it may be necessary to go for the first half of the year.

That’s why Adier was surprised.

Dignified Prince, it’s strange to say that it is so long to come to Malan Kingdom to participate in Knight’s canonization.

“Which Prince is here?” He asked after thinking about it.

“It is the younger son of King Cournot, only seventeen years old this year.” His subordinates responded: “This Prince seems to have some tasks on him, and he is accompanied by a large number of envoys.”

“That’s right.” Adier gently nodded: “Participating in the registration of ceremony should only be by the way, this Courne Prince should have another task.”

“Send someone to keep an eye on it.” Standing on the spot, after thinking about it, he opened the mouth and said: “Mobilize your hands and try to investigate what Knights have participated in the canonical ceremony this time.”

“Yes.” In front of them, four subordinates responded respectfully.

In situ, Adier left the place after staying for a while and dealing with things that he needed to decide for himself.

Out of the house, in the alley outside the door, several beggars still mourned.

The distant breeze blew gently, and while bringing a breath of fresh air, it also scattered the bloody smell around.

Smelling this smell, Adier looked down at the corners towards all around.

In that corner, a flesh-decomposed body lay there quietly, and the body was divided into many pieces.

At the side of the body, several half-height black dogs were still torn, fighting for pieces of flesh.

Looking at this scene, Adier’s eyes flickered. After watching for a while, he turned around and turned around and walked in the direction he always had.


An early morning a few days later.

On this day, Alina appeared very early, and when it was not completely bright, she sent someone to Adier to send him a message to let him enter the palace with her in the early morning.

All the way, as Alina’s personal guard, Adier has been riding a horse to guard Alina’s side, not in all accidents in this city.

As the road gradually runs out, at the end of the road, a splendid palace slowly opens.

This is a very beautiful and beautiful palace, surrounded by gems and flowers, looks magnificent and atmospheric, there is a style that Adier has never seen in it.

Compared to the buildings Adier has seen in the past, this building is not the best looking, but it is also very special.

Of course, in terms of exquisiteness and gorgeousness, this place is far from being compared with the wizard, let alone the elf in Silver Fog Forest.

Compared to different architectural styles on the surface, here, what attracts Adier are those things that are invisible to ordinary people.

“There are traces of riding Knight Secret Runes …” Looking at the building in front of him, feeling the traces inside, Adier whispered to himself.

The so-called Knight Secret Runes is a development of Knight’s use of Life Energy. The effect is similar to Wizard World’s Wizard Array, and you can use mana to do all kinds of things.

But compared to Wizard’s Wizard Array, Knight Secret Runes in this world are much rarer. Coming to this world for more than half a year, Adier only saw parts on the distribution base of Tuling Church. It can be seen that it is scarce, far less popular and perfect than Wizard Array.

Keeping this feature in mind, Adier continued to follow Alina.

Soon, they walked to the gate of a palace, where a silhouette was standing there, and when they saw Alina bringing people over, they brought them directly forward.

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