“how do you feel?”

The entire group walked on the road, looking at Adier aside, Alina asked.

“There should be no problem.” Adier replied with a glance behind him.

Behind them, under the hands of Angelo Prince, the young Knight named Jacques also came out.

Compared to Adier’s spotlessness, his body was stained with blood, and the whole person’s pace was light and he seemed to be in a good mood.

In Adier’s induction, after killing more than a dozen people, not only did the young Knight’s mind not fluctuate, but he was a little excited.

“That was the successor of the Elacha family and the most noticeable Knight genius of Angelo.” On the side, noting Jacques behind him, Alina said lightly: “If possible, kick him out first.”

Listening to this, Adier looked calm, just quietly nodded.

“The Cournot Prince, do you see it?” Alina asked again, looking at Adier in front of her.

“Seeing that, the strength is pretty good.” Adier nodded said truthfully, “Is there any problem?”

“It’s okay.” Listening to Adier’s words, Alina walked out, without answering the question directly.

After a while, they came to the end of the road, where the next game was starting.


“The next game will begin soon !!”

“Who will win?”

“I press Storm Knight !!”

In a hall, a heated rumbling sounded continuously.

Around, there are each and everyone counters, where someone is sorting the bets of the people around them.

“A thousand gold coins, I win by myself.” A calm voice sounded in place, although not very large, but clearly communicated to the ears of people around.

Standing in front of the counter, looking at the girl sitting on the counter in front of her, Adier said calmly.

“It’s Storm Knight!”

“It looks like he is still confident in this match!”

Looking at Adier in the distance, there was a lot of talk around, but the voices were subconsciously lowered.

Most of the people who can qualify to stand here are those who have identity, either big businessmen who are famous in some places or some nobles.

People without certain assets don’t even have the right to enter here.

However, these people were not in the presence of Adier, Knight, and their voices were subconsciously reduced, and they did not dare to attract his attention.

“Boundary Energy is increasing faster.” Standing in situ, feeling the awesome eyes of those around him, watching Boundary Energy growing on his body, Adier thought.

During this time, through Alina’s momentum and his performance in the arena, he was also famous in this competition.

Every game is a clean end. This high efficiency has earned him the title of Storm Knight. He has a great reputation in this area and is regarded as a strong contender for this championship.

In the process, Adier also discovered something.

He found that as his influence continues to grow, Boundary Energy is growing faster.

This improvement is not great. If it is not through the real-time comparison of the chip, it can not be accurately found, but it is a real situation.

This discovery also broadened Adier’s thinking.

Cohesion of the world does not have to be done by influencing the Child of Destiny.

In a World, destiny is the protagonist of an era, but those ordinary persons are also members of this era. They also have the cohesion of the power of the world, but that’s all.

But no matter how small, as long as there are enough, the final harvest may not be small.

I figured this out. In addition to working under Alina during this time, Adier also tried his best to increase his influence.

Today’s game is a key point.

Walking down the road, looking at the empty field in the distance, Adier thought.

On the opposite side, a young Knight slowly walked out from the other exit. When he saw Adier, an excited and bloodthirsty smile appeared on his face.

That was Jacques. After so many games, they finally met and decided the victory in this place.

In the cheers of many spectators around, they went to the most central site, each pulled out their swords, and looked at each other.

Looking at this scene, there were a lot of cheering around, and the loud voice continued for a long time, but it became more and more intense.

“The strength of the two Knights looks very good.” In one corner of the auditorium, Loris was wearing a white long dress. Looking at the two Adiers below, his eyes were also shining: “Chris, do you think they Who will win? “

“Jacques is the eldest son of the Elacha family, and he has been rigorously trained since he was a child. He has also become an Azure Firmament Knight early on, and is a famous Knight genius near Catutan City.”

On the side, the middle-aged Knight named Chris was also watching the central venue. At this moment, when he heard Loris, he opened the mouth and said: “However, the Knight named Adier is not simple, and can be leaned on by Alina Princess. , It should be at the same level as Azure Firmament Knight. “

“The battle between the two Azure Firmament Knights is difficult for me to figure out.” Looking at Adier in the middle of the field, he shook his head and said so.

“Another Azure Firmament Knight?” Aside, sitting on a chair, looking at Adier with long silvery hair in the distance, Loris’s eyes were envious: “You can solicit casually. Knight, Alina’s luck is still as good as before. “

“I heard that you pressed a thousand gold coins on yourself!” A husky and deep voice sounded on the distant field.

Standing in the middle of the field, looking at Adier in front of him, Jacques had some flushes on his face, which looked a little scary: “It’s a pity.”

“What a pity?” Adier asked calmly, opposite his face, calmly.

“Unfortunately, you met me this time.” Jacques’ eyes gradually became cold and bloodthirsty.

With the ringing bell symbolizing the beginning of the battle, he directly raised his gray long sword and walked forward.

oh la la …

The dark Battle Qi erupted, and the gray long sword burst into the air, carrying a huge vitality and smashing towards Adier fiercely.


A violent crash sounded in place.

The two long swords collided with each other, causing a burst of Life Energy, and quickly broke out in place.

“That’s …” An exclamation sound came from the surrounding audience, looking at what appeared in the middle of the battlefield with eyes excited and shocked.

I saw that in the middle of the scene, with the two Knight’s offensives, the Battle Qi of the two began to condense, eventually forming the Battle Qi armor, covering both of their bodies.

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