“Oh, both are Knights with Battle Qi armor?”

On the VIP table aside, watching the two Adiers who were slaughtered in the middle of the venue, the Courne Prince raised his eyebrows, which was a bit of a surprise.

The Cournots have always been belligerent. As the Cournot Prince, although he is still young, he has always been yearning for the duel between Knights, so when he heard the news of the book ceremony, he immediately enrolled.

For him, participating in the canonization of ceremony and Knight duel from different places with each and everyone is a kind of high honor and enjoyment in itself.

Even if you can’t get the first place in this competition, as long as you can fight against the powerful Knight, it is a good thing.

At this moment, his eyes focused on the two Adiers in the distance, watching the marks caused by their every move, the fighting intent in his eyes seemed to be getting stronger.


The sound of metal collision kept ringing in the same place, and continued to spread far away under the blessing of Life Energy.

In front of his eyes, Jacques was mad, with red all over his skin, and seemed to have exhausted all his strength.

The pale blue Battle Qi condensed on him, silently and silently condensed into a huge Battle Qi armor, protecting any inch of his body.

Among his opponents, as his opponent, Adier behaved very calmly, from the beginning to the end his expression did not change at all, and even the rhythm of breathing was not disturbed.

He behaved calmly, holding the long sword in his hand very stably, as if it had been calculated long ago, always making the sword from the most labor-saving angle, and the accuracy was amazing.

“Jacques is about to lose.”

In the distance, watching the glue on the battlefield, Angelo Prince sighed softly, and looked at Adier’s eyes with a little appreciation: “With such a calm and precise fighting style, Knight’s strength is still above Jacques.”

“It is said that Knight was recruited by Alina Princess at the Malan Academy. She was not only a physician, but also a Knight student of the Malan Academy.” The attendant on the side supplemented the opening and introduced for Angelo.

“Practice Knight? It’s ridiculous.” Angelo shook his head. “Looking at him, he’s probably a Kingline Descendant with a good Bloodline. Unfortunately, it’s a big deal for Alina.”

Elsewhere, watching Adier and Jacques fighting, a burst of debate continued to sound.

Two Azure Firmament Knights appeared in a competition at the same time. This situation has also appeared in the previous canonical ceremony, but the number of times is not large, and the two Knights ran into the situation even before the final.

Moreover, the identity of the two men fighting this time is not simple.

Adier is Knight of Alina, and Jacques is Knight of Angelo.

The confrontation between these two people can easily make others think of more things, and even judge this battle as a temptation between the two royal heirs.

In the end, under the attention of everyone, Adier waved a sword, and Silver Battle Qi shattered the Battle Qi armor covering Jacques, announcing the end of the battle.

“Victor, Adier.Fax!”

The moment the victory was announced, the shouts of the surrounding audience burst out in an instant, almost flooding the venue.

At this moment, Adier only felt that the growth rate of Boundary Energy had accelerated again.

His face was impassive, and after a quiet glance at Jacques, who had fallen to the ground, he put away his sword and prepared to walk in the direction of Alina.

“Wait!” A voice sounded in place, stopping Adier’s footsteps.

Listening to the sound, Adier turned and looked back, just to see a young man in a black robe coming from the other exit, rushing towards him with a sword.

That silhouette Adier is no stranger. I have seen many times during this time. It is the militant Cournot Prince who rushed to him at this time and watched him yell, “I want to ask you challenge!”

“You have lost the game, my opponent is not you.” Looking at the Cournot Prince in front of him, Adier frowned slightly and refused: “Go back.”

“So what?” Courne Prince was disdainful about this: “The true warrior never fears failure, only cowards fear danger.”

“Knight, draw your sword!” He looked at Adier and said solemnly.

Listening to this, Adier suddenly felt a little trouble.

During this time, it wasn’t just him who was playing the game, it was the same for everyone else.

The Cuno Prince in front of him lost to Jacques under Adier a few days ago, and he was not badly injured.

But even so, the Prince after all is Cournot’s Prince, a problem that is not handled well, and the problem caused by Adier is also very troublesome.

Thinking of this, he looked up to the VIP seat in the distance, Alina sitting there looking.

oh la la ···

The roaring sword wind came from his eyes, with a slight tingling sensation.

In front of him, Cournot Prince completely did not give Adier a chance to refuse, directly pulled up the long sword on his hand, and attacked Adier.

A black giant sword was pushed down from above, like a big hammer, and fiercely hit the place with a muffled sound.

In the same place, Crow Prince yelled in a low voice, patted his chest and stepped forward, with an excited expression on his face: “Come, fight me!”

A long sword broke into the air, blocking his sword at a tricky angle in an instant, and then a fist hit his chest directly.


A muffled sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from here.

In place, the Cournot Prince was dumped directly by Adier and hit the ground heavily.

However, although the sound was loud, Adier did not use much force for this Cournot Prince, so that the other party quickly got up and ran towards Adier again.

bump! !!

The two long swords collided again, one hand stretched out, grabbed the other’s wrist instantly, and threw the other out again.

The strength of the Great Knight is naturally very good elsewhere, but for Adier, it is too weak, and he is subdued with no difficulty.

It’s just because of the particularity of the other party’s identity that Adier can’t fight this Cournot Prince, so even if he subdues the other party several times, he still gets the other party up quickly.

This stubbornness and obsession with fighting made Adier feel a little surprised and speechless, and then he didn’t want to keep his hand anymore and was ready to completely subdue the opponent.

However, just as he was about to do so, a familiar feeling rose sharply, making him startled.

Feeling this feeling, he subconsciously looked towards his physical data, and looked towards the column about Boundary Energy.

I saw that the number in the column of Boundary Energy, compared to the previous, at this time the number has increased by a few points.

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