“this is路路路”

In the middle of the huge and spacious venue, looking at the extra Boundary Energy on his body, Adier froze before he responded: “Isn’t it so coincidental?”

Before he could think about it, in front of him, the Prince from Cournot rushed over again.

After standing for so long, being suppressed by Adier, the Cuno Prince’s physical strength was also very large. At this time, he was panting and sweating during the running.

It was just in the process that his combat skills continued to grow, and Adier was surprised by the speed of progress.

Perhaps because few people could suppress him in this way in the past, at this time, the Cournot Prince seemed very excited, and even though he was tired, he rushed in desperately without fear of possible danger.

This end of fear of death made Adier a little speechless, so a thought came to his mind: “No matter what, let’s talk first!”

All thoughts were skipped in his mind, he no longer hesitated, went straight forward, and slashed with a sword.

Silver’s long sword crossed the air, and the battle Qi of the light silver continued to tumultuously. The prestige in it made the Cournot Prince pupils shrank in front of him.

Compared with the previous battle, the strength of this hit was obviously much stronger, so that the Cournot Prince, who was formerly known as the Great Knight, was too late to react and watched the long sword split.

bump! !!

Under his gaze, a silver long sword broke into the air and slashed directly on his giant sword, making a huge sound of metal collision.

A strong force came from his chest, but it was only a moment when he was suppressed, and the whole silhouette kept going backwards.

Before he could slow down, a silhouette appeared again in front of him, accompanied by a sharp sword wind.

Roar! !

A low roar sounded in place.

Looking at the long sword in front of him, Cournot Prince roared. The whole man was like a fighting maniac. He ignored the huge gap between the two sides and cut forward with the sword.

The two long swords collided again, and the latter silhouette was shot straight out.

“It looks right.”

In situ, looking at the Cournot Prince lying on the ground in the distance, and looking at the Boundary Energy growing again, Adier finally determined something.

The Cournot Prince, who looks like a madman in front of him, is likely to have a lot of World Power gathering, even if it is not Child of Destiny, it should be a second-level existence.

“What’s your name?”

Falling to the ground, Courne Prince struggled to get up from the ground, and heard a voice coming from in front of him.

Resisting the exhaustion on his body, he tried to raise his head, just to see Adier’s silhouette standing in front of his eyes.

However, compared with before, Adier was smiling at this time, looking at his eyes, with a very obvious appreciation and praise.

This situation was something he had never experienced before, which made him suddenly hold back, and then he reacted and responded seriously: “Kradis.”

“This is my name.”

“Kradis …” Standing in front of Kradis, Adier whispered the name, and then smiled and said, looking at the other person with approval in his eyes: “You are very good.”

“Why challenge me?” He asked, looking at each other.

“If you don’t challenge at this time, will you fight me if you go elsewhere?” Kradis looked up, with a look of disdain in his expression: “On my behalf, the Princess behind you will not let you fight. “

Listening to this, Adier gently nodded, and then said: “This time, that’s it.”

As the words fell, Kradis rose quickly and seemed to want to say something.

It was just that he hadn’t waited for him to say anything. In front of him, Adier continued to speak.

“But in the future, if you are free, you can come to me anytime.”

He looked at Kradis in front of him, his face pale, but with some admiration in his eyes: “Your innate talent is very good, and it shouldn’t be deserted.”

During the battle, Adier discovered that the Cournot Prince in front of him, despite his distinguished status, may not actually be as good as others think.

There is no doubt that the other’s innate talent, who can touch his Strength at this age to reach this point, is considered a genius no matter where it is.

However, in the battle of genius, the opponent also exposed a lot of problems. Although some of the basic skills of Knight were solid, they also made a lot of mistakes. Even the Knight’s secret skills were very ordinary in Adier’s view, completely incompatible with the opponent’s. Identity.

Judging from these findings, combined with the fact that the other party was sent to Malan Kingdom this time, and even to participate in this competition, it seems that Kradis, a Cournot Prince, may not have paid much attention to Gounod Empire.

All thoughts echoed in my heart, but in front of her eyes, Adier’s face was still calm as before. After glancing at Kradis, he turned and left.

Behind him, Kradis gazed at Adier’s back, thinking of the other person’s words before, and suddenly there was an inexplicable touch in his heart.

“Did anyone finally agree with me?” He got up from where he was, looking at the giant sword in his hand, his heart was a little complicated and a little excited.

“What did you just say?” Just back to Alina, a voice sounded in his ear.

Looking at Adier in front of her, Alina asked.

“I talked to that child casually.” Adier shook his head. “I let him find me after the game.”

“This child’s innate talent is good. It shouldn’t be neglected.” He looked calm and seemed to appreciate Kradis.

“If it’s not necessary, it’s better not to have too much entanglement with him.” Listening to Adier, Alina frowned subconsciously: “The identity of this Cournot Prince is a bit troublesome, there is no need, although there is less contact.”

She watched Adier explain, telling him what had been heard during that time.

As Adier thought, this Cournot Prince is not high in Cournot’s royal family, and his status is even more awkward.

He is indeed King Descendant of Cournot, but he is not the son of King Crow of this generation, but the child of King Crow of the previous generation.

This generation of Cournot is actually Kcles’ Uncle.

The Gounod Empire is belligerent and rebellious. A dozen years ago, this generation of King Cournot suddenly launched a rebellion, overthrowing and killing the older generation of King Cournot as his elder brother, which became the new generation of King of Gounod Empire.

Just so, Kradis’s identity became very awkward.

He is indeed the King Descendant of Cournot, and the innate talent is indeed good, but as the child of the king of the previous generation, it is naturally very unpleasant in today’s Cournot King’s Courtyard, and it is not bad to be alive until now.

And this time he came to Malan Kingdom, and was completely crushed into Malan Kingdom as a proton.

This is not a good job. Although Gounod Empire is powerful, its relationship with other countries around it is not good. There are many nobles and Knights who are hostile to Gounod Empire in Malan Kingdom.

It is conceivable what kind of attitude these people will have towards Kradis, the Prince from Gounod Empire.

Although Kradis is the younger son of King Cournot in the name, he is actually a child of the previous generation King Cournot. It is conceivable that if something goes wrong, the probability that this generation of King Crow will be in his first generation Very small and likely to be indifferent.

“It’s really a difficult start.” Adier’s face looked a little weird after hearing Alina’s content: “But then I think this must be a Child of Destiny.”

“This difficult and bumpy identity background is not the protagonist. How can ordinary people live to this day?”

He thought so, but apparently shook the head, it seemed as if he was sorry for the Cournot Prince.

Aside, looking at his appearance, Alina also shook the head: “You are also a celebrity now. If it is not necessary, it is better to contact the Prince less often, which will cause unnecessary trouble.”

“I see.” Adier gently nodded without revealing any thoughts.

“Yes, more than half a month later in the finals, remember to be careful.” Sitting there, wondering what to think of, Alina added suddenly.

“The opponent is strong?” Adier was a little puzzled, listening to Alina.

“Very strong.” Alina nodded: “The person sent by Solar is known as the genius Cannaduo.”

“Three years ago, he had gathered Battle Qi Wings, but he did not publicize it.”

“So Your High Prince wants to show muscles this time?” Adier frowned.

“Most of it is.” Speaking of which, Alina was a little helpless: “A shot is a Titled Knight that brings together Battle Qi Wings, and this is the power of Solar.”

“With the support of the entire military, there are many Knights under him, and there are more than one or two of Titled Knight.”

“What should I do?” Adier asked back.

“It’s easy,” Alina said. “Play against him in the final and lose.”

“He wants to show muscles, let him do it.” Having said that, she said with a sneer: “The more he shows, the easier it is for some people to worry.”

While speaking, her eyes looked towards the direction of the palace, and a certain color flashed in her eyes.

“Adier, I know that with your strength, you won’t necessarily lose to this Cannaduo.”

It seems that considering Adier’s feelings, she spoke comforted again: “Just exposing your strength at this juncture, for us, it will only cause the concerns of Angelo and Loris, and not at all for us.”

“You can rest assured that although the reward of the second place is much worse than the first place, it also has territory and title.”

Paused, she continued to open the mouth and said: “I will get rid of my mother’s former friends and let them arrange a good place for you, which may not be worse than the first place.”

“I see.” Silent for a moment, Adier opened the mouth and said, his face seemed calm.

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