Prepare the room quietly, with a light sound, the wooden door of the room is opened, and then a thin silhouette comes from the outside.

That was a boy in a black robe. He was ordinary and thin, holding a giant sword at this time, his face looked a little tired, and it was Kradis who had fought Adier before.

He returned to his lounge, looking at him, and an old servant hurried to his side, where he supported him.

“His Royal Highness, how are you?” Looking at Kradis covered with scars, the old man opened the mouth and said concerned.

“It’s okay, just a little tired.” Kradis shook the head: “That Knight is very nice and has no heavy hands.”

“Her Royal Highness will not do this again.” The elderly said with a bitter smile, and the wrinkled old face with concern: “This country is not friendly to us, and many people are malicious to Your Highness …”

“Even if you’re a low-key person, what can you do?” Kradis didn’t care: “As a King Descendant of Cournot, no matter what I do, it will not be likable, but it’s better to be high-profile.”

“Yes, the Knight who fought with me today is called Adier, isn’t it?” Seeing the old man in front of him, he wanted to persuade him, and Kradis had a headache and decisively changed the subject.

“Yes.” Old man nodded: “What did your Highness talk to him before?”

“He said that I think my innate talent is good, so if I have time, I can ask him for advice.” Thinking of the previous conversation, Kradis laughed at himself: “I don’t know, if he knows my true situation, will he still so.”

Although young, he has become very mature due to the experience of his complicated life.

When he first came to the Malan Kingdom, his identity of the ancient King Descendant fooled some people. Although many big aristocrats did not look at him pleasing to the eye, they still respected him on the surface, and even a lot of them hit a certain Some idea aristocracy deliberately made friends with him, and wanted to use his identity to achieve certain purposes.

But after his identity spread in the Malan Kingdom, the attitude of these people changed instantly, all kinds of malice were not concealed, and the nobles who used to place them before were even farther away from him. appearance.

According to Kradis, Adier is not much different from the previous group. Most of them later changed their attitude after learning about his life and avoided him directly.

Thinking about this in his heart, he laughed at himself, then got up and carefully placed the long sword on his hand on the wooden table.

At this moment, outside the door, a slight footstep came from the outside, and then a silhouette appeared outside the door.

“Hello, Your Highness Kradis?” Outside the door, a young waiter was holding a wooden box in his hand, standing there, looking at Kradis very politely.

“You are?” Kradis raised an eyebrow at this person, a little confused.

“Master Adier asked me to give you these things.”

Looking at Kradis, the young waiter with a smile on his face gave the wooden box in his hand to Kradis: “This is the medicine that Lord Adier has personally configured, which is very good for treating the injury.”

“In addition, in the wooden box, there is the voucher of Lord Adier.” He opened the mouth and said politely: “Master Adier asked me to tell you, during this time, you can see him at any time.”

The voice fell, and the place was temporarily calm.

After a moment of silence, Kradis opened the mouth and said: “Many thanks.”

“Tell me Adier Knight for me. A few days later, I will definitely come to visit.”


“It should be fine.”

Stepping out of the gate, I came to a remote and uninhabited corner. The appearance of the previous waiter began to change, and instantly changed to the appearance of Adier.

Looking at Kradis’ direction behind him, he felt the complex emotions in the other’s heart, Adier laughed, and then walked away.

A few days later, in a manor house outside Catutan City, a familiar silhouette appeared.

As Adier estimated, in the face of his goodwill, Kradis finally chose to accept, and after a few days came to visit with people.

After a few days of disappearance, Kradis changed into a new suit at this time. The injuries on his body seemed to have recovered completely, and the whole person was in a good condition.

“It looks like you’ve recovered.”

Standing on a flat ground outside the manor, looking at Kradis in front of him, Adier said with a smile.

“Thanks to the potions you gave me.” Kradis sighed. “The potions worked very well. It only took me a few days to restore my condition.”

“Just be useful.” Adier nodded, then said with a smile: “What are you going to do this time?”

“I want to ask you to train for me.” Speaking of this, Kradis’s face suddenly became serious. Looks serious.

“Yes.” Adier gently nodded to the request, and agreed with a smile.

On this training ground, they started training.

Adier is also very experienced with Knight-trained professors. He has done this in the last days of World and taught a lot of Knight.

At this time, in the face of Kradis, the Child of Destiny, Adier was very attentive. Not only did he pass on all his own experience, he also used the chip to discover the other person ’s mistakes in the past when he was practicing breathing. Sexual detailed correction.

This kind of serious attitude and extremely detailed professors really touched Kradis, the Prince from Cournot, and could not help learning more excitedly.

He was originally a powerful Knight genius, and Knight innate talent alone was not inferior to anyone, but because of his complicated life, he was not properly trained.

But even so, he still practiced to the point of Great Knight, showing the horror of his innate talent.

After getting a detailed professorship from Adier, his progress was very obvious, which surprised Adier.

“It’s a terrible Knight innate talent.” He sighed, looking at Kradis in front of him.

In the spacious training ground, in front of his eyes, Kradis was wearing a single shirt. At this time, he was standing there with a lot of sweat. A determined face with excitement seemed to gain a lot in today’s training.

“It’s almost dark.”

Looking at Kradis in front of him, Adier smiled and said, “Teach you one last thing.”

While speaking, under the gaze of Kradis, he pulled out the silver long sword on his hand and walked aside.

In the air, a depressive breath permeated, entrained by the squeeze of Life Energy.

At the end of this squeeze, Battle Qi of silver began to breed, permeating in the air, like silver wires, flying constantly.

Silver’s Battle Qi began to intertwine, and strands of sword qi began to continually converge, and finally continued to cross, highlighting the incomparable brightness of one of them.

In the light, a light burst and fiercely rushed forward.

Silver Flower! !!

The strength of Life’s secret technique erupted, and at this moment sublimated, it instantly became the most horrible attack, and it exploded in place.


The air seemed to explode, and the strong air pressure began to dissipate towards all around, making a deep hissing sound, accompanied by a burst of silver fireworks, spreading around all around, looking extremely beautiful.

Kradis eagerly looked at this scene. In his mind, every movement of Adier was repeated repeatedly, and his heart was filled with a joy and excitement.

Concentrating on the accumulation of knowledge of several Worlds, after a long period of deduction by the chip, this life secret technique of Adier was deduced to be perfect, even at this time mainly based on Knight, it can definitely be regarded as the top.

This level of mystery of life is something that Kradis, the downcast Prince, has never seen before. After seeing it, he was immediately attracted to it.

Excited in his heart, he stared nervously at Adier for fear of missing any action.

“Well, let’s go back.” In front of him, Adier’s voice sounded in place.

Looking at Kradis in front of him, he smiled and said, “This move is a bit complicated. If you have time next time, I will teach you slowly.”

“Yes.” Listening to Adier’s words, Kradis’s nodded, his mind was still filled with the actions of the previous Adier.

He had only one word to return to Adier, and walked outside with the help of a servant, and the whole man was indulged in the wonderful Knight’s secret technique.

“Well, not only is Boundary Energy a bit more, but it’s growing a lot faster.”

In situ, looking at Kradis’s distant back, Adier whispered to himself, “It looks like this lesson is not in vain.”

He thought so, and then put away the long sword in his hand and walked aside.

The situation gradually calmed down for the next period.

As time passed, each game ended, not far from the last battle of the ceremony.

With Adier’s current strength, he successfully defeated several other powerful Azure Firmament Knights and entered the finals.

As Alina had expected before, his opponent was the prince of Cannaduo, the prince of the great Prince Solar.

During this time, Adier also heard about this Knight.

Known as a teenager and born in a military noble family at the border, the Knight showed a strong Knight innate talent at an early age.

At the age of 13, he activated Life Seed to become Knight, at 17 he became Great Knight, and at the age of 20 he became an Azure Firmament Knight.

Today, this Cannaduo Knight has reached the age of 40. In terms of Azure Firmament Knight’s more than two hundred years of lifespan, he is in the middle of his prime. It is difficult to say which step the strength will reach.

According to Alina, Battle Qi Wings became a Titled Knight as early as three years ago.

Putting down the robe on his hand, he lifted the long sword on his hand, thinking about the next opponent, Adier was calm and walked out of the room in front of him.

In the distant arena, his opponent this time was already waiting there.

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