
With a light sound, the iron door was closed by Adier.

There is a long aisle from the preparation room to the final venue, and there, a silhouette is standing, it looks like it has been waiting for a long time.

It was a young man in a gray coat. His resolute face looked sharp and sharp, with some sharpness. He stood outside the door, holding his long sword in his hand, and looked at Adier there: “teacher.”


Looking at the boy in front of him, Adier seemed a little surprised, and laughed: “What are you doing here?”

“I hope you can win this final.”

Kradis opened the mouth and said, looked at Adier in front of him, and seriously opened the mouth and said.

The professor, who has experienced more than half a month, does not know when his title for Adier will also become teacher. After knowing that Adier is about to reach the final, he went here to cheer for Adier.

“Okay.” Looking at Kradis in front of him, Adier gently nodded, said with a smile: “Go and watch it.”

On Pats Kradis’s shoulder, he took the long sword on his hand and prepared for the long path outside.

Behind him, Kradis looked at Adier’s back calmly, and after a long time, he walked to the side.

Time passed quickly.

Ten minutes later, Adier came to the venue this time.

But, unlike usual, this time, his opponent not at all appeared.

“Sorry, Cannaduo Knight he … because some things have been delayed, and he is still on the road …”

On the side, a referee in solemn clothing was sweating and anxiously explained to Adier, for fear of Adier being angry, so he was angry with him.

But what made him sighed in relief was that when he heard the news, Adier still behaved very calmly, but nodded, and said nothing.

This calm attitude could not help relaxing the middle-aged referee.

He thanked Adier gratefully, and then stepped aside to let people know the news.

After the official announcement of the delay in the finals, the surrounding audience was instantly boiling.

“What to do!”

“The time for the finals is clear, why should it be postponed?”

“This Cannaduo Knight is not afraid to offend Storm Knight if he does this?”

The sound of discussions spread in the same place, and everyone in the audience had a lot of dissatisfaction.

And in those noble positions, a sound of dissatisfaction sounded.

bump! !!

The crisp sound sounded in place, like the sound of broken glass.

On the audience stage, listening to the announcement below, Kradis’s face instantly became ugly, and the wine glass on his hand was directly crushed by him.


Looking at Adier standing alone in the middle of the venue, his face was ugly and a little angry.

Although he hasn’t been together for a long time, he has always been grateful to Adier, who really treats him and appreciates him, and has even recognized him as his teacher.

But now, his teacher was humiliated in the public, and his heart was filled with anger and anger.

“Cannaduo!” On the other side, looking at Adier on the stage, Alina’s face was also not good-looking.

Although for low-key reasons, she let Adier knowingly show off beforehand, and she was going to lose the game from the beginning. But it does not mean that she will deliberately subject Adier to such humiliation.

Knight’s canonized competition is held every five years, and each time, nobles from all over the place come to watch Knight.

And being treated like this on such a high-profile occasion is definitely an insult to Knight.

“I’ve heard of Cannaduo’s reputation.” On the side, Anumu opened the mouth and said, and his face was also a little unsightly at this time: “He was once called Haughty Knight, even inside the military, it was unpopular The presence.”

“I thought those were just rumors, but I didn’t expect it to be so …” He sighed, and the expression was also angry.

“Now I just hope that Adier will be able to calm down. Don’t undermine the previous plan because of a moment of anger.” Alina sighed as she watched Adier offstage.

The audience on the stage talked a lot, and under the stage, like a clown, Adier stood there alone, his face was quite calm.

In the finals, he was put together, and his mood was quite calm, not as bad as others thought.

After all, he was essentially a wizard, and although he understood the glory of Knight, he didn’t take it seriously.

If it is not the case, if you switch to other Knights, you will be treated like this. At this time, you will most likely find someone desperately with a dark face.

Of course, even if he didn’t care much about it, his mood was not good when he was played by his opponent.

This world is the typical Knight World, and Knight attaches great importance to etiquette and glory.

Things such as being late in battle can only indicate two possibilities: disrespect and contempt for the enemy, or fleeing without fighting.

In the current situation, the meaning of the opponent is very obvious. It is clear that he looks down on Adier and thinks he is not worthy to fight against him.

With that in mind, Adier looked up and looked towards the distance.

While waiting, time passed slowly.

After a full ten minutes, with a light sound, on the opposite side, a silhouette gradually appeared.

It was a tall young man wearing an armor and a dazzling blond hair.

He was tall, about two meters tall, handsome in appearance, with an inexplicable frown on his face, and slowly walked out from a distance.

Step on … step on …

The slight sound of footsteps kept ringing in the place, shaking in Adier’s heart, and finally forming a shadow of a person.

“It’s almost the same as Barbarian Beast Knight.”

Looking at the silhouette of the opposite Knight and the body data detected by the chip, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

In a way, this Haughty Knight does have arrogant capital.

According to the information in the information, this Haughty Knight not only comes from Upright Sect, but this year, but 40 is in his early years, and his strength can be comparable to the long-established Barbarian Beast Knight Lira.

In terms of the opponent’s age and strength at this time, the opponent seems to have potential to tap, and even the promotion to Radiant Knight in the future is not impossible.

Even without mentioning this possibility, the strength of the opponent at this time is enough to rank high in the entire Malan Kingdom. No matter where it is, it can be mixed up.

In front of him, under the gaze of Adier, the youth walked across from him, less than ten meters away from him.

“Your time is good.”

Looking at each other, Adier looked indifferent: “In a few minutes, you will be deemed to flee without fighting.”

“Escape without war?” On the opposite side, listening to Adier’s words, Cannaduo’s face showed a send cold shivers down one’s spine smile: “The person who can let me escape without war has not been born in this world.”

“I’ve been looking forward to this battle for a long time.” He said low with a smile: “Adier, right … I just hope that your performance will be better.”

“If I don’t have a strong opponent, how can I set off my strength?”

With his low mood and a smile, he has no doubts about the outcome of this game and regards Adier as a powerful stepping stone against him.

“You won’t be disappointed.”

Looking at Cannaduo in front of him, Adier’s face was calm and indifferent opened the mouth and said.

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