
The fierce collision kept echoing in the same place, gradually dispersed, and permeated the whole gladiatorial arena.

On the battlefield, the two just shot and their Strength shocked the entire venue.

Two huge Battle Qi armors gathered in situ, and the huge Life Energy contained therein roared and slammed at each other under the control of the two, causing bursts of horrible impact.


Under the loud sound, two huge sword glow burst out, flying all around, breaking the city wall outside the gladiator field.

This horrible breaking power and explosive power caused countless audiences in the place to scream, with fear and excitement in their eyes.

“So scary Strength!”

“Is this really what one can do?”

On the spot, there was a lot of discussion. In the surrounding auditorium, those Knight complexion ashen who came to the audience felt the horror Battle Qi erupting on the venue below, and they could hardly afford the courage to take the sword.

Knight, who was able to come to participate in the canonization of Knights from all over the place, basically has a certain self-confidence. Compared with ordinary nobles and businessmen, he has the same pride in his heart.

But at this time, these self-confidence and pride are not worth mentioning in front of the two people below.

This is simply not the Strength that ordinary Knight can achieve!

At this moment, watching the battle between Adier and Cannaduo below, the thoughts of many Knights who watched the battle flashed inconsistently.

“These two, no matter which one’s combat effectiveness, will not be lower than the Titled Knight!”

In a quiet auditorium, Angelo complexion ashen, looking at the two Cannaduo and Adier below, his face was a little unsightly: “What a horrible combat force, obviously without using Battle Qi Wings, there can be such a horrible one. Combat effectiveness. “

Battle Qi Wings, what’s not, is totally two levels.

Even if it was Titled Knight, although it would be more powerful than Azure Firmament Knight before using Battle Qi Wings, it did not reach that kind of crushing.

But once Battle Qi Wings is used in battle, the strength of Titled Knight will directly increase several times, reaching a level that makes Azure Firmament Knight desperate.

The two Knights in front of them are just as good as the fighting power displayed at this time. They are not inferior to the Titled Knights that have gathered Battle Qi Wings. Except that they do not have the flight capabilities brought by Battle Qi Wings, they can be regarded as completely Two Titled Knight.

“This is just an ordinary state. If Battle Qi Wings really condenses, their fighting power will be even more horrible.” Thoughts flashed in his mind. Looking at the two Adiers below, Angelo had some haze in his mind: “If you give them In time, these two people have the potential to promote Radiant Knight. “

“His strength has increased again.” In Alina’s mind, Lilice’s voice sounded, with a few surprises and shocks: “In just a few months of work, I took that blast Battle Qi to this level …”

“That Cannaduo is not bad.” Looking at the battle below, Alina frowned: “Although Adier was weak beforehand, from the current situation, this Cannaduo Knight is not simple, and the normal Strength can be compared to the activation. The Titled Knight of Battle Qi Wings, once it breaks out, Strength is absolutely terrifying. “

“There is potential for promotion to Radiant Knight.” Lilice opened the mouth and said, although her voice was calm, but it was also a lot stronger than before.

“Hahahaha!” A burst of wild laughter kept ringing and gradually began to boil.

On the battlefield in the middle, Cannaduo laughed wildly, like a complete madman: “That’s it!”

“Come on!!”

He yelled, and then the battle Qi filled with his body was more intense, Life Energy within the body was almost boiling, then he leaped high and chopped a sword towards Adier.

Hong long! ! !

The earth began to tremble, and the dust was extinct.

Under this sword, a huge hundred meters wide arena began to show a huge fissure, in which the aggravated gravel and dust splashed all around, temporarily covering the place.

In situ, a loud gold and metal intersect kept coming from the center of the venue, as if the giant’s ironing sound, causing everyone’s heartbeat to stop abruptly, and could not help breathing tense.

An inexplicable low growl sounded in place, like a deep breathing sound of some kind of giant beast, covering the area.

Roar! !

The roar of a horrifying sky erupted in situ, accompanied by a black sword mark.

One can only see that in the middle of the battlefield, Cannaduo stood in place and chopped down at Adier fiercely.

Battle Qi condenses into a vortex, rolling up the dust and rubble, and then rushes forward with this blow, smashing into Adier as much as possible.

Strong like a storm storm sweeping forward, feeling all this, Adier grasped the long sword on his hand and stepped forward.

Strands of Silver Flower flickered in place, like the stars of one after another silver, constantly swirling around the center, gradually exuding an inexplicable danger.

“That is!”

Watching this scene, on the audience stage, Kradis jumped in his heart and seemed to think of something.

The lights of one silver are intertwined with the hundreds of thousands of sword glows. After continuous collisions, the most brilliant blow is instantly formed in the center, and then fiercely blasts forward.

Silver Flower! !!

The deadly Guanghua flickered in front of him, a silver long sword was flying, facing the Cannaduo’s offensive in front of him, Adier responded violently, and fiercely waved a sword forward.

bump! !!

As if two waves slap against each other, at this moment, the huge Life Energy is tilting around, and the underlying Qi contained in it is just like the substance. While erupting to all around, it also eroded a large area of ​​land, turning the surrounding ground Hitting potholes.

The place was temporarily covered by the thick smoke, and there was no way to see the real scene in it. Only the sound of the weapon’s percussion was still coming from it, accompanied by two silhouettes moving at high speed.

“Good, good.” Hong Liang’s voice came from it.

When the smoke cleared up, the scene in the center of the venue was finally revealed to everyone.

In that venue, Cannaduo’s tall, burly silhouette was standing there, holding a giant sword in his hand.

Opposite him, Adier was also standing there, looking a little embarrassed.

Looking at Adier in front of him, Cannaduo showed an awkward smile on his face: “Unfortunately, miscellaneous is miscellaneous, garbage is garbage!”

He laughed, and then his whole body changed again.

The original boiling Battle Qi eruption again. On a blue Battle Qi armor, a light blue Battle Qi Wings slowly takes shape, bringing a strong oppression.

In situ, watching Cannaduo’s battle Qi, which was once again strong, and his pale blue Battle Qi Wings, his audience was shocked and suddenly lost his voice.

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