“It really turned out Battle Qi Wings !!”

At this moment, as everything around him fell silent, Angelo stood up with Loris and the others, his eyes still shocked.

They looked at the battlefield below, and the dazzling Battle Qi Wings behind Cannaduo, their emotions were very complicated.

Although they had long speculated about this and had obtained a lot of relevant information beforehand, when they really saw this scene, they were still shocked and felt a complex emotion.

This is the contrast between the two opposing forces.

Under Prince, it is a good thing to be there a person Titled Knight. But under the prince of the great prince solar, titled knight is by one, even the great prince himself is a powerful radiant knight, whose strength shocked the entire malan kingdom.

And under Andrei and Loris, being able to be there is a person Titled Knight support is not good, its Strength is far from being comparable to the big Prince.

This is a reality that has long been accepted, and Cannaduo in front of it confirms it.

“Alina’s Knight is going to lose.”

At this moment, they flashed the idea in their hearts, and looked towards Adier’s eyes could not help a little more regret.

To be fair, in this Knight Tourney, they want Alina’s Knight to win more.

Although to a certain extent, the three of them can be regarded as competitors, but before the first Prince of Solar has fallen, they are unanimous.

Alina’s Knight victory is always better than Solar’s show off one’s military strength there.

Unfortunately, at this point, the outcome is no longer suspicious.


Looking at the battlefield in the distance, Angelo was a bit sorry: “On innate talent, this Adier Knight may not lose to anyone, but currently he is one step behind, much worse than Cannaduo.”

Thinking of this, he turned and looked towards the distance.

In that direction, Alina’s face was gloomy at this moment, and she looked very upset.

“It’s over!”

In the middle of the battlefield, looking at Adier in front of him, Cannaduo lightly said with a smile, then raised his sword and walked forward.

He walked very slowly, but he was very heavy. Every step, he would cause a heavy footsteps, which can be heard from all over the world.

And as he slowly moved forward, under Adier’s gaze, Battle Qi Wings behind Cannaduo was making a low chirp, and the pale blue light on it became brighter.

oh la la ···

A slight low sound kept ringing in place. In front of him, Battle Qi of Cannaduo sublimated again, chopped forward along with the resonance of Battle Qi Wings.

Compared to the previous, this sword is stronger and more powerful, and the Battle Qi attached to it seems to have strengthened a lot, becoming more lethal and crushing.

The huge sword glow of light blue is returning to Adier.

In front of him, Adier just felt the ghosts constantly passing in front of him, like a stone thrown into the calm lake, causing waves.

After this wave, a shining sword light quickly cut it off at him.


Violent strikes erupted, and a silhouette flew far away.

It was Adier, who fell to the downwind for the first time in this confrontation, and his clothes were all shattered, looking battered and exhausted.

After facing a blow with Cannaduo, the breath on his body faintly declined, and his original strong vitality continued to decrease. It seemed that it took a lot of energy to hit just one blow.

“not enough.”

Kneeling on one place, adjusting the change of breath, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

The acting must be performed in a full set. Since it is to be performed, there must be no weak spot.

Thinking of this, on the surface, he shook his teeth, then raised the long sword on his hand, and rushed towards the other party: “Come again!”

“Afraid you can’t do it?” The unique hoarse voice echoed in place, with a unique killing intent wave.

Looking at Adier rushing towards him, Cannaduo was disdainful: “Garbage is garbage, even if you come back a few times?”

On him, the pair of light blue Battle Qi Wings is still glowing, and each of these feathers is condensed by the powerful Battle Qi. At this moment, it gently oscillates in response to his offensive.


As if the shocking Divine Artifact came out, he held a long sword in his hand and fiercely chopped it forward.

In him, the huge Battle Qi armor and Battle Qi Wings are constantly resonating, making the Strength of this blow constantly stronger, far beyond the boundaries of Azure Firmament Knight.

Roar! !

The huge Battle Qi armor began to break, was directly destroyed by a strand of strength, and then a silhouette flew directly out. Fiercely smashed into a city wall and smashed the original intact city wall into a huge pit.

“Teacher !!”

Looking at this scene, Kradis’ eyes narrowed and he shouted subconsciously.

He looked at the chaotic battlefield below, and then looked towards a corner of the audience.

In that corner, Alina entire group is sitting there.

“Alina, this Cannaduo Knight, is really dead.”

Sitting on the side of Alina, watching the rest of the scene after the two men fight, Loris’s face was dignified and he was a little bit nervous.

On her side, Alina was also sitting there, and her face looked a little unsightly.

“Don’t worry.” Lilice’s voice sounded in her heart, and she was comforted at the moment: “Adier is also a Titled Knight, even if the other party exerts his best efforts, nothing will happen.”

“I know.” Alina’s face was gloomy, looking at the chaotic scene below, with some worry in her eyes: “But in the case of hidden strength, he will be seriously injured even if he takes the blow.”

Sure enough, as she expected.

When the smoke and dust underneath disappeared, Adier’s appearance completely exposed to everyone’s eyes.

At this moment, he looked extremely embarrassed, not only that there were many wounds on his body, but also the vitality of his body was extremely weak, like a flame about to extinguish, and he looked seriously injured.

“It’s alive.”

Looking at Adier, who had been unable to stand in front of him, Cannaduo was a bit surprised, and then seemed to think something, with a smirk on his face.

He looked at Adier, who fell to the ground, and seemed to have lost his resistance. He strode towards him.

“Kan ·· Cannaduo Knight ···” A voice sounded in place, making Cannaduo’s footsteps slightly stopped.

In situ, the referee on the gladiator field swelled forward and watched Cannaduo say: “Adier Knight announces his defeat …”

“Admit defeat?” Listening to the word, Cannaduo laughed, revealing a white tooth: “Isn’t he still sitting well?”

“In my opinion, he can fight me again.”

He looked at Adier in front of him and said with a smile.

Listening to this, looking at Adier lying on the ground in the distance, referee stopped talking, and finally gritted his teeth, gave up his duties, and quickly set aside to the distance.

bump! !!

The sound of flesh smashing sounded in situ, accompanied by the ground flesh spattering all around.

Behind him, looking at the referee’s corpse of minced meat, Cannaduo’s face taunted, and then he continued on to Adier.

“You are very talented. If you give me time, maybe you can really catch up with me.”

Looking at Adier in the distance, he stepped forward, opening the mouth and said, “Unfortunately, in this world, only innate talent is not enough.”

“To blame, blame you for choosing Alina Princess.”

With a mocking expression on his face, he slowly approached Adier.

“I don’t think it was a mistake to choose me.” A crisp voice sounded from behind.

At this moment, Cannaduo heart startled, a violent sense of danger surged from his heart, as if stared at by something terrifying.

Feeling this feeling, he turned and looked towards behind.

In that direction, Alina was wearing a red dress, and her eyes turned into a pure red, looking at him silently.

Obviously not at all carrying weapons, it looks like an ordinary girl on the surface, but Cannaduo’s induction is more terrifying and scary than any beast, making him dare not move at this moment.

“Alina Princess ···”

He stared diligently, looking at Alina in front of him: “What do you want to do?”

“Today’s game, that’s it.”

Looking ahead, looking at Cannaduo, Alina’s face was calm: “The first is yours.”

“As for my Knight, I think it’s better for me to handle it myself.”

The voice fell, and suddenly a red glow passed by.

At a moment, Alina’s silhouette disappeared from its place, and she appeared in front of Adier in an instant, extending the hand towards him and holding him up.

Looking at this scene, Cannaduo pupils shrank raised her vigilance to Alina again.


He looked at Alina in front of him, thinking for a long time, but in the end he didn’t choose to take a shot, but turned around and walked towards the side exit.

“Winner! Cannaduo. Kerry!” In the distance, a loud sound came out, announcing the victory of this competition.

A few cheers came from everywhere, with praise and cursing.

“are you OK?”

Lifting Adier gently, looking at the wounds on his body, Alina asked.

“It’s not bad.” Adier had a bitter smile on his face, looking at Cannaduo’s back in the distance, and an unwilling expression on his face.

“Don’t be sad.” Feeling the expression on Adier’s face, pats his shoulders, Alina opened the mouth and said: “It’s just a victory and defeat, don’t take it to heart.”

She looked towards Cannaduo’s back in the distance, her face suddenly becoming indifferent: “The future is still alive.”

“I understand.” Adier gently nodded and said nothing more.

As time passed, and soon, the results of this game were spread out and made known to the entire Catutan City.

Not only those aristocrats and Knights, in fact, even the civilians of Catutan City are very familiar with the names of Cannaduo and Adier at this point, and some can even tell the lives of Knight.

This is another benefit of Knight ’s canonization. As long as victory, fame, rights, and status are all there, for those ordinary Knights, it can be described as ascending to the skies with a single leap.

Even for Adier, this Knight seizure is not without its benefits.

In addition to the first few advanced breaths that are entitled to receive, the biggest gain for Adier is that the growth rate of Boundary Energy has accelerated again.

After this incident, Adier not only greatly increased the silhouette, but also met Kradis, the Child of Destiny, and made his Boundary Energy grow faster.

In private, he used to count. At his current Boundary Energy growth rate, even if he doesn’t do anything next, a little Boundary Energy is credited every few days.

This speed, compared to the general accumulation speed of the snail crawling in the past, is like an engine.

But for the current Adier, this accumulation rate is still a bit slow.

You know, in Destiny World, he also owed Cilla more than a thousand World Stones, which is equivalent to more than a thousand Boundary Energy.

To completely pay off this account, he undoubtedly has a long way to go in this world.

“Battle Qi Wings, I’ve fully condensed. What I want to do next is to sublime the seed of life.”

Adier whispered to himself in the small still room, looking at his physical data.

For several months, he has successfully entered the stage of the Titled Knight, and even walked a short distance on this section of the road, reaching the Peak of the Titled Knight.

At this step, it is no longer necessary to burn vitality for Battle Qi to grow. Instead, it is necessary to start with Life Seed, and only after the Life Seed is promoted to a certain level, can it enter the next stage.

“The secret method of increasing Life Seed is found in those advanced breathing methods, but the effect is a bit slow.”

Thinking of the contents of the advanced breathing method, Adier could not help but touch his head: “Metamorphosis Stage of 7-8 years. If this process does not want to speed up, I am afraid that after my transformation, the Mason area has already begun Great mess. “

Despite mixing well in this world, Adier won’t forget his home base.

His family and friends are still in the Mason area, and this is a bond that cannot be separated.

Apart from these, this world is not Adier’s place to stay.

He is not the life of this world, as the longer he stays here, the more frequently he contacts with the Child of Destiny, the more he feels a sense of danger.

That kind of very unique feeling, like a sharp long sword hanging from the head, maybe it will fall sometime and stick it directly to you.

After reading Destiny World’s extensive walkthrough, Adier also knows the root of this feeling.

This is the effect of the exclusion of the Cycle of Destiny.

Although he is naturally immune to the erosion of the World because of his special soul, he is not a creature of this world. The longer he stays in this world, the more severe the rejection of Cycle of Destiny will be.

In particular, his frequent contact with the Child of Destiny of this world has greatly exacerbated the process, making the World he spends in this world shorter and shorter.

“At this level, in a maximum of fifteen years, I will have to return to my World, otherwise some unpredictable consequences will occur.”

With the power of within the body, feeling the corrosion of Cycle of Destiny on his body, Adier raised his head, and a sense of urgency rose in his heart.

Fifteen years, although seemingly many, are actually not fixed.

As his contact with Child of Destiny becomes more frequent, his strength is getting stronger and stronger, and more and more things can be affected, and the subsequent rejection will be more powerful, which will further shorten this time.

“But it doesn’t matter.” Standing on the spot and thinking for a while, Adier smiled again: “I wasn’t originally equipped in this world for how long, let alone 15 years, even 5-6 years That’s enough, there’s no need to think about that many. “

Touch … touch …

At this moment, a knock outside the door suddenly sounded, attracting Adier’s attention.

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