“Please come in.”

Listening to the sound outside the door, Adier interrupted his thoughts and turned to look towards the door before he opened the mouth and said.

The sound dropped, and with a squeak, the wooden door was opened, and a maid in a red dress came in from the outside.

The maid looked very beautiful, wearing a red-clothed body, and now she was at a loss as she stared at her Adier.

“What’s the matter?” Adier’s voice sounded in place.

Looking at the younger maid in front of him, Adier’s face became milder and more approachable.

“Ah … Adier Knight …”

Looking at Adier, the maid said a little nervously: “Alina Princess lets you set off for a feast with her.”

“Go to a banquet …” After listening to this, Adier was a little surprised, and then he came to his heart and said, “Yes, today is the day for the royal family to hold a banquet.”

Knight Book, in Malan Kingdom, is a grand event every five years.

After each book closure, in accordance with the usual practice, the royal family will banquet many domestic nobles to banquet to promote exchanges between the parties.

As the Azure Firmament Knight, and as the second place in this competition, Adier is also within the scope of the banquet, so this time will go to the palace with Alina.

These things were explained by Alina at the front-end time. Only Adier was busy cultivation during this time, and I forgot it.

“You go back.” Thinking of this, looking at the maid in front, Adier gently nodded: “Help me tell Princess, I will go to her later.”

“Yes.” The maid in front of him was saluted gently, glanced at Adier secretly, and then blushed back.

“It’s really nostalgic.”

Looking at the back of the maid, Adier shook the head and walked towards the room.

Because he was going to participate in the banquet next time, he put on a decent black costume, put down the long sword that he used to wear, and looked towards the outside.

His residence is not far away from Alina. Because of the need to contact him often, he can be said to be very close, and he will be there soon.

On a platform, Alina took Anumu and a few Knights to stand there. After seeing Adier coming, she glanced at him, and then said with a smile: “Okay, your clothes today let you Looks much better. “

“Uh …” For this moment, Adier didn’t know how to take it, but just stood there with a smile and said a word.

“Okay, let’s go.” Looking at Adier, Alina no longer teased him and rode directly to a horse on the side, ready to go.

Watching Alina’s movements, Adier also rode on a tall black wildebeest, followed Alina, and slowly walked forward as she moved forward.

The roads along the way are very spacious and there are very few people. There is nothing like the crowded feeling of other streets.

Adier is not surprised by this.

The aristocracy has its own identity, and the whole road in front of it is a path set up for the aristocracy. No one exists along the way except for some aristocracy.

Along the way, when I saw Alina and the others’s team, the surrounding nobles gave way. Some of them were close to each other, and they stopped specially and said hello to Alina and the others.

For these active nobles, Alina’s performance is also very kind. No matter who the other party is, she will stop talking to the other party for a moment, and she can’t see the usual high-cold attitude.

This is starting to change somewhere.

When she saw Knight rushing in front of her, Alina’s face became cold and indifferent.

The original wide road began to become noisy. Seeing the rushing Knights in front of them, the aristocrats in front of them gave way, and some of them were too late to get out of the way, even being directly squeezed by the other side, and the style looked overbearing.

Standing next to Alina on horseback, watching this scene, Adier frowned slightly, looking a little displeased.

“It’s the Cannaduo.” Anumu opened the mouth and said, with a strong dissatisfaction in his words: “This guy is getting more and more arrogant.”

“No way,” Adier said with a calm face. “Knight Tourney’s champion does have arrogant capital.”

“If it’s Adier, you don’t have to use all your energy …” Looking at Adier, Anumu was unwilling.

“Well, there’s no need to say that.” Adier laughed, but he was very calm about it. “Things have passed, there is no need to tangle.”

This topic has been exposed.

Continuing on the road for a while, they came to a gorgeous palace.

This is a large-area palace. With the strength of Adier’s Spirit today, if you spread it out with all your strength, you can’t know the specific scope of this palace.

In this palace, during the walking of the aristocracy between each and everyone, they each took their daughters and relatives toward one of the palaces.

“There are so many people.”

Watching the scene of people coming and going here, Adier sighed, “Isn’t it that this time the banquet was all big nobles?”

“Catutan City after all is King, many of them are qualified to participate in the banquet.” Aside, Alina opened the mouth and said: “These nobles, as well as those good Knights are within the scope of invitation, plus these People’s wives and daughters naturally look very crowded. “

“Of course, although there are many people, there are also a lot of ruined aristocrats.” She laughed and pointed out to Adier: “Some aristocrats have a long history, but until now, there is only one empty title. Strength is nothing at all. “

“Speaking of which, Adier, you don’t have a wife yet.”

After turning the topic, she talked to Adier: “Are you interested in finding one here?”

“With your current strength and reputation, I believe that many nobles are thinking of marrying daughter to you.”

Listening to Alina’s words, Adier froze for a while, not thinking about it at all.

Somehow, when he heard this topic, the shadow of Edith suddenly flashed in his mind.

That’s his fiancée, and at this time presumably still waiting for the elf king, waiting for him to end this experiment and go out to meet her.

“No more.” He laughed, then opened the mouth and said: “I have someone I like.”

“Really? That’s a pity.” Alina was a pity. “I would like to introduce you to some distinguished aristocratic girls.”

While speaking, they continued to walk forward to the palace where the banquet was held.

Compared with the outside, the area of ​​this hall is not too large, but there are also hundreds of people sitting inside.

In this group, Adier also saw many acquaintances.

In addition to the royal clansman whom Angelo and Loris have seen, like Kradis, they are also sitting in this hall.

As the prince of Cournot, despite his embarrassing status, he is indeed qualified to participate in this banquet, so he was invited.

At this moment, he was sitting in a corner, where a person was eating pastry, and seemed to be alone.

The surrounding nobles each and everyone passed by his eyes, but they all bypassed him like a plague, and none dared to sit beside him.

Some nobles looked vaguely with disdain and taunt in his eyes, and did not seem to like him much.

“Why do you drink here alone?”

Looking at Kradis alone, Adier stepped in front of him, watching him opened the mouth and said.


Raising his head slightly, when he saw Adier in front of him, Kradis was a little surprised, and quickly got up: “teacher, is your injury already good?”

“It’s still a little hurt, but it’s no longer a problem.” Adier said with a smile on his face, and said helplessly.

“This account, I will sooner or later ask you to come back for the teacher.” It seemed that something had come to mind, and Kradis looked cold, watching Adier assured.

During the end of the game, his contact with Adier has not been broken, and he often comes to train in the estate where Adier is located.

With the careful training of Adier, the changes on his body are also very good. Strength within the body is almost a day-to-day change. By now, it is close to the threshold of Azure Firmament Knight.

This change not only made him grateful for Adier, but also made him confident and not afraid of any challenges.

“It’s good if you have this heart.” Patier Kradis’s shoulders felt the other’s true emotions, and Adier was very relieved.

Professor Kradis, although originally going to the other party’s Child of Destiny, he also thought that he taught very carefully, and some things that were considered top secrets at other Knights did not have any reservation for them.

Over time, he also regarded Kradis as his half disciple.

“You stay here first.”

Looking at Alina behind him, he looked at Kradis opened the mouth and said: “Remember to be careful.”

“I understand.” Kradis gently nodded, expressing this.

After explaining a few things, Adier left Kradis’ position and returned to Alina’s side.

After a while, as time passed, the banquet began.

Around the hall, a melodious music sounded with vocals everywhere, with the unique low-pitched hissing style of Malan Kingdom, echoing all around.

At present, some well-trained dancers are dancing inexplicable dances in front of them. Many of the moves look very beautiful. With the beautiful posture and appearance of those dancers, they look like a beautiful scenery.

In the four corners of the hall, other programs are constantly playing, or the superb magic of the magician, or the delicate performance of the circus.

Various programs were shown here one after another, which made all the guests present very engaged and the banquet atmosphere was warm again and again.

After the show at the banquet for a while, the host of the banquet also appeared in front of Adier.

It was a middle-aged person in a well-dressed, soft-looking complexion, holding a scepter in his hand and explaining it on the stage.

The name of this middle age person is Dirad, and it is the only prince in the King’s Courtyard that remains in the Malan Kingdom. This is the younger brother of this generation of King Maran, the uncle of Alina and the others.

As the only prince left by King Maran in King’s Courtyard, this prince Dirad is also extraordinary, not only his own talents are outstanding, Knight innate talent is also very amazing.

According to Alina, her Uncle was already a Titled Knight more than a decade ago, and by now, her own strength may be even more terrifying.

This strength, combined with the identity and power of the other party, is definitely one of the very best in the entire Malan Kingdom. Even some of the top nobles who have Radiant Knight must also pay sufficient respect to the prince. .

“Yeah … see who I see …” A deep, awkward voice came from a distance.

Adier looked up and saw a tall, burly silhouette coming from a distance.

Cannaduo was wearing a large Knight robe, holding a wine glass in his hand, was walking from a distance, with a mocking smile on his face: “Come and come, you can be considered an opponent, let me toast you.”

His tone was ridiculous, and the smile on his face was awkward, making people feel uneasy at first glance, subconsciously trying to stay away from him.

Sitting silently, looking at the picture of Cannaduo, Adier secretly frowned, but still raised the glass in front of him and drank the fruit wine in front of him.

“Good, good.” Looking at Adier’s action, Cannaduo exaggerated said with a smile: “Speaking of which, we haven’t finished the last battle yet.”

“Exactly, this time there is a chance. Why not be here? Let’s try again?”

He looked at Adier, the ridicule on his face became more and more obvious: “By the way, this time, the nobles can appreciate our heroic appearance.”

Listening to this, Rao is in Adier’s good temper, and his heart is also angry.

No matter who is provoked again and again, the heart will be angry.

What’s more, this provocative person is simply an indelible ant for Adier.

“Cannaduo, don’t go too far.” Alina’s voice sounded aside.

Looking at Cannaduo in front of Adier, Alina’s face was cold and her eyes were staring at each other as if looking at a dead person.


Listening to Alina, Cannaduo shrugged, looking at Adier with a disdain on his face: “Adier, will you just hide behind a woman?”

“In my opinion, you should change the name of Storm Knight. Isn’t it better to call it Turtle directly?”

He laughed heartily, took a look at Alina, who was getting more complexion, and then walked away from the spot.

Sitting in place, watching his back quietly, Adier’s face calmed down, and he sat down silently as if nothing had happened.

“Adier.” On the side, Anumu said, looking at him with some worry.

“Relax, I’m fine.” Adier shook the head, his face looked as calm as ever.

In the four corners of the banquet, watching the scene silently, the nobles around him walked around, and some who wanted to say hello could not help but retreat, sitting quietly aside.

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