
Looking at the silhouette that suddenly appeared in front of him, Cannaduo first froze, it seemed that he did not expect that Adier would suddenly rush up.

But he reacted quickly, looking at Adier in front of him, with an excited expression on his face: “Very good.”

“After waiting so long, you finally delivered it yourself!”

“Adier ···”, watching Adier suddenly appearing on the high platform in front, Alina frowns: “Why did it happen at this time …”

Seems to be thinking, she turned slightly, looked towards Adier behind her, and at this time Kradis half-knelt on the ground, with some coldness in her eyes: “Is that because of the Courne Prince?”

Regarding Adier, the chief Knight, Alina, although at ease, often pays attention, and is naturally very clear about his private teaching of Kradis.

Out of trust in Adier, she did not mention it at all, but instead helped him cover it up intentionally or unintentionally, so that Adier would not be hostile to some people.

What she didn’t expect was that it was only after such a period of time that the relationship between Adier and Kradis reached such a degree that Adier even went against the will and rescued the other party.

This feeling made her uncomfortable.

On her body, the power of the light purple World is boiling, echoing the breath of Kradis in the distance, with some repulsion.

A feeling like seeing the same kind and witnessing the enemy is born in the heart, making Alina a little more malicious to Kradis instinct.

“I said, that’s all for now.”

On the high platform, in the gaze of countless nobles below, Adier’s face was indifferent, and his gaze looked at Cannaduo in front of him coldly.

“Hehe.” Cannaduo dismissed his words: “You want me to stop?”

“It’s very simple.”

He retracted his fist and looked at Adier in front of him, his body trembling slightly: “Go and die!”

boom! !

The fierce fist wind whizzed around, and the strong air pressure brought downburst sounds. While bringing up a large stream of air, it also made the surrounding nobles feel the eardrum vibration.

On the high stage, Cannaduo was burning with Scarlet Battle Qi, and the horrifying Life Energy was burning, driving the Life Seed within the body, gathering a pair of illusive Battle Qi Wings on his body, and attacking Adier.

In previous battles, Cannaduo knew very well about Adier’s combat power. When he met at this time, he immediately made an unreserved blow and attacked Adier with all his strength.

Scarlet red’s fist oscillated in the air. Although it is not a real long sword, only the fist is already extremely horrible. If the Strength attached to it really broke out, I am afraid it will be enough to smash a tall building with one punch.

However, even with such a horrible blow, Adier was still calm in front of him, but he just raised his hand quietly.


The crisp sound sounded in place.

Feeling a different touch from the imagination, Cannaduo stunned: “How is it …”

boom! !

The muffled sound of terror sounded in place, accompanied by the crazy bloom of silver Battle Qi.

Before waiting for Cannaduo’s reaction, Adier’s face was indifferent, the scabbard in his hand was split forward, and he directly cut it on Cannaduo’s body, cutting it far away.


“How can this be!!”

A shock came from the audience.

Looking at this scene in front of it, countless nobles from below exclaimed subconsciously, and did not expect the scene in front of them.

“Don’t …” Standing at the corner of the crowd, Angelo seemed to think something, and his face gloomy and uncertain looked at Adier.

I saw at this time, on Adier’s body, a piece of Silver’s Battle Qi was rising, slowly flowing on it, and gradually condensed into a delicate Battle Qi armor.

Behind the Battle Qi armor, a pair of huge Silver Battle Qi Wings are connected, which looks far more solid and scary than Cannaduo’s body.

“Battle Qi Wings !!”

“It’s also Titled Knight!”

Looking at the complexion grave and stern on the stage, at this time looking coldly at Cannaduo’s Adier, Loris smiled, then looked towards Alina in the distance.

“Let a Titled Knight be insulted like this, Etina, you’re really lucky.” With a bitter smile on her face, she suddenly figured out everything that had happened before.

In fact, there are definitely no smart people in the aristocracy present. At this time, each and everyone is suddenly realized, and the dim eyes look at Alina.

Being stared at by so many vague eyes, Alina’s face was a little unsightly, and she could only slap a face and look up at the high platform.

“You turned out!”

On the high stage, Cannaduo’s incredible voice sounded.

In fact, despite being a bit arrogant in character, he was not stupid at all. At this moment, he thought of Alina’s previous actions and immediately figured everything out.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of being fooled in his heart, which made him angry, and drew his sword desperately towards Adier.

boom! !

Intense pain came from his chest.

Just for a moment, before Cannaduo reacted, he was hit in the chest and was forcibly hit by a fly.

In front of her eyes, Adier looked indifferent, looking down at the ground, struggling to get up Cannaduo, slowly pulling out the long sword on his waist.

“Adier!” A reprimand came from below, and it reached Adier’s ear in an instant.

He turned to look at the source of the sound, just as he saw Alina rising from her original seat, shaking her head slightly at him.

Looking at Alina’s movement, Adier instantly understood what she meant.

“Afraid I killed Cannaduo, causing retaliation from the military?”

He was sighed under his heart, stopped his movements, but just glanced at Cannaduo in front of him, looked towards Kradis and walked aside.

Squatting on the ground, Kradis, who was badly injured, picked up, and he walked directly into the distance.

Along with this action, in his depth of one’s soul, a touch of warmth is breeding.

He looked towards his physical data, and on the column of Boundary Energy, at this time compared to the previous one, he added a hundred points directly, which surprised Adier.

But for now, he doesn’t care about it for the time being, holding directly to the badly wounded Kradis and running away, without intending to stay in the banquet hall.

“The gap … is it so big …”

Lying on the ground quietly, struggling to endure the pain from moment to moment, looking at Adier’s back, Cannaduo’s heart was bitter, and there was no more arrogance.

The same as Titled Knight, the opponent did not even pull the sword, only a single blow, he was directly injured.

This kind of real horror gap made him bitter in his heart. When he recalled the previous provocation process, his heart was even more angry.

The sight of everyone below was completely attracted by Adier at this time, even if it occasionally fell on Cannaduo, his eyes were full of sympathy and contempt, with a mockery of his overestimate one’s capabilities.

“Alina, this time, you did something wrong.”

Walking silently to Alina, looking at the half-young younger sister in front of her, Angelo sighed: “It’s too much to make such a powerful Knight suffer the insult of the weak.”

As a prince who is good at power, he naturally sees Alina’s purpose very clearly. He just wants to show weakness to achieve certain goals.

However, in order to achieve this purpose, at the cost of strong Great Knight vests with his men, this is not worth it.

When Adier shot just now, the side guardians clearly told him how much Adier is now.

That’s when it reached the Titled Knight Peak, one step away from Radiant Knight.

What Angelo didn’t know, however, was that even Alina herself was a little surprised by his side.

“Lilice, are you sure you read that correctly …”

Standing in place, listening to the news from Lilice, Alina couldn’t believe it: “Titled Knight’s Peak?”

“Don’t say it to you, even I’m surprised.” Lilice’s voice was equally astonished, and it seemed equally shocked: “Just over four months, less than six months, he has reached this level . “

She was really shocked.

When Adier burned his vitality to break through and consolidate Battle Qi Wings, she also made judgments and thought that the road after Adier would be difficult.

Unexpectedly, just in half a year, Adier has reached the Peak of the Titled Knight, seeing this momentum, even the promotion of Radiant Knight is very promising.

This contrast complicates her mind. Looking at Adier’s back, she can’t help but sigh: “Unfortunately … if not born in this era …”

Adier didn’t know the complex thoughts of these people.

At this time, he was holding Kradis and came to a carriage outside the palace.

“His Royal Highness Kradis!” The cry out in surprise came from the place. In front of a carriage, an old man in a black robe exclaimed and stepped forward, watching Kradis in Adier’s arms, his whole body was shaking.

“Relax, he’s fine.”

Looking at the old man’s excited look in front of him, Adier shook the head and motioned to calm down.

The timing of his previous shot was just right, and although he didn’t stop the shot in the first place, it would not cause Kradis too much injury.

For Adier, who is proficient in medicine and pharmacy, this injury on Kradis is actually nothing.

“En?” Thinking of the injuries on Kradis, Adier suddenly froze, and his face became a little weird: “I should say, is it worth the Child of Destiny of this world?”

“Just being beaten by someone, it changed from Great Knight to Azure Firmament Knight. This kind of thing is really a protagonist treatment …”

Using a chip to observe Kradis’ physical condition, he thought strangely.

Considering that there were still people waiting here, he didn’t look like all too long, and gave Kradis directly to the other party.

“He’s fine, go back and let the person clean the injury, and lie down for a few days.”

He looked at the old servant in front of him, and waved his hand: “I will send someone a few potions later, and he should be cured soon.”

The words fell, and he finally glanced at Kradis in front of him, then turned and walked away.

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