In May, Xia Ji Rufeng passed by, bringing a scorching sun.

Carrier pigeons from afar brought new news to all parts of Malan Kingdom in a flash.

On the edge of the western Draka Empire, a terror beast erupted, and the first Knight group of the Draka Empire was defeated in the first time. Various horrible monsters exploded everywhere, causing the entire Draka Empire to fall into In a moment of chaos.

Once the news came back, it immediately caused waves.

“The riotous power of World Power has grown stronger.”

In a quiet courtyard, listening to the news from Alina, Adier felt an inexplicable feeling in his mind, as if some major event was happening.

“The Draka Empire … I don’t know what happened to the Child of Destiny belonging to this Empire.”

Looking at Alina in front of him, the thought flashed in his mind.

According to Cilla, the life runner, in this Knight World, there is no doubt that each of the four existing empires has a Child of Destiny.

Among them, Child of Destiny, which belongs to Malan Kingdom and Gounod Empire, Adier already knows that they are Alina and Kradis.

If it is inferred according to the commonality of these two people, the Child of Destiny belonging to the Draka Empire is likely to be a King Descendant.

For the urine of this world, Adier has almost figured it out. The typical favor the rich and disdain the poor, naturally has a layer of love for King Descendant.

This may be because this world has been ruled by King Descendant for countless years, so the choice of Child of Destiny is more biased towards King Descendant.

Whether it is Alina or Kradis, within the body, the Bloodline of the Founding Ancestor Knight from ancient times is circulated, which belongs to the orthodox King Descendant.

With this in mind, on the surface, Adier was still calm and listening to Alina’s speech.

At this time, Alina’s speech also stopped, and the whole person looked towards Adier ahead.

“Adier, what’s going on with you?” She opened the mouth and said, with some expectation in her eyes.

“It’s almost done.” Adier gently nodded: “Boiling Blood Medicine’s formula has been improved, and the new formula will be better than the original one.”

“That’s good.” Listening to the news, Alina nodded before looking towards another person.

After a while, the meeting came to an end.

Looking at Knight, who was leaving in front of him, Adier also got up and watched with awe and envy, and walked towards the outside world.

Instead of taking a carriage, he rode directly and, with the help of several servants, returned directly to his place of residence.

Just returned to the manor house where I was living, a familiar silhouette is already waiting there.


Watching Adier returning from a distance, Kradis stood in front of the manor, greeting Adier respectfully.

After the previous incident, the relationship between the two of them was a lot closer, so Kradis often came to visit.

“You came.”

Looking at his student, Adier laughed: “Last time I taught your sword skills, did you learn it so soon?”

“Not that.” Kradis shook the head, then waved.

Beside him, several servants walked forward holding a few large boxes, then opened in front of Adier.

A faint scent came from his eyes, and Adier couldn’t help it.

I saw in the box in front of me some transparent colored plants.

These plants are very strange, with leaves like the shape of an axe and some small flowers growing on them, which look like transparent glass plates, which are very strange.

“This is …” Adier couldn’t help but look at these things in the wooden box.

“This is the teacher. Please ask me to find the Unwhite Flower for you.” Kradis smiled and said before him: “A while ago, I inquired that this plant was produced somewhere, so I sent someone to buy it.”

“Once and again, I finally found these in a local savage tribe.”

“Attentive.” Adier couldn’t help nodded at this, and looked relieved.

But in his heart he was sighing.

“Sure enough, Child of Destiny is just different.” He sighed in his heart: “I searched for a few months and it cost so much, and finally got three, and he found a dozen of them.”

This incident also reminded him.

In this world, if you have any precious resources you need, you can actually ask Alina and Kradis for help.

Both of them are Child of Destiny, with the strength of this world, and will be better than him in countless times in luck, much more efficient than his hard search.

“Speaking of which, teacher, what do you want these things to do?” Kradis continued before his eyes.

He looked at the dozen or so Unwhite Flowers in the wooden box in front of him, some curiously asked, and seemed to be curious about the use of these things.

“It’s used to make potions.” Adier casually said about Kradis’s question: “There is a new research formula that just needs these things.”

Listening to this statement, Kradis suddenly realized.

For those of Kradis who are close to Adier, Adier’s exquisite and powerful medical skills are no secret at all.

During the time of training under Adier, Kradis itself has used many medicaments to assist him, and the effect of the medicaments configured by Adier is even clearer.

Suddenly, he promised: “I will let my servant continue to buy there, and after one month, I should send another batch.”

“That’s good.” Listening to the news, Adier laughed, then shouted Kradis on the training ground aside, and began daily training.

For the Child of Destiny of Kradis, he was indeed trained as his own student. Not only did all kinds of knowledge about Knight be reported without reservation, even the Dier Breathing Technique he had figured out was passed on to Kradis.

Of course, from a certain perspective, Adier did this, and it also meant to use Kradis to test the new breathing method.

No amount of theoretical analysis requires practice.

Through Kradis, the Child of Destiny, many problems of this breathing method can be discovered in time, so that Adier can improve at any time.

On the other hand, Kradis is also very touched by the full professor of Dier Breathing Technique, which Adier summarized himself.

He apparently mistaken the Dier Breathing Technique for the powerful breathing method passed down from Adier’s ancestors. After all, after so long, in the eyes of those around him, Adier has almost been identified as the descendant of an ancient king.

A powerful breathing method from an ancient king is said to be taught, and this situation is rare even in the royal family, which is quite generous.

On the spacious training ground, the two’s training soon ended.

Sending Kradis out of the door in person, Adier turned and walked towards the house.

After a while, he came to his laboratory in the basement and went straight in.

A faint smell came from his eyes, smelling this aura, Adier’s face was calm, and he walked silently to the front stage.

“Thirteen strains should be enough.”

Silently clearing the Unwhite Flower sent by Kradis, these thoughts flashed in Adier’s mind.

He collected these materials, of course, for his purpose.

Since entering Peaked Knight’s Peak, in order to get promoted to Radiant Knight as soon as possible, he spent a long time researching and wanted to find a way to speed up the promotion.

According to his research, in order to be promoted to Radiant Knight, in addition to the achievement of the physical attributes, Life Energy within the body must continue to stimulate Life Seed in order to sublimate Life Seed and reach the next stage.

In terms of physical attributes, as a Level 2 wizard, Adier’s physical attributes have undoubtedly reached the standard. The only thing missing is the stimulation of Life Seed.

This is very difficult.

After so long research and exploration, Adier has become clear that the so-called Life Seed is actually a unique organ born after a high degree of vitality condensed.

The influence of this organ is very weak, and even it is a unique aggregation of vitality, between the entity and Life Energy. Not only will it appear on a few individuals with strong life potential, but if there is no accident, basically it will not be activated for a lifetime.

Only with the existence of Knight, can the Life Seed be activated step by step through the orthodox Knight Breathing Technique, thereby obtaining a more powerful Strength.

In order to be promoted to Radiant Knight, it is necessary to stimulate Life Seed and allow the activated Life Seed to further sublimate and become a substantial organ existence.

And the material of Unwhite Flower is a unique material discovered by Adier. It contains some extremely rare ingredients and can be used to make a unique medicine that stimulates the transformation of Life Seed.

This kind of material is also rare in Knight World. It belongs to some magic beast companions. It only grows in small places where some kind of magic beast lives, so it is difficult to see.

Earlier, Adier had spent three energy to obtain three strains, and made two potions.

In the laboratory at this time, Kradis’s blessing was dragged, and a total of thirteen Unwhite Flower were placed here.

“It should be enough.”

Counting the number of materials silently, Adier flashed this thought in his mind.

Without much hesitation, after doing enough preparatory work, he directly pulled up an Unwhite Flower and started his own movement.

For these Unwhite Flowers, Adier actually only needs a part of the root, and not for the rest.

After processing the materials, the entire refining process also officially began.

For things like refining pharmaceuticals, Adier is already familiar.

The accumulation of several Worlds and the refining of hundreds of different medicaments has given Adier a superb ability to control the refining of medicaments. Even without chip assistance, the success rate will not be low.

With the help of chips, his success rate is even more horrible. No matter how difficult the potion is, the success rate will not be lower than one third.

Of course, the premise of this success rate is that Adier has fully grasped the formula of that medicine.

Recommend “Take the Kingdom of the Gods with you”, written by friends, a wave of friendship recommendations.

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