“Compared with the pure Spirit power or Life Energy, the two types of Strength can be purified at least four or five times faster if used together.”

Sitting on the fast and clean stone platform, feeling the feedback from the chip, Adier eyes opened, and my heart was filled with joy.

“If I follow this tradition, it only takes four or five years for me to meet the promotion requirements for Level 3 wizards.”

Standing up silently, Adier’s face glowed with joy: “And, as my Spirit and Life Energy continue to increase, this speed will be much faster.”

This speed is indeed welcome.

Under normal circumstances, a Level 2 Wizard wants to be promoted to Level 3 Wizard, even if it is the fastest, it will take 40 to 50 years to complete the transformation of the flesh and blood and meet the requirements for promotion to Level 3 Wizard.

From the promotion of the Level 2 wizard to the present, Adier is full of calculations, but it is only half a year. Now it only takes four or five years to complete things that others can do for decades or even hundreds of years. If this speed is true, Going out will definitely stun a wizard.

After packing the lab stuff, looking at the last bottle of brilliant potion left on the slate, Adier hesitated, and put it away.

The materials required for this medicine are very rare and difficult to configure.

Moreover, for Adier, this potion is of no use, but for others in this world, this potion is still very useful.

At least, for those who want to be promoted to Radiant Knight, this brilliant potion will definitely make them crazy, and it is worth their price in exchange.

“Even if you can’t make a shot in the end, it’s not bad to give it to Kradis, the Child of Destiny, at least it will definitely increase the Boundary Energy on your body.”

Putting away the potion on the slate, Adier flashed the thought inexplicably.

After packing everything in front of him, Adier went to the corner of the laboratory and came to a dressing mirror.

In the mirror, a silhouette of a handsome young man emerged, at this time his face looked very pale, as if he had just had a serious illness.

This is the excessive consumption of Life Energy and the repercussions that Life Seed has just condensed.

It can be said that during the period when the body has not fully adapted, it can be regarded as Adier’s weak period.

The newly formed Life Seed within the body will continue to absorb Life Energy within the body until it is completely saturated. Therefore, during this time, Life Energy of Adier within the body is basically unusable, and the combat effectiveness of the entire person will be weakened a lot.

This is also the most dangerous period of time after Radiant Knight’s promotion. If you change to another Radiant Knight, at this time, you will most likely find a very secret place to hide, and wait out after this period of weakness.

Adier doesn’t have to be so troublesome, after all, besides being a Knight, he is also a wizard. Even if Life Energy cannot be used, the actual combat power will not be low.

Looking at her pale face in the mirror, Adier probably estimated that this period of weakness lasted about three months. Although it was not long, it was not short.

“Three months, there should be no problems.”

Thinking about the recent situation around Malan Kingdom, Adier calmed down, then turned and walked outside.

Before going out, he specifically hidden the part of Radiant Knight that was unique to him through the emerald mark on his body before walking out of the door.

At this time, in the north of Malan Kingdom, a change was beginning.

In the boundary between the Malan Kingdom and the Gounod Empire, a head wearing a scale armor and a black monster emerged from the ground and began to infiltrate towards the border.

They are many in number, and they seem to have some kind of unique pollution, which can continuously pollute other lives and become one of them.

And the most terrifying are some of them.

Those were some dark armored knights with single horns, all covered with scale armor, covering the whole body, unable to see the true appearance, only showing the eyes of scarlet.

They rode in batches of black scaled horses and, under the leadership of some people, began to rush towards the south slowly.


“Adier, what’s wrong?”

In the quiet hall, looking at Adier in front of him, Anumu said with a doubt: “You look very wrong recently.”

“It’s okay.” Listening to the voice, Adier looked back, and looked at Anumu, who barely smiled. “Recent research on new potions has been a little overwhelming, so I’m so stupid from time to time.”

“So.” Anumu had no doubt about this statement.

He knows that Adier is currently developing a new type of medicine. It is normal to consume a lot of energy, so I did n’t think about it at this time, but I was relieved: “Do n’t be too tired, you ca n’t rush into the new medicine , Still pay attention to rest. “

“I understand.” Adier smiled nodded and understood.

After a few more chats on the spot, Anumu got up and was ready to train soldiers outside the barracks.

Looking at his back, Adier raised his head silently, looking at some direction in the distance.

“Tuling Church ··· What have you been doing recently?”

Thinking of the recently received information, he thought in his mind.

Recently, through the Catutan City branch, Adier often received news from Tuling Church headquarters and some orders.

For unknown reasons, the headquarters of Tuling Church began ordering many branches in the field to prepare for the evacuation, and it seemed to be ready to move the entire force from Catutan City.

This unusual movement caught Adier’s attention.

However, he hadn’t waited until he understood the meaning behind the incident, and another news came from afar.

In the Northern Section of Malan Kingdom, there appeared to be a large-scale rebellion that directly captured the three provinces to the north.

As a life runner, Adier instinctively linked the two messages.

Unfortunately, limited by his identity, he knows too little information to get really useful results.

“As one of several King Descendants with inheritance rights, Alina definitely knows some news, or else she won’t start preparing these things suddenly.” Standing in place, thinking of Alina’s recent actions, Adier frowned.

As Alina’s chief Knight, recently, Adier has clearly noticed changes around him.

Starting more than a month ago, Alina ordered Anumu to step up his training of soldiers and urged Adier to develop new medicaments as soon as possible.

She undoubtedly knew something, so she made these actions in a targeted manner to deal with the situation.

“Forget it …”

Standing in place, after thinking for a while, Adier turned around and looked towards the other side: “No matter what happens, as long as it is not a disaster such as extinction, I believe it will not be a problem for me.”

As a Level 2 wizard and Radiant Knight, he does have this confidence.

In this world, Radiant Knight is already on top of Knight, the top powerhouse in this world, and the kings of the major empires are basically just this level.

With this strength, Adier is confident that as long as it is not a big scene like World Disruption, he can escape even if he cannot cope.

Moreover, even if it really wants the end of the world, he can’t help but hide from other worlds.

Thinking about this in his heart, suddenly, he no longer hesitated and went straight to the side.

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