In the wilderness, an unusual scene is happening.

In a forest, a black lizard covered in scales is running quickly.

The appearance of this lizard is weird. Not only is it all black, it is not covered by the scales behind it, but it also carries a lot of rotten flesh. There are many tiny black insects crawling on it, which drives the flesh and blood to keep rolling .

Around this black lizard, there are many similar creatures, most of them are giant insects, and there are a few other creatures.

boom! !

A light sound came from a distance, bringing a light of silver, scattered around, making the surrounding creatures spread more fearfully towards all around.

At the end of a road, looking at the monster’s body more than three meters high, Adier put away his sword and turned silently looking towards the other side.

At this time under his feet, there were many similar monster corpses, including both common animals and many insects that became huge in size.

Without exception, mutations were created on these creatures, and the original normal structure of their bodies was stimulated by something, and suddenly became huge and horrifying.

“Master Adier!”

In the distance, a team of Knights came quickly on horseback, and the head of the man was calling Adier’s name there.

“Are they all cleaned up?”

Looking at Knight in front of him, Adier turned and said without expression.

“It’s cleared up.” Knight looked at Adier with respectful eyes, and stood there earnestly: “Master Anumu has come here in person.”

“He’s here too.” Adier was a little surprised. “Lead the way.”

The words fell, and before he could leave, in the distance, a familiar silhouette quickly came over.

That was Anumu. At this time, he was riding a white horse and wearing red leather armor, and the whole man looked a little tired.

“Adier, have you solved it here?”

After seeing Adier, Anumu barely smiled and looked at him and asked.

“Finished.” Adier nodded put away his sword. “The Contamination Beast here is not too strong. The strongest is the one in front of you. It is close to the strength of Azure Firmament Knight.”

He pointed at the corpse that was more than three meters below his feet and said.

“Coincidentally, so is my side.” Anumu smiled wryly. “But I’m not as relaxed as you. It took a lot of effort to get rid of the monster.”

“Nothing is wrong,” Adier said casually, and he rode on his horse and walked to the side.

It was almost a year before Adier was promoted to Radiant Knight.

Over the course of a year, many things began to change.

The most obvious is the surrounding environment.

Half a year ago, a large number of Contamination Beasts began to appear everywhere, constantly impacting towns everywhere.

The individual Strength of these Contamination Beasts is not very strong, but it has a very unique pollution, which can assimilate many originally normal individuals into Contamination Beasts of the same nature.

After being polluted, some wild wild beasts that were originally ordinary will become more powerful, and some wild wild beasts that are already extremely powerful will suddenly become more like Knights after being polluted.

If it is just Contamination Beast formed by ordinary wild beast, then it is still good. Although it will definitely cause serious losses under the huge amount of accumulation, it will definitely be extinguished in the end.

The real dangers are those powerful Contamination Beasts transformed from the original magic beast.

These Contamination Beasts are at the heart of this disaster and the main force that poses a powerful threat to kingdoms and lords.

A wild beast that was originally just an ordinary individual will not be strengthened even if it is further strengthened. But one end is originally comparable to the horrible magic beast of Knight and even Azure Firmament Knight. Once polluted, its strength will reach a terrifying level.

For example, the monster that Adier killed before was originally just the Magic Beast of the Great Knight level. Although the strength is not bad, it is not too scary.

But after being polluted, the strength of this magic beast suddenly became horrible, directly transformed from the original Great Knight level, and reached a point close to the Azure Firmament Knight.

This horrible speed of increase, let alone other people, even the wizard Adier was a little stunned and some couldn’t understand it.

“Seeds of pollution, what is the nature of this kind of thing?”

Adier could not help thinking of riding a horse on the road.

For a year, he did not let go of Tuling Church’s relationship. Although he stayed with Alina because he had to stay with Alina, he did not contact Barbarian Beast Knight Lida. Off.

Through the relationship of the other party, he got a lot of exclusive news, including the information of the kind of corrosion.

This thing is the source of a large number of Contamination Beasts, but Adier has no way to find out what this thing is. It can only be guessed by studying some Contamination Beasts.

“Is it a crystal of the strength of a higher organism, or is it a unique substance born of this world?”

On the road, Adier was still struggling with this issue, and then he looked towards his attribute panel.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 64.3. Agility: 67.1. Constitution: 70.5. Spiritual Purity: 77.1%. Life Purity: 37.1%. Boundary Energy: 36.4. Bloodline: Moon Elf (Juvenile).

The familiar attribute panel is once again visible, and looks significantly better than a year ago.

Especially in the column of Boundary Energy, at this time the number has doubled.

This is the result of Adier’s hard work over the past year. After all, after knowing clearly who the Child of Destiny is, Boundary Energy’s growth rate will undoubtedly be much faster.

Especially after the outbreak of Contamination Beast, Boundary Energy’s growth rate continued to accelerate, which surprised Adier.

After walking on the road for a while, when the outside sky gradually fainted, Adier and Anumu stopped and took the person to an open area, ready to start resting.

After night fell, letting other people fall asleep, Adier carried his sword and walked out alone, standing in front of the makeshift tent and looking at the silver moon in the sky.

Perhaps because of Moon Elf Bloodline inside the body, when the light of the moon shines on Adier, the power of Moon Elf of Adier within the body will become more active, and his condition will be improved to the best.

Feeling this unique feeling, looking at the bright moon in the sky, Adier got up and took out a letter from his arms.

The envelope of the letter is purple, and it looks very beautiful, with a triangular mark embroidered on it, which represents Tuling Church.

This is the letter that Adier just received today, from the headquarters of Tuling Church, which often contains the latest orders issued by Tuling Church.

Opening the letter skillfully and looking at the content of the letter, Adier froze.

“Assassination of Malan Kingdom Princess Alina, Gounod Empire Prince Kradis …”

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