Late at night, the ignition light flickered around.

In a small room, Alina’s lonely silhouette sat there silently, looking at the large number of documents on her hands.

boom! boom! boom!

A subtle sound came from outside and caught Alina’s attention.

She looked up and looked outside the gate.

Outside the door, a silhouette was standing there, knocking at the door.

“Please come in.”

Staring at the silhouette outside the door, Alina only spoke for a long time.

The voice fell, and with a squeak, the wooden door was pulled open, and then a silhouette familiar to Alina came in from the outside.

Seeing this familiar silhouette, Alina relaxed relaxedly: “Adier, why are you here?”

“Is everything outside resolved?” She asked casually.

“Well, it’s resolved.” In front of her, Adier was wearing black leather armor, with silver hair hanging down, looking at Alina, expressionless on her face.

He looked at Alina in front of him, and said something: “Princess, I have some important news, and I want to tell you.”

“It’s about the seeds of pollution.”

He slowly walked towards Alina while opening the mouth and said.

The voice fell, and suddenly, Alina’s face was frozen, and her attention was completely drawn to the topic: “Say!”

“Things are like this.”

Adier expressionless, slowly approached Alina, and opened his mouth to explain the whole reason he got the news.

It is strange that even if he walks in this way, but Alina doesn’t seem to see it, she still looks at him with a grim expression, and seems to want to listen to his news.

boom! !

The dull sound sounded in place, accompanied by a crack in the wall in front of me.

In front of him, Adier expressionless, with a long sword in his hand, and a blood-red Battle Qi covering his whole body, made Alina awakened: “You are not Adier!”

She looked at the traces of Battle Qi left around, a little bit nervous.

Just then, she seemed to completely ignore the presence of the person in front of her, and she was awake until the other side shot like her.

If it wasn’t for the last moment, Lilice within the body would forcefully control her body to avoid it, I’m afraid she is worried now.


Seeing the shot in his hand missed, he turned slightly, and looked at Alina and Adier expressionless in front of him, looking a little puzzled: “You obviously have been recruited, why can you avoid it?”

“You don’t have to worry about this question.” Alina looked coldly, looking at Adier in black armor in front of her, and there was a thick killing intent in her eyes, “Who are you?”

“Forget it, I wanted to keep it simple, but it seemed hopeless.” In situ, Adier shook the head, looking at Alina in front of him, it was a bit pity: “As for my name, you can call me Ange Seoul. “

“Shadow Knight of Tuling Church!” Listening to the name, Alina’s heart jumped, and an unknown hunch rose, soon fulfilled at the next moment.


A violent bang erupted in situ, accompanied by the fiery red Blood Battle Qi, spreading like a breeze toward all around, eroding everything around.

Under the influence of this Battle Qi, everything in front of him disappears at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only a pure and powerful bloody Strength.

As the same blood moon descended on the ground, all the buildings on 100 meters were flattened at this moment, leaving only a tall silhouette.

That was Angel, at this time still maintaining the appearance of Adier, but the original long silver hair turned into a black hair, at this time turned to look at Alina, purple light bloomed in her eyes.

On the opposite side, Battle Qi Wings emerged from Alina’s body, and an inexplicable Strength was driven by his will at this moment, which made her hover easily in the air and looked at the opposite man dignifiedly.

“Angel, one of the seven guardians of the Turing dynasty, has always only been responsible for defending the Turing empire.”

Her face was dignified: “Tuling Church really deserves me. In order to deal with such a small role as me, even Knight, like yours, has been sent.”

“You’re no small character.” Angel smiled on his face, and looked a bit weird against the surrounding flames. “Even Majesty, Tuctor, should pay attention to it. If you are a small character, what are we? . “

“You guys?” Listening to each other, Alina was keenly aware of the point.

Before she could react, a strange noise broke out behind her.


The raging Battle Qi swept from the back, passing endless flying stones across the air.

In it, the shadow of a giant wolf loomed, roaring at the moon in mid-air, and roaring and shouting seemed to be enough to slaughter the city and destroy the country.

When all the abnormal noises disappeared, Knight wearing a black armor and wolf helmet emerged from the fire. The breath on his body was so amazing that Alina could not help shaking.

This Knight is in no way inferior to the current Shadow Knight. Perhaps it is not as good as the concealment, but it is even better than the powerful and mighty, which almost makes Lilice within Alina within the body uncontrollable.

“Wolf Knight!” Looking at the wolf helmet Knight gradually coming in the distance, Alina’s face also changed, only to find herself trapped in some horrible trap.

This is also one of the seven guards of the Turing Emperor Knight, and in terms of strength, even in the Seven Knights is definitely among the best.

At this moment, in the hands of Wolf Knight, he was holding someone.

It was a very ordinary-looking young man, who was curled abnormally at this time, and was still shaking slightly in some places, and was caught by Wolf Knight.

“Kradis!” Looking at the young man in the distant wolf Knight, Alina complexion changed, shouting the man’s name.

“Sumit.” In front of him, a pale bloody Battle Qi rose, accompanied by a voice.

Shadow Knight Angel appeared, and his dark air was floating. At this time, looking at Elena in front of her face, her face was very dull: “Your trump card, we already know it, but it is the former guardian who remains. Final mark. “

“Even if you borrow this mark, you can’t be my opponent, let alone us, if you don’t have the strength of Titled Knight.

His words were light and cold, but like the sharpest sword, it penetrated directly into Alina’s heart.

“What to do?” Looking at the two Knights before and after, Alina’s face was sweating coldly, and for the first time, she felt that the situation was beyond her imagination.

The two Radiant Knights came together to assassinate. If this treatment is said, it will be enough to shock a person and make countless kings despair.

In the face of such a luxurious lineup, Alina raised a confusion in her heart in addition to her fear.

“Why me?” She glanced at Kradis, who was holding Wolf in his hands, with a heavy confusion in her eyes.

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