On a quiet night, huge flames were burning everywhere.

There was a loud noise around, with a sound of gold and metal intersect, and it kept ringing all around, as if someone was fighting around.

In the center of the court, facing the two Knights before and after, Alina’s clothes were wet with cold sweat.

A thick confusion rose in her heart.

In terms of status, although she is the seventh Princess of Malan Kingdom, it may be considered noble to other nobles, but it is not much to the guardian of Tuling Church.

Tuling Church inheritance Since the former Turing dynasty, each of them has guarded Knight, at least the strength of Radiant Knight. This was able to survive the suppression of the four empires at the time, and even to wind and rain everywhere. Not defeated.

The two Radiant Knights shot together to assassinate an Azure Firmament Knight. If such a thing is said, I am afraid nobody will believe it.

“Perhaps because of Lilice?”

Looking at Kradis carried by Wolf Knight, Alina thought hard for a long time, and finally found only such a reasonable explanation.

For some reason as a child, she was acknowledged by the guardian of the royal family and has been with her.

Although this matter has been regarded by her as the biggest secret, for Tuling Church, who has assassinated her several times, it may not be discovered, so it may not attract the attention of the other party.

“Don’t think about running away.”

Angell laughed, with a gloomy expression on his face: “Guy walk with us and maybe be comfortable.”

“If you resist, that Cournot Prince is an example.”

He pointed at Kradis, which was carried by Wolf Knight, and seemed to be a gentle reminder.


In the hands of the wolf Knight, curling his body, resisting the severe pain from his body, Kradis coldly snorted, even with blood on his chest at this time, his eyes were still sharp and firm.

After more than a year, under the advice of Professor Adier, his strength has improved rapidly, and he is about to catch up with Alina.

It is a pity that in the face of Knight, one of the guardian Knights, Knight is still unable to withstand a single blow. Between two or three moves, the opponent was knocked to the ground and dragged over like a dead dog.

By this time, his heart was also desperate.

As a former Cournot Prince, he knew exactly what Radiant Knight meant.

That was the strongest strength on the surface of a dynasty. It can be said that even the emperors of the four empires were nothing more than that’s all, showing its horror.

“Fortunately the teacher has already left …”

At the end of his thoughts, he was fortunate and regretted: “Unfortunately, he did not wait until the day he returned to Cournot.”

The cool wind is still blowing, but under the influence of the surrounding flames, it can not bring a trace of coolness.

“It’s almost over.”

In the middle of the venue, looking at gasping for breath, as if Alina had exhausted her last strength, Angel was a little boring: “Chris, take her back.”

Wolf Knight nodded, right hand holding a black wolf tooth giant sword, while holding Kradis, walking towards Alina in front.

Looking at the wolf Knight striding behind him, Alina’s eyes were dim, and her strength was almost exhausted.

She was not Angel’s opponent at all. Even if she tried her best to use Lilice’s Strength, she just barely caught the opponent’s strength and was easily exhausted of Strength.

In the face of the wolf Knight who came behind him, even if he had the intention to resist, until now, there was nothing he could do.

She looked at the wolf Knight who was walking behind her, her eyes were dim, then she was stunned again.

In her sight, a silver light was shining.


A radiance of silver dripping from the sky lifted a brilliance in the air. As the same silver moon pressed down, there was an impassable momentum.


At this moment, the wolf Knight was horrified, and he looked up towards the air subconsciously, and a pair of silver eyes passed across a pair of exposed red eyes.

boom! !

A violent collision erupted, a giant sword and a silver long sword collided with each other, and a fiery light burst out, sweeping all around instantly.

Suddenly hitting the defense, the wolf Knight kept going backwards, and before he reacted to what happened, he felt only a loose hand and the original grip was missing.

In situ, a young boy appeared momentarily, covering his body with silver light. At this time, the right hand was holding the sword, his left hand was holding Kradis, and he barely stood up. He looked at the wolf Knight and Shadow Knight in front of him, his face indifferent: “Kradis, how do you feel?”

“Teacher ···” was caught by surprise and saw Adier in front of him, Kradis was a joy first, and then his face became anxious instantly: “teacher, go!”

Roar! !

Zhentian’s roar was rippling all around, echoing around, constantly echoing.

In the ruins of the building in front, Knight was wearing black armor and wolf helmet on his face.

And on his body, the momentum of terror was rising, an outrageous horror, a moment of outrageous terror, faintly condensed into a giant wolf, and flew towards Adier.

A wolf tooth giant sword flew, and immediately collided with a silver cross sword several times, and then separated from each other.

“Glorious?” The hoarse voice sounded in place.

Looking at Adier in front of him, Wolf Knight was hesitant and hesitant.

Around, looking at this scene, standing next to Adier, Kradis was shocked.

He looked at Side Adier, his mouth opened slightly, and some words stopped.

Papa … Papa … Papa …

A sound of light sounded in place and was clearly transmitted to the ears of the people around.

Adier looked up slightly and looked towards Alina.

There, Angel was dressed in a black robe. At this moment, he looked exactly like Adier, standing in the wind, smiling, and he couldn’t help clapping: “Good, good.”

“Adier .Fax, who was a student of Maran Academy until his birth, is now the first Knight of Alina Princess, and the strength of the Titled Knight …”

He looked at Adier in front of him, his eyes continued to shine, and his face exclaimed: “I didn’t expect that in this country, besides Solar Prince, there is a Knight like you.”

“I have heard that in Tuling Church’s guardian Knight, there is a person who is good at disguising the hidden Knight, and it seems to be you.” He looked into the distance, Anger, who was almost exactly the same as him, and frowned opened. the mouth and said.

The other person’s disguise was very interesting.

On the surface, the opponent’s camouflage is almost impeccable. Even if there are some differences in some details, it is not a problem of the opponent’s camouflage.

Unfortunately, no matter how delicate the disguise is, it is in vain in front of the wizard.

After all, looks can be disguised, but fluctuations in Spirit’s power cannot be disguised.

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