In the quiet environment, bursts of fire flickered everywhere, like a blast of sparks, in which dancing inexplicable.

In this environment, a silhouette walks quietly, the long sword on the waist is slowly pulled out, and the gray black light is blooming on it, with a certain shadow of ups and downs.

It was Angel, at this time frowning and solidifying the battle ahead. After seeing the horrible defeat of the wolf Knight, he finally couldn’t help pulling out his sword and slowly walked towards the battlefield.

He walked slowly and neatly, and each step was standard, like the end after a precise calculation, and the rhythm seemed very neat.

Without saying anything, looking at the front, he walked faster and faster, and finally strode into the battlefield, watching the two deadlocked in front of them, and swiped straight down.

oh la la ···

At this moment, the shadow exuded ripples, like a stone dropped in the calm water, and began to emit some inexplicable vibration.

Ahead, Adier sideways avoided the slamming of Wolf Knight. Before he could react, an extremely dangerous induction rose in his mind.

“Detection of Life Energy has been detected, it is recommended to step back …” In his mind, the sound of the chip machinery sounded.

Listening to the sound, Adier had too much time to think about it, and forced it directly under his feet. The entire silhouette disappeared from its place, and instantly retreated outside the several meters.

boom! !

A crisp, loud sound erupted, accompanied by a ten-meter-long crack, covering Adier’s previous location.

This is not the end. At the place where the cracks appeared, dust was undulating, and the scattered Battle Qi was still condensing, and finally burst out.


The horror of blasting sounded, and with the dust flying in, it completely covered the place.

And among the flying dust, a silhouette like a ghost shadow rushed through them, and rushed to Adier in an instant.


The metal intersect sound sounded at this moment, and then Adier’s silhouette quickly receded, and the Battle Qi armor shattered more than half of it, looking a little embarrassed.

In front of him, Angela stood solemnly, staring at Adier.

Behind him, Knight raised his spiky giant sword on his hand, his eyes turned into pure black, and he walked directly to Angel’s side, standing beside him.

“Better than Wolf Knight …”

Looking at the two Angels in front of him, Adier’s face gradually dignified, his heart whispered.

In a hurry, he hit Anger, at this time his sword-shaking arms were shaking, and a tiny crack appeared on the palm of his hand, with light silver flowing on it.

“It’s been a long time.” Feeling his arm trembling, he laughed a little.

Ever since he was promoted to the full wizard, although occasionally fighting with others, scenes like today are rare.

Two Radiant Knights, this is the Strength that can really threaten his life. According to his strength of Radiant Knight today, it is okay to face Wolf Knight alone, but if he faces Shadow Knight, Anger, I am afraid that he is not an opponent, he will be suppressed by the opponent outside the thousand moves, and finally lose.

Facing these two people at the same time, Adier can only promise to escape barely, and Knight’s Strength alone is not enough to cope.

But under such pressure, his gains are equally impressive.

The Boundary Energy within the body is continuously accumulating. The data on the attribute panel is changing every minute and every second. Just now, this time has increased by more than two hundred.

This growth rate is far more horrifying than ever, but Adier was not surprised.

Boundary Energy’s harvest is directly proportional to its impact on Child of Destiny.

The two Child of Destiny were rescued directly from the hands of the two Radiant Knights, to avoid the two Child of Destiny’s premature death, this is the harvest.

This is just the beginning. If we can continue to block these two people or even kill them, the gains will probably be even more terrifying.

After all, this is two Radiant Knights, this world deserves a top powerhouse.

Various thoughts flashed in my mind, but in front of him, Adier was meaningless, striding forward with a sword in his hand, and waving a calm face forward.

The long sword has not been waved off. In the air, there are countless silver sword glows flashing. The Battle Qi condensed on it is extremely solid, and it will almost become a substance and be cut down.

And in the center of this hundreds of thousands of sword glow, a silver ocean permeates, the core of which is a sword, fiercely pressed down.

Silver Flower! !!

boom! !

Silver ’s life secrets broke out, and a terrible formidable power broke out under the full urging of Adier, so that neither Engel in the distance could change the color slightly.

Roar! !

Standing side by side on the ruins, watching this brilliant blow, Wolf Knight growled, his right arm raised the spiked giant sword in his hand, and chopped off after a brief condensing.

The green flames flickered, burning on the wolf Knight’s body, and finally condensed on a giant tooth giant sword, faced off by Adier’s offensive.


As if two storms in opposite directions collided with each other, at this moment, the endless storm permeated the surroundings, and the two horrible Battle Qis turned into wind and sand and raged around, sweeping everything around, destroying everything and directly crushing it into The finest dust.

Regardless of the surrounding building ruins or stubbornly growing weeds, all of them disappeared in the aftermath of this collision, all turned into dust and scattered to all around.

In the middle of the battlefield, the two silhouettes were glued to each other, the weapons in their hands collided, and the entire Battle Qi was mobilized at this moment, deadlocked at this moment.

However, this stalemate will not last long.

Opposite Adier, the tall silhouette of Wolf Knight was gradually receding, and there was an invisible scar on his chest.

Obviously, in this most decisive collision, he fell into an absolute downwind. Even if his eyes were widened at this time, the bloodthirsty and insanity in his eyes seemed to eat people, but he could not change the fact that his body kept moving backward.

“Impossible!” He yelled frantically, looking at Adier with a calm face, with a strong unwillingness to rise in his heart.

He is one of Turing’s guardian Knights. He was promoted to glory more than a hundred years ago, and his reputation spread to many countries, making countless people afraid to look directly.

But until now, he has lost, losing to a young man who is not twenty or thirty years old in the frontal offensive.

Battle Qi’s frontal collision is still ongoing, and Wolf Knight is still retreating. Even if he is not willing to roar, he still cannot change the fact of defeat, and even retreat faster and faster.

As he retreated, the repercussions that had collided earlier began to explode, causing the Battle Qi armor on his body to continue to explode, and even mixed with some flesh and blood, causing his body to really be injured.

A ray of silver flickers around, like a silver moon passing through the night, while bringing light, it also brings rampant killing intent. At this moment, all are covered towards the wolf Knight.

But at this time, the Shadow Battle Qi began to erupt, and the Life Energy contained in it continued to spread, blocking all the offensives launched by Adier.

Looking at the wolf Knight falling into the wind before him, Angelo frowned and moved forward, and with every move he carried the horrible shadow Battle Qi, chopping away directly behind Adier.

boom! !

metal intersect sound erupts again.

Angel’s sword was not cut short, but it was not successfully cut on Adier.

At a critical moment, Adier raised his scabbard with his left hand to block the blow in a hurry. Then the right hand forced the wolf Knight away, and then tangled with Angel.

Black Qi Battle Qi and light Silver Battle Qi entangled with each other, occasionally mixed with the roar of wolf Knight, covering all this area, forming a terrible dead domain.

Within the range of several hundred meters, neither humans nor dead objects disappeared. They were squeezed by the after-effects of three different Battle Qi collisions, all of which were forcibly ground into dust and scattered around.

Around, the surviving Knight looked at the scene in awe, as if he had seen a natural disaster, and his eyes were full of fear and fanaticism.

The three Radiant Knights fought with their lives. The blood and Battle Qi were entangled. The momentum and the momentum collided with each other. Eventually, they even ascended into the air, forming a small storm.

In the distance, on a small hillside, Alina grabbed Kradis and ran away.

It seemed to feel something. At this moment, both Alina and Kradis stopped and looked invariably towards a direction behind them.

In the mid-air in the distance, the storm was condensing.

The horrifying Life Energy ascended to the sky, and at this moment combined with the momentum of their respective bodies, condensed different looks.

A pale green giant sword converges with a hand of shadows, and a bright silver moon is facing each other, at this time has gradually gained the upper hand.

“The Seed of Radiance has been urged with all its strength!”

In Alina’s within the body, looking at the scene in front of her, Lilice’s face was dignified.

The glorious seed is the Life Seed condensed when he was promoted to Radiant Knight. Usually he will be silent and silent, without any abnormalities.

And if even the glorious seed is urged, it must be caught in a full-fighting battle.

Watching the Battle Qi storm rising in the distance, Alina can vaguely imagine the fierce battle situation in the distance, I am afraid it will be more spectacular than any scene she has ever seen.

“Keep running!” Within the body, Lilice’s voice was still sounding, with some anxiety: “Looking at this situation, Adier has fallen into a disadvantage and I’m afraid I won’t be able to stop the opponent for long.”

“If you wait for those two to pull away, it’s really not saved!”

“Where to run?” Alina hesitated.

“Run to the south.” Lilice’s voice in her head said, “I know there is a place there that can solve the battle Qi remaining on your body …”

“Okay!” Alina nodded, holding her hands hard, and holding Kradis to continue running away.

“Can’t beat!” On the other side, a sword split the wolf Knight in front of him, struggling to deal with Angel’s offensive, and Adier’s mind suddenly raised this idea.

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