In situ, the battle between the three Radiant Knights is still continuing, but compared to the beginning, it has gradually come to an end.

Adier right hand Holding a sword, struggling to fight with Angel in the vortex. At this time, Strength is gradually dying, and he is no longer strong at first.

The Battle Qi armor on his body was broken again and again, and the silver long sword on his hand began to show cracks. All kinds of densely packed small scars were everywhere on his body, including a little silver blood flowing out continuously, the entire person. It looks miserable.

Unlike in the past, this time he was not pretending, but he was really beaten up by this person. The whole person encountered extreme pressure, which made Adier feel a little overwhelmed.

Of course, opposite him, Angel wasn’t much better.

Despite occupying an advantage in numbers, they were not so good at this time in the battle of Adier.

The Battle Qi armor of Wolf Knight has been completely broken, and the black leather armor on the chest has also been broken. A sharp crack appeared on the giant sword in his hand. At this time, he was bloody, and his breath was much weaker than before. .

Compared to him, Angell’s performance is much better. Although the black robe worn is broken and looks a bit embarrassed, he is much better than the wolf Knight and Adier, and he has not suffered too much throughout his body. Big hit.

He stood next to the wolf Knight, holding a black shadowy long sword in his hand, and looked at Adier in cold eyes.

There is no room for manoeuvre in this battle to this point. The wills of both sides are resolute, each burning his own Life Seed and fighting with all his strength. It is impossible to give up halfway.

The two Angels wanted to seize Alina and complete Turing’s orders, and they had to settle the Adier in front of them.

Thinking of this, his face became more and more gloomy, without much hesitation, he continued to rush forward and began to kill.

“How to do?”

In a difficult fight, Adier’s mind could not help but raise this question.

Now that the battle has hit him, his physical strength has become increasingly exhausted. If he doesn’t do anything, I’m afraid he will lose soon.

In the distance, the breath of Alina and Kradis is still there. The remaining Battle Qi breath on the body is obvious. Even in the past, it can still be clearly sensed.

If they escape at this time, the two may be worried about the end, and they will be immediately caught up by the two in front of Angel.

This is not the scene Adier wants to see.

Not to mention his friendship with the two, from the harvest of Boundary Energy alone, this is not a good choice.

“And, even now, even if I want to escape, I am afraid the two will not agree.”

All thoughts flashed in his mind, while fighting with the two Knights in front of him, Adier thought, and then hesitated.

In the surrounding dust, a little bit of silver’s light was flickering, mixed in Battle Qi, and was not found.

“go to hell!!”

Standing in front of Adier, the wolf Knight was tall and the black wolf helmet he had worn had been broken, revealing a crooked deformed face.

He stepped forward with a smirk, holding a heavily damaged giant sword giant sword in his hand, and chopped the final blow to Adier.

The raging Battle Qi scattered, causing waves of waves around, and locked Adier’s whole body up and down.

On Adier’s body, Silver’s Battle Qi’s armor fell off. In this wave of offense, it was somewhat irresistible, revealing the body behind the rear armor.

After that, a giant sword was instantly pressed down and beheaded at Adier.

Feeling the violent sword wind that faintly stings the skin in front of him, and the shadow shadow looming in the corner of his eyes, Adier expressionless, just got up silently and dropped the half-broken long sword on his hand.

He seemed to have given up all resistance, and in the face of the fatal blow that Wolf Knight took at this moment, not only did not dodge in the slightest, even the Battle Qi on his body was dissipating, as if losing his last strength.

In the distance, watching this scene quietly, Angel was frowning, and an uneasy mood rose in his heart.

He frowns thought for a while, but finally didn’t want to understand what was wrong, he could only hold the sword in his hand and concentrate on looking towards the battlefield ahead.

boom! !

In the ridiculous expression of Wolf Knight, the dark giant sword fiercely smashed into Adier’s body, making a loud noise.

However, when he felt the touch from his hand, he was suddenly surprised that he felt wrong.

At this point, in front of him, Adier was still standing there quietly, with no difference in posture.

It was just on the surface of his body that a layer of silver barrier appeared quietly, like a pure mirror covering his whole body, blocking a dark spiked giant sword, without actually hitting his body.

Warping Barrier!

This is the first spell solidified by Adier when he was an official wizard. After so many years of optimization of Spirit power, the defense has reached a very strong level at this time, even stronger than Adier’s Battle Qi armor. A lot.

Only in the past, in order to prevent others from discovering anomalies, Adier has rarely used Strength from the wizard, and it has only been displayed as a last resort.

The light of silver blooms slowly, and a silver light curtain emerges in front of the eyes.

In the light curtain, three different element particles are constantly flowing and intertwining, forming a stable barrier to protect Adier.

“this is?”

Looking at the barrier that appeared in front of Adier’s eyes, feeling the strong pressure from above, this doubt appeared in Wolf Knight’s heart.

He hadn’t waited for him to reflect, and he suddenly hesitated.

I don’t know when, before his eyes, Adier’s silhouette suddenly disappeared.

A sense of warmth and coldness intertwined with each other, emerging in his mind, which lasted for a long time.

In this feeling, his consciousness is gradually lost, and a violent pain has been coming from his body before his consciousness emerges.

His fierce eyes opened, and he looked subconsciously towards his chest.

There, an Icicle pierced his chest mercilessly, and the coldness contained in it spread his bones.

“Why … when …” He looked at his chest in disbelief, feeling the Strength losing rapidly within the body, as if being hurt by the wild beast, roaring there.

“It’s just a simple shock of Spirit.”

In front of him, Adier shook his head slightly and explained.

Although Knight of this world has a strong physical strength, its Strength is not as comprehensive as a wizard. Although pure physical attributes and fighting power are not inferior to wizards of the same level, the other means are far from perfect.

It’s just a simple stun. In the Wizarding World, maybe even a Metamorphosis Stage wizard can break free, but in this world, even a Radiant Knight like the wolf Knight will be recruited, and he will fall into a state of slaughter.

He glanced at the spell in front of him, Knight, who was losing his vitality, just waved his hand.

In front of my eyes, a little silver is condensed, as gentle as moonlight, and instantly illuminates the area of ​​several hundred meters.

And in this center, a silver giant hand snapped.

boom! !

The sound of terror burst, and then a shadow long sword rushed out of front, and rushed towards Adier with a rushing momentum.

Watching this scene quietly, Adier’s face was calm, just watching the long sword rushed in so quietly without any movement.

Under his gaze, the long sword quickly reappeared. As he approached three or four meters in front of him, he suddenly changed his direction as if he had been affected, and rushed towards the wolf Knight.

“go to hell!!”

Looking at the wolf Knight in front of him, Anger’s face was cold, fiercely pierced the shadow of the long sword in his heart, and did not find that he had cut the wrong person.


A violent crackle erupted.

On the wolf Knight, the Icicle condensed by the spell emits cold light, which is directly exploded under the control of Adier, and a terrible formidable power erupts.

Before Angel could react, his eyes were black immediately, his flesh was exploded, and it turned into a mass of blood and mud like all around.

A burst of cold air passed, and then everything in front of me was frozen in an instant, annihilating all vitality.

The howling wind blows gently, while adier feels a bit of coolness, it also blows the bloody smell of all around.

All around, only the wreckage of the building and the body lay quietly, witnessing the fierce fighting before.


Standing in place, looking at the remnants of the two Angels in front of him, Adier covered his chest and said to himself silently.

He was not surprised by this result.

Wizard system after all is The system that ancient wizards developed for many years and gradually improved after the expedition of countless Worlds. Even if the inheritance of ancient wizards is cut off now, the remaining system is also perfect.

Comparatively speaking, Knight’s system is too simple, without a long period of grinding and collision with many Worlds, it is incomparable with the wizard’s system in terms of perfection, and has many shortcomings.

It is not too difficult for Adier to specifically kill two Radiant Knights of the same level.

“Go find Alina them?”

Looking at the corpse in front of him, Adier meditated quietly about the next journey.

But he hadn’t waited for him to think clearly, a hot feeling rose from his body.

Not on the body, but from the fiery heat in the depth of one’s soul, as if a fire was burning at this time, making his face pale instantly.

“This feeling !!” Feeling this extreme pain, Adier’s face turned paler and paler, and the expression on his face was slightly distorted, making him feel uncomfortable.

He looked at the corpse in front of him, and in his mind, a picture began to flow in, causing his Spirit sea to almost explode.

Those are some pictures of Angel and Wolf Knight, at this time slowly floating, showing in front of his eyes.

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