Quiet courtyard, the flames all around are still burning.

Amidst the ruins, Adier covered his chest, consciousness plunged into a wealth of information.

In my mind, a clear picture emerged.

Those are the pictures of the two Angels. They have part of their growth and part of their deeds. At this time, they are all turned into the clearest pictures, and a brain burst into Adier’s mind.

In the picture, Adier also saw a silhouette of Alina and Kradis.

As in today’s scene, in the picture, they were overtaken by Angel and Wolf, respectively, and faced with each other, fleeing in embarrassment.

This picture flashed, then next moment, another picture came out.

In the picture, Alina and Kradis are surrounded by the powerful Battle Qi, standing confidently on a plain somewhere.

Under their feet, Angel’s and Wolf’s corpses fell to the ground, and they stepped on them.

“No way!!”

This was the end of the picture in his mind. In the place, Adier jumped in his heart and suddenly felt that he seemed to have made some fatal mistake.

Although the pictures shown are not complete, it can be seen from the pictures Adier saw that Angel and Knight are not simple, not only as Radiant Knight, but also with Alina and Kradis at a critical moment. The two Child of Destiny confronted each other, entangled, and eventually fell into the hands of the two.

According to the standards of the life runner, if Alina and Kradis can be called the Child of Destiny of this era, then Angel and Wolf are both well-deserved supporting roles, and exist specifically to set off the protagonist.

“That is to say, not only did I kill the two Radiant Knights, but also solved Alina’s future opponents ahead of time?” The thought flashed in his mind, and Adier was stunned, and a bad premonition rose in his heart.

Solving the future opponents of Child of Destiny in advance, although this matter is not as serious as killing Child of Destiny directly, but it is definitely not much better.

Even if it is a supporting role of destiny, there is also a lot of World power on it, and it will receive the attention of World consciousness.

Solving it before it has completed its mission. This is equivalent to ending some of the times in advance, and it will be directly impacted by the World ’s power on the other side.

The consequences of this shock depend on the specific person.

If it’s the same destiny supporting role or even Child of Destiny, then it’s okay, but if it’s an ordinary person, then the result is not great.

For Strange World visitors like Adier, the end is even more worrying.

Sure enough, the next moment, an impact that seemed to tear the soul, came from in the depth of one’s soul, and the pain caused the expression on Adier’s face.

His body began to crack, and the wounds on his body were constantly hot, as if a hot flame was burning on it, burning his vitality at all times.

“World’s Poison !!”

Adier flashed this thought in his mind, and then ran out without the slightest hesitation, running towards the vast cliffs.

The horrible pain continued, not only did it not decrease with the passage of time, but it became more and more intense, which made Adier faint.

His body cracked automatically, and blood was bleeding continuously from the wound, a little silver flowing continuously, dripping along the road.

Feeling this, Adier did not dare to delay anymore, and directly inspired Life Seed within the body and ran towards the distance.

At this time, he still maintained a certain sense, instead of walking in the direction of other towns, he went directly into the deserted mountains in order to reduce the backlash as much as possible.

According to the experience gained from Destiny World, in this world, the more people go, the easier it will be to cause various accidents. Not only will the backlash of World’s Poison increase, but it is also likely to cause all kinds of accidents and cause various disasters .

In fact, even if he didn’t walk towards a crowded place, it was just in this old mountain forest that Adier had several accidents.

Various wild beasts that are inexplicable, magic beasts that are rarely seen, and some venomous snakes … These things that are difficult to come across even when actively searching for them, at this time, it seems like an appointment, directly next to each other Appear one by one.

For these things, Adier is even afraid to do anything now, for fear that slaughter will cause more serious backlash, and can only avoid one after another with the help of the chip, and run towards deeper.

This embarrassing situation was relieved until I ran to a cave somewhere.

But at this time, in Adier’s in the depth of one’s soul, the horrible tearing feeling became stronger and stronger, and Adier almost lost his ability to think.


He whispered, before subconsciously losing his mind, his subconscious imagination used his cross-power to teleport himself out.

A glowing sensation rose from in the depth of one’s soul, and in a soul space, a little core flickered slightly, and then quickly became dim.

“Can’t teleport?” Adier felt dark as he felt the message in the depth of one’s soul.

The power of the world is impacting the origin of the soul, and before this impact ends, his cross-through ability within the body cannot be activated.

At this point, Adier gritted his teeth, resisting the intense pain from around his body, and carved some rune around him.

After doing this, it didn’t take long for him to get dark before he fell down.

“All three breaths have disappeared …”

Feeling the anomaly in a certain direction in the distance, Lilice’s face was a little unsightly at this moment.


Feeling the distant breath disappeared, Alina turned pale and thought of a certain result in an instant.

“Teacher ···” Aside, Kradis looked sad, his sword-shaking arm trembling slightly, and his heart was filled with sadness and anger.

The situation at hand is already obvious.

Although I don’t know what happened, the breath of the three Radiant Knights disappeared at the same time. Obviously, it cannot be a sudden peace talk, but it is likely that Life and Death was decided.

Deciding on Life and Death means that someone is lost, Adier one against two, and now it is likely to be bode ill rather than well.

“keep going.”

Standing up silently, Alina was silent for a while before she spoke again: “If it is really what we imagine, then Angel will likely catch up with us soon, and we have little time.”

Aside, Kradis glanced at her coldly, but eventually said nothing and continued to run away.

They headed south all the way to Catutan City with a purpose.

Soon, a few days passed by.

During these days, what happened that night was gradually discovered.

Although there were no witnesses that night, the scene shocked many nearby Knights, so someone rushed to the scene the next day and quickly restored the scene at that time.

The traces of the Radiant Knight battle were not so quickly eliminated. On the battlefield at that time, the Battle Qi of the Adier trio remained tenaciously, which had a significant impact on that place.

After careful exploration of the nearby lords, the owners of the three Battle Qi were quickly found. Two of them belonged to the guardian Knight of Tuling Church, and the last one was the chief Knight of Alina Princess, known as Adier of Storm Knight.

On the battlefield, you can even see the broken flesh and blood, belonging to the three Radiant Knights that night.

Soon, things were quickly restored that night.

The seventh Princess of Malan Kingdom was assassinated. In order to evacuate his lord, Storm Knight Adier and two Radiant Knights from Tuling Church swore to death, and eventually perished together with the two Radiant Knights.

This is the result of the restoration together with the digital Titled Knight, and it was inferred from Battle Qi’s induction to restore the speculation of the fighting scene at that time.

The three Radiant Knights fell together, which is undoubtedly a major news. While shocking countless people, it also quickly spread the matter to all around.


A few months later.

Somewhere in the wasteland, two thin silhouettes were holding a shovel-like implement, digging there.

This is a man and a woman, both of whom are about fifteen or sixteen years old. They look a bit similar, and they should be siblings.

They shared a shovel, and when they were tired, they changed to another person and continued to dig there, digging a large pit.

“Well, it should be almost that far.”

The digging process lasted a long time. After a while, the boy put down his shovel and opened the mouth and said to the little girl on the side: “Okay, Qianmi, drag that person over.”

“Okay.” In front of the boy, the girl named Qianmi looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, her appearance was just average, her body was dark, her hands and feet looked flexible.

She walked quickly to the side, struggling to bring a white long bula over, and then stood aside to gasp, looking tired.

The boy on the side walked up, spreading the white long bra, revealing its contents.

It was a very handsome looking boy with pure silver hair. He was lying there quietly, his clothes were damaged, and he was covered with dried blood.

He looked like he was asleep, but just lying there quietly had a unique temperament that was unforgettable.

“Tsk tsk, what a handsome Knight.”

Looking at the boy lying under his feet, the boy clicked one’s tongue in wonder: “If this is still alive, I will rely on this face, I’m afraid it will be enough for a lifetime, how can I show a cemetery like me.”

“Mengla big brother ···” Aside, Qianmi pulled his corner and shouted at him with some dissatisfaction.

“I know, I know.” Mengla waved his hand, a little helpless: “Unfortunately this person is dead, otherwise you will be married directly to you, and it will save you those rich women like fat pigs.”

Speaking of this, without waiting for his younger sister’s dissatisfaction, he jumped directly into the previously dug pit, ready to drag the body down.

PS: The wave of thick-faced shameless, “Restart the World”, is Li Siyang’s new book. The setting is very interesting. I recommend everyone to check it out.

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