In the morning, the faint sunlight gradually rose, awakening people from their deep sleep.

When the morning light lit up the sky, on Northern Maple Town, the residents of each and everyone climbed out of the warm quilt and began a busy day.

“Mr. Artis, someone is coming outside!”

Sitting quietly in front of the wooden cabinet, Adier was sorting out the materials on his hand, and heard a sound coming from outside.

It was Mengla’s voice, coming from outside, accompanied by a footstep.

He was wearing a neat new suit, and his face was obviously better than when he first met. At this time, he shouted, and with a few big men, carried a young man with dark skin in.

Looking at this situation, Adier was not surprised. He put down the materials on his hands and stood up beside the wooden cabinet.

On his side, watching him look like he was getting up hard, Qianmi quickly supported Adier’s shoulders so that he would not be so strenuous.

“Sir, please look at it.”

In the crowd of Mengla side, a sad-faced middle-aged man said, “Wake up this morning, my child will become like this.”

“It’s poisoned.” After examining it casually, looking at the young man who fell to the ground, Adier casually said, “It should have been bitten by a poisonous snake.”

“Poisonous snake?” Listening to this, the middle-aged man’s face paled instantly.

Although Northern Maple Town is remote, it is not without any special products.

Here is rich in various poisonous snake poison insects, which attract many foreign merchants every year to make purchases in this place.

In this environment, the residents here are no strangers to various poisonous snakes.

“The poison of the white gall snake, if it comes a few days later, I am afraid that it will directly sleep to death.”

Looking at the youth in front of him, Adier slightly shook the head: “It’s not a big problem, let’s lead people a week later.”

People around were only relaxed.

However, while relaxing, looking at the Adier in front of him, the middle-aged man’s face also became a little nervous: “This … What is the cost?”

“Ten Standard Silver Coins …” Taking a casual look around, Adier quoted a price: “Or a hundred purple bamboo shoots.”

Listening to Adier’s offer, the middle-aged man’s face turned pale first, and then he eased a little, although he still looked dignified.

Because they had to gather the materials within a week, they soon turned away and seemed to be ready to collect in the wild.

Watching the back of these people leaving in a hurry, Adier shook the head, and then asked the apprentices standing by to move the youth under his feet to the yard next to him.

“Mr. Artis …” Aside, looking at the silhouette of Adier, Qianmi was a little puzzled: “Is the price of ten Silver Coins a bit more expensive …”

“Can we lower the price slightly to attract more customers?” She looked at Adier in front of her, cautiously suggested.

“It’s not expensive anymore.” Adier shook the head, saying nothing more on this issue.

The reason why he set up clinic is only to facilitate the collection of some materials. As for treating people, it is just by the way, and there is no shortage of money.

In fact, as a Level 2 wizard, he can waste time and heal some mortals, which is not bad.

Ten Silver Coins are not even a high price. When Clinic was opened in the Maran Academy, Adier’s fees were far more ridiculous. Each treatment was calculated using a purple gold coin. People almost broke the threshold.

The reason he set the price of ten Silver Coins was to set a threshold to reduce wasted time. Otherwise, if he really charges cheaply because of good intentions, then he doesn’t have to do anything else, and the daily treatment of patients who come to the door will be over.

However, these reasons are naturally impossible to say in person, so he just shook the head and got up hard and walked outside.

The repercussions of World Force Impact are not completely over.

Even after months of training, sometimes I will feel a little breathless after standing for a long time.

Adier estimates that at this rate, it will take another half a year to completely return to the original.

All the way out of the clinic, there is a large courtyard outside, divided by Adier into two parts, one for the patients, and the other for a flat training ground.

When I walked to the training ground and drew an iron sword from the weapon rack, a familiar feeling suddenly came to my mind.

That is the feel developed through many years of training. Even if the body is weak to this point, we still have not forgotten.

Following this feeling, Adier raised his sword, just like he did when he first picked up the long sword, and trained meticulously.

The long sword kept wading across the air, leaving the word shadow in the air, and the sword wind left by the air was scattered around, adding a momentum to Adier out of thin air.

He is slowly training like this, through continuous activities to get the body back as soon as possible.

While he was training, in the distance, a teenager was hiding behind a big tree, and he was peeping seriously.

He looked at Adier’s precise movements, with extreme enthusiasm and longing in his eyes, and was watching there intently, without daring to make the slightest sound.

This process continued until the end of Adier’s training, and he closed his eyes, turning with some regrets, preparing to sneak back along a path.

“Mengla, you are lazy.”

Only then, an unexpected voice sounded in the back, so that the young man’s heart suddenly raised.

He turned around and looked down towards Adier with his head down, looking nervous: “Sorry, sir …”

“I’m not lazy, I’ve done all the things you gave me …”

He whispered, like a child who did something wrong, and didn’t dare to look up towards Adier.

Even in a small town, Mengla knew how serious it was to peek at Knight training.

If it were at other Knights, he would have been destined to be hanged.

Of course, after months of getting along, he also learned some of Adier’s temper, and he shouldn’t hang him.

But even other punishments were beyond his reach.

You know, he and his younger sister are now apprentices under Adier. Once Adier is angry, I am afraid they will return to the past cemetery to accompany countless corpses.

Thinking of this, his heart was blank, and his back was almost wet with cold sweat.

Standing in front of him, watching his reaction now, Adier just laughed, and then looked at him: “You peeped at me practicing sword, what do you want to do?”

For Mengla to peek into his training, Adier was naturally clear.

But just like the other person said, every time he came to peek, he only came after finishing the day’s work. What effect did not at all cause, so Adier chose to acquiesce.

As for why to speak today, it is because the other party has something wrong.

Mengla not only watched Adier’s training, but also secretly trained himself after returning.

He didn’t have the teaching of system or the help of Adier’s chip. What he finally trained was naturally leaking, and he developed an incorrect habit.

If Adier doesn’t stop, I’m afraid he’ll practice himself for a long time.

“I want to be a Knight like you!”

In front of him, listening to Adier’s words, Mengla pressed down the tension in her heart, and opened up the mouth and said with courage.

This goal, he has said many times with others, in addition to his younger sister, most of them in return are mocking voices.

“Good ambition.” In front of him, Adier did not laugh, but just passed the long sword in front of him.

“Mr. Adier …” Looking at Adier’s movement, Mengla looked a little surprised.

“Try it.” Adier’s face was calm, but he just spoke at will.

Seeing this, Mengla no longer hesitated, took the long sword directly from Adier and started the demonstration.

He demonstrated the most common set of basic sword techniques used by Adier, which was summed up by a chip taking a lot of time, which is very severe and complicated.

Perhaps because of tension, in front of Adier, Mengla’s movements seemed jerky at first, but as he entered the state, his movements became faster and faster, and finally reached a level that surprised Adier.

“This progress …”

Looking at Mengla’s smoother movements, Adier was a little surprised.

As the creator and perfector of this basic sword technique, he understands how difficult it is to practice this sword technique. Ordinary people want to learn it completely, but it takes more than half a year.

But in front of him, Mengla could only use it for just a dozen days, and if someone taught it carefully, I’m afraid that he would soon be able to master the sword technique.

This is undoubtedly a genius and deserves to be seen.

“Mr. Artis.”

Soon, in front of Adier’s eyes, Mengla performed a set of sword techniques, and looked at Adier with some anticipation, waiting for his response.

“Good practice.” Adier gently nodded, Adier took his long sword calmly, turned around, and said, “If you want to see it in the future, just come directly.”

“Yes!” As the voice fell, Mengla was filled with joy, and his heart was filled with excitement.

With Adier’s permission, he will come to watch Adier training every day for more than half a month.

After testing, he does have the qualifications to become Knight, and the qualifications are quite good.

Of the people Adier has seen in this world, maybe only Alina and Kradis can stabilize him.

Maybe in order to reward Mengla for carrying him down the mountain, or maybe he didn’t want to see a good seed buried here. Adier finally accepted Mengla as a student. He usually taught not only combat skills but also the basic Knight Breathing Technique.

Time passed little by little, and soon, more than two years passed.

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