“Are you sure you are serious?”

Early in the morning, in a courtyard, looking at Mengla in front of him, Adier asked calmly, calmly.

In front of him, Mengla was standing there, a lot different than it was two years ago.

The original thin body became a strong man, and the short man also grew a lot at this time. At this time, he was wearing a red hunting suit, and the whole person looked Spirit, with a unique spirit and vitality.

He stood there, and the whole man looked strong and powerful. Even in Adier’s induction, there was a powerful Battle Qi rising, lurking within his body.


In front of Adier, Mengla was stubborn and looked at Adier in front of her mouth. “Teacher, I want to go out and see.”

“Big brother ···” Aside, Qianmi was wearing a white dress and looked at her elder brother with some anxiety.

“If you want to go, just go out.” After a moment of silence, Adier was still nodded: “It’s okay to go out and take a look. After all, this town is too small, and staying here is not good for you.”

After more than two years of training, the teenager of that year has exceeded his dream and became a Great Knight.

Northern Maple Town is remote, and although it is peaceful and beautiful, there is no real Knight in the whole town, let alone Great Knight.

Staying in this place, listening to the businessmen all day talking about the wonderful world outside, Mengla will be tempted and normal.

After all, he is still a young man, and he has an aggressive spirit, and he doesn’t want to stay in a remote corner like this in obscurity.

“I should have taught you something. As for the further breathing, you already know it.”

Standing in place, looking at the student who has been with me for more than two years, Adier also has some emotions, so he can’t help saying more: “The world outside is no better than this town. After you go out, remember everything carefully.”

“I understand.” Mengal’s eyes were a little red soon, and there was a lot of words in his heart to say, but he couldn’t say anything when he reached his lips.

In the presence of Adier, he finally knelt down on one knee: “teacher, I’m leaving, I hope you will wait for me at home.”

“Qianmi, the health of the teacher has always been bad. You usually use snacks and take good care of the teacher …”

He said it sentence by sentence, and kept talking for a long time, then got up from the ground, picked up the long sword Adier prepared for him, and turned and walked outward.

Watching this scene quietly, Adier’s face was always calm, but there was still a touch in his heart.

For more than two years, he watched Mengla gradually grow from an ordinary teenager to Great Knight. Now that the other party is about to leave, his resentment also rises.

He looked up and looked towards the blue sky in the distance, thinking of the Mason area inexplicably.

“I don’t know, Solana, are they doing well now?”

In Mason, his fiancée and student are waiting for him, expecting him to step out of the lab and meet them.

But that side is not too peaceful now, the magic tide is approaching, and the entire Maison area will suffer a major blow. Only with sufficient Strength can one side be safe.

Thinking of this, he felt an inexplicable sense of urgency in his heart, watching Mengla’s back disappearing outside the door, then turned and walked behind.

Behind the courtyard is a laboratory built by Adier himself.

Because it ’s not Wizard World, and it ’s in a remote corner of Northern Maple Town. Many of the rare materials needed are difficult to buy, so this laboratory is only a small one. It is barely enough for wizards of this level. Many high-precision laboratory equipment are not available.

Entering the laboratory and closing the door, Adier looked towards something on a wooden table.

It was a thick black book with a few big characters written on the surface of the black book.

“The feasibility of using Moon Elf Bloodline as a source of seed.”

Sitting on a wooden chair, flipping through the contents of the black book, Adier was lost in thought.

In more than two years, many things have changed. Not only is Mengla transformed from the original young man into a Knight, but Adier also fully recovered from the repercussions. Even in this period, he went further and is about to reach the qualitative change. step.

But there are still many things to do to succeed this step.

The wizard’s side also said very well that the purity of flesh and blood is enough, and the magic template that needs to be solidified during the promotion is also prepared in the morning. You only need to prepare some things to start the promotion.

In fact, Adier has been trying to collect materials for the past two years in order to prepare for promotion.

In terms of Knight, after so long thinking, Adier also came up with a feasible solution.

For Knight of this world, the biggest difficulty in breaking the boundaries of Radiant Knight and becoming a source Awakening Knight is the inability to find the seed of source.

After a long period of development in this world, the powerful Bloodline that existed in the past has disappeared, and now it is completely extinct, and no more powerful Bloodline can be found as the seed of Kaiyuan.

But for Adier, the biggest problem that plagued other Knights was not an obstacle in the beginning.

He is the ancient Moon Elf himself, and his Bloodline was called the elf king by the ancient wizards, which is used to consolidate the seed of Kaiyuan in theory without any problems.

“It’s almost all the way until now.”

Gently lowering the black book on his hand, Adier stepped out of the door, explained to the people outside, and then looked towards the basement.

The clinic’s basement is dedicated to storing materials. The space inside is large and occasionally used by Adier for hidden experiments.

Walk into the basement, turn on the surrounding Guardian Array, and Adier walks into it, sitting on one of the stone platforms.

He took a deep breath, then closed his eyes, his powerful Spirit began to wander inside his body.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to condense the seeds of Qiyuan, you need to directly sacrifice the magic beast to blood sacrifice, and then extract the Bloodline to purify it. After various complicated procedures, inhale within the body.

As for the situation like Adier, you need to be a bit more direct. Activate Bloodline within the body and extract the essence into the seed of your own life to complete this step.

Closing his eyes silently, in his within the body, strands of silver’s blood were glowing, among which a Moon-like Strength was condensing, and finally under the manipulation of Adier, it slowly flowed away from the heart.

There is also a natural phenomenon at the heart, where it looks like a world of silver, the whole heart is rapidly undergoing metamorphosis, and then one of the Life Seeds is rapidly glowing, pulling the Bloodline essence within the body toward it.

This process lasted for a long time, and it took only seven or eight days before Adier eyes opened again.

His skin was pale, and there was no blood in his face, as if evacuated by something.

Only his eyes were brighter, with a sharp silver awn, and ordinary people just stared at his eyes and would be blinded by the Spirit force that escaped automatically.

Then the transformation began.

The breath of silver is permeating. In the dim basement, strands of Silver Flower light up out of thin air, which resonates in this place and illuminates the entire basement.

A shivering breath permeated the surrounding space, causing a little distortion. If it were not for the Wizard Array constraint laid out by Adier in advance, I am afraid that everyone in the entire town would have felt it.

Click …

The crisp sounds kept repeating. The surrounding Wizard Array was in light sound, and some could not bear the Strength that erupted at this moment.

But that changed quickly.

A gentle Strength emerges, with a serene atmosphere, soothing the violent Strength around him instantly.

In the quiet room, a pure silver moon emerged, hanging quietly on Adier’s body, while illuminating a room, it also suppressed the violent Strength that was constantly escaping around.

This is the strength manifestation of Moon Elf Bloodline, which finally revealed part after being combined with the seed of life. The underlying strength contained in it surprised Adier.

That is the powerful essence of King Moon Elf, surpassing Adier’s current level of life, and reaching the existence of Level 4.

boom! boom!

The sound of heart movement sounded from time to time, echoing constantly at this time, sounding particularly clear.

At this moment, the Life Energy of Adier within the body is roaring, and the Battle Qi, which was originally strengthened to the extreme, begins to sublime again, gradually condensing with the power of Moon Elf within the body, and becoming another thing.

Similar to the original Battle Qi, but more powerful, and even contaminated with some of the qualities of Moon Elf, it has a brand of Bloodline, which is fundamentally different from other people’s Battle Qi inside the body.

It was at this point that Knight’s power was really revealed.

According to ancient records, Source Awakening Knight can destroy the country by one person, and can cut off a mountain with a single sword, which is truly beyond the mortal level.

At this level, if Knight itself does not restrain himself, the breath released by his instincts will have a huge impact on the surroundings and cause serious consequences for others.

According to legend, there was a person Source Awakening Knight who walked across the mountain on foot, wherever he went, the surrounding several hundred meters of land automatically cracked, as if it had been exposed to the sun for several years.

This legend is of course exaggerated, but you can also see the horror of Source Awakening Knight, which is completely another level.

Right now, the transformation of Adier is still going on, and it has been going on for a long time.

It wasn’t until more than half a month later that a silver seed of Enlightenment appeared and Adier eyes opened.

“Qiyuan …” A husky voice sounded in place.

Sitting on the stone platform, consciousness awakened from a deep state of metamorphosis, he got up and walked aside.

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