He got up and walked down from the stone platform. Adier stepped in front of the interview mirror and looked at himself.

Perhaps it was because he was Moon Elf himself. This promotion not at all brought him too many appearance changes, but just activated some of the hidden strengths of his Bloodline in advance.

The original sharp ears became sharper. On the skin, a silver texture began to appear, converging into a mysterious rune with pure Moon Elf power flowing on it.

A unique atmosphere emerged from Adier, which was particularly noticeable at this moment. Just staring at him, he could gradually calm his mind, like watching a silver moon quietly in the deep night, and he was surrounded by a quiet serenity. Flooded.

The next moment, this feeling quickly faded and was forcibly suppressed by Adier.

He looked at himself at this moment, and subconsciously used the forehead jade mark to cover up his Bloodline breath, which looked like ordinary people, so as not to appear too obtrusive.

After concealing, this unique nature still exists, but it is much more dull than before uncovering. Although it is still noticeable, it no longer has the almost extraordinary Strength.

“En?” Adier felt an anomaly after using the emerald mark.

On his forehead, an ancient tree-like mark was slowly glowing, and a fiery breath was blooming, with a resonance on the Bloodline, and Adier’s blood began to boil.

“Mother of Emerald … what do you want to tell me?”

Feeling the anomaly of the mark, looking at himself in the mirror, Adier murmured, expressing his doubts.

It seemed to be in response to his doubts, next moment, the emerald-colored mark glowed again, accompanied by a burning sensation quickly.

In my mind, a stream of information flows like a stream of water, and the content is not complicated, just some introductions, and a simple set of numbers.

“Three hundred years …”

Feeling the information in his head, Adier could not help frowning.

After being promoted to Source Awakening Knight, Moon Elf Bloodline within his body accelerated to maturity, so it seems to have touched the Emerald Seal, allowing the information contained in it to be communicated in advance.

“My descendants, you can see this set of information to prove that you have grown to a certain height. I am very pleased about this. May Jadeite World bless you.”

“Limited by limited time, I can’t convey too much information to you, I can only tell you something important …”

“… you are running out of time.”

“The blessing on your forehead can only bless you for three hundred years. After three hundred years, the strength of the blessing will disappear, and you will face the outbreak of the curse of natural disaster …”

“So before that, you have to be as strong as possible to reach the point of curse …”


Messages were skipped in my mind, feeling the messages left by the mother of emerald, Adier brows tightly knit, silently calculating time: “Three hundred years … In other words, there are only more than two hundred and ninety Years. “

With that calculation, his mind relaxed a little and his brows stretched.

The Bloodline curse within the body is like a time bomb that can erupt at any time, making Adier always nervous, for fear that it will erupt if he is not careful, and he will blow himself up.

But after the specific time was given, he settled down instead of as uneasy as before.

Shook the head, he didn’t continue to think about this problem, looked at his pale face in the mirror, and turned directly out of the basement.

“Teacher, you come out!” Just out of the basement, outdoors, a familiar voice sounded with some surprises.

In the courtyard, Qianmi held a bundle of freshly delivered medicinal herb in her hand and turned to look at Adier coming out of the basement, with a strong sense of joy on her face.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time, it’s time to get out of the air.” Adier looked up, looked at the clear blue sky outside, and laughed at the girl: “Go get a lunch, I’m a bit hungry.”

“Immediately.” After more than two years, now the sixteen-year-old girl hurriedly went out and walked out in a cheerful step, it seemed to be ready for a lunch.

As she silently watched her back leave, Adier’s smile remained unchanged, and she looked at the blue sky silently.


Time passed by in a peaceful life, and soon, more than half a year passed.

More than half a year later, on a deserted trail outside Northern Maple Town, the entire group is struggling to walk through it.

At this time, it was winter, and it coincided with the snow season, and the heavy snow fell on it, covering the earth with a layer of silver frost.

There are few outsiders coming and going this season. Even the usual merchants will not choose to come at this time, but will go to other places.

“Mr. Mengla, do you think your teacher can cure Princess?”

Walking in the snow, riding in front of a carriage, a Knight turned and looked at the youth on the side and asked.

This is a rare female Knight wearing red leather armor with cloak on her back and long brown hair spreading behind her. She was very beautiful for a while as the cold wind blew around.

“Daycali Knight, please rest assured.” Next to the female Knight, Mengla was dressed in a Knight corset, looking more mature and resolute than two years ago. At this time, looking at the side female Knight, she said seriously: “I have seen my teacher The best doctor, if there is anyone in this world who can help Princess solve this problem, then there is only my teacher. “

He was stubborn, assuring to the side female Knight, who respected his teacher in his tone.

Seeing this picture of him, Daycali silently nodded, turned and looked towards the side carriage, and couldn’t help bringing some worries in his eyes.

Guarded by a large number of soldiers, this entire group quickly entered the town.

With their arrival, the silence of the town was quickly broken.

This season, foreign merchants rarely appear in this remote town, let alone such a special occasion.

Watching these soldiers coming from afar, the town’s inhabitants stepped out of the door one after another, watching the soldiers’ eyes with fear, but not doubting.

In the past few years of Adier’s retreat, his reputation has spread in all around. In these years, nobles from other places often come to the door just to treat the illness on his body.

In the remote town of Northern Maple Town, those nobles are naturally unable to come alone, and most of them will be accompanied by guards, even a large number of soldiers.

Therefore, for this scene today, the residents of the town have become somewhat used to it.

When I came to this town and looked at the old buildings around it, Daycali couldn’t help frowned, and some did not believe that there would be any good doctors in such places.

However, since they are here, even if they don’t believe it, they should try it after all.

And, to this point, she actually has no other choice.

Thinking of this, Daycali couldn’t help sighing, and then randomly sent a few people around to gather information about Dr. Addis.

This is her habit. In the past in the Dekara Empire, no matter what task she performed, she would collect as much information as possible to complete the task as much as possible.

This time is the same. Although she doesn’t have much hope in her heart, she still makes it as much as possible.

The result she got at the time surprised her.

For the doctor of Artis, the evaluation given by this town is surprisingly consistent, and they all give a high evaluation.

No matter what kind of illness, in the hands of this doctor, it can be cured quickly.

The only bad thing is that the doctor’s fees are too high, and sometimes he often does not visit the doctor for a long time because of researching medicine.

These evaluations brought her a bit of self-confidence again, and re-ignited a little hope in her heart, which quickly led people to the place where Adier was.

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