“Hello, is anyone there?”

A familiar and strange voice sounded in the distance.

Listening to this voice, Qianmi raised her head subconsciously, and when she saw the familiar silhouette in the distance, she couldn’t help but be excited: “Mengla big brother!”

Outside the door of clinic, Mengla was wearing a Knight robe with a long sword on his waist, standing there with a smile, and looking towards Qianmi was as gentle as before.

“Qianmi has grown up too.”

He looked at Qianmi who strode to his arms in front of him, with a strong smile on his face.

“Big brother, why are you back this time.”

Lying in Mengla’s arms for a while, Qianmi’s eyes were a little rosy, and he looked at the elder brother in front of him with a little doubt and asked.

Over the past six months, Mengla didn’t come back with the slightest news.

A few months ago, he had sent back a letter to inform Adier where he was currently.

In the letter, he said that he had arrived at Catutan City and had invested in a Princess’s staff and became a Knight Captain.

Knowing these things, Qianmi was surprised by the sudden return of Mengla to the town.

“Mengla big brother, wouldn’t you have caused anything, was that driven back by Princess?”

She thought of a possibility, and looked at Mengla in front of her, frowns asked.

“How is that possible?” Mengla shouted exaggeratedly about her younger sister’s speculation: “Am I like the kind of troublemaker?”

“Like!” Qianmi’s expressionless face, looking at Mengla’s expression that suddenly changed in front of him, felt more and more that his brother must have caused something.

“… It’s nothing, just thinking about you.” Looking at the expression on Qianmi’s face, Mengla’s mouth was unconsciously twitched, and then she said, “Right, is the teacher in?”

“I have something, and I need to find a teacher.” Qianmi asked, looking at him.

“What do you want me to do?” A voice came suddenly behind me.

Adier was dressed in a white robe, walked downstairs from the clinic, looked at the student in front of him, and smiled and said, “Say, what’s the trouble?”

“It wasn’t my trouble.” Looking at Adier, Mengla was pleasantly surprised first, then shook her head with a bitter smile: “The specific situation, teacher, you know, you know.”

“Let’s go.” Gently nodded, Adier turned and walked outward.

At this point in the lobby of the clinic, Daycali entire group is already waiting there.

In their center, a thin silhouette is sitting.

It was a thin girl with a delicate appearance. She wore a purple dress and had a surprisingly noble character, which gave a strong pressure.

She sat next to Daycali, her eyes closed quietly, her face pale, and her whole body slightly weak, as if she had a serious illness and had not fully recovered.

“Princess, how are you doing?”

Beside the girl, looking at the picture of the girl, Daycali couldn’t help worrying, and looked at the side girl and asked.

“It’s okay for now.”

The girl’s eyes opened, and her voice sounded a little tired: “Just a little tired.”

“It’s okay.” Looking at the side girl, Daycali couldn’t help comforting: “If this doesn’t work again, we will go to Gounod Empire to find the Kradis Your Majesty. There can always be a way.”

“Hopefully.” Listening to this, the girl’s face showed a smile. Although she was not optimistic about it, she still looked optimistic on the surface.

A sound of footsteps suddenly came from within, attracting the attention of the two.

Under their gaze, a teenager emerged from the inside.

It was a young man in a white robe. He looked very young. He had a silver shawl on his body and looked extremely handsome. With a unique temperament, when he saw him, he couldn’t help calming down.

Looking at this boy, even Daycali couldn’t help but hesitate a little bit, something unexpected.

Behind the boy, Mengla and Qianmi followed closely and walked to the side of Daycali.

“Teacher, this is Sisely Princess.” Looking at the Daycali side girl, Mengla started to introduce.

Looking at the girl with a beautiful appearance and out of the ordinary, Adier gently nodded: “Now start.”

“Do you need to do other preparations?” Looking at Adier, Daycali came back to his senses, frowned and asked, “You don’t even need to ask what kind of illness?”

“It’s just pollution from the kind of pollution.” Adier’s calm voice sounded in situ, instantly turning Daycali into a complexion greatly changed, staring at Adier in shock.

“She has a polluted atmosphere.” Looking at Daycali’s horrified expression, Adier began to explain, and then looked towards Sisely aside.

Adier uttered the symptoms, but the Sisely Princess reacted calmly. She stared at Adier quietly, her big, beautiful eyes looking very smart.

“Is there a way to cure it?” Aside, Daycali spoke again, and for the first time there was hope in her heart, looking at Adier with anticipation.

“Qianmi.” A quiet glance at her, Adier shouted softly.

Beside him, Qianmi hurried forward and handed a bottle of medicine to Sisely.

It was a bottle of light silver, and the liquid inside looked very pure, emitting a little silver light in the sight of everyone.

“Take a sip every week. After more than a month, it should be almost OK.”

Looking at the bottle of silver potion on Qianmi’s hand, Adier opened the mouth and said, his tone remained unchanged from beginning to end.

This attitude of not focusing on pollution in the eyes attracted Daycali’s attention, making her seem speechless for a moment, and she didn’t know what to say about it.

For more than a year, in order to suppress the pollution caused by this kind of pollution, people in various countries have racked their brains and exhausted almost all methods, and in the end, they have not found any solution.

Just to our eyes, this problem that has been difficult to solve for countless kingdoms, is it solved with no difficulty?

Thinking of this, Daycali couldn’t help but feel a sense of fall.

Around her, other people had a similar feeling. At this time, they all stared at Adier, wondering what to say.

Gently reached out to take over the silver medicament, looking at Adier in front of him, Sisely gently sighed.

The problem was solved in this way, but the expression on her face was not changed at all. Just looking at Adier, her eyes were a little confused, and she seemed to think of something.

“It is indeed the former Storm Knight. Even if it does not rely on Knight’s Strength, it is still enough to admire only through medical skills.” After a long time, she sighed, with deep sighs in her words.

“What!” The voice dropped, and all of the people at the scene couldn’t help it.

Storm Knight, this is a very famous title.

The Knight’s experience can be called Legendary. He was promoted to Radiant Knight at less than thirty years old, and finally left in order to cover his lord, and fell with the two Turing guardian Knights. It was admirable and regrettable.

During the years when the Seed of Pollution broke out, the interior of the Malan Kingdom has become increasingly chaotic. Many nobles who have contacted Storm Knight have nostalgicly said that if Storm Knight is still alive, the situation in Malan Kingdom will be much better.

Thinking of this, in the lobby, everyone’s eyes could not be turned away, and at this moment all eyes were on Adier.

“No way!!”

Looking at the scene quietly, Mengla and Qianmi looked at each other with a little confusion in their hearts.

Adier’s out of the ordinary, they have been taught very early.

Both the magical medicine and the potions with various effects are beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

In the past, they have discussed the origins of Adier in private, guessed various possible identities, but never linked it to the legendary Storm Knight.

Thinking of this, they couldn’t help looking at Adier, with some anticipation in their eyes and some nervousness.

Being watched by the eyes of everyone around him, Adier’s complexion was still calm, and the expression on his face remained unchanged.

“How do you know.” After a moment of silence, he spoke again, looking at Sisely in front of him, seeming puzzled.

His words undoubtedly silenced his identity, shocked the hearts of the people present, and the eyes of looking towards Adier could not help being complicated.

“You can tell something from Mengla.”

Under the gaze of Adier, Sisely couldn’t help getting a little nervous, but still calm on the surface, with a smile on his face: “For more than two years, make someone who has never been trained by Knight become a Great Knight Without leaving any hidden dangers, this is the first point. “

Listen to this, Adier nodded.

This incident is indeed reminiscent of him.

In the past, when Alina was the chief Knight, he had specially developed a medicine for Knight, which can greatly shorten the promotion time of Knight, and even make an ordinary person become Knight in a short period of time.

It wouldn’t be surprising if Sisely had heard of him.

“The second point is your art.” Looking at Adier, Sisely continued: “I don’t think that an ordinary doctor can solve the pollution problem of the kind of pollution.”

Listening to this, the people around were also nodded.

Storm Knight’s medicine is also very famous in Malan Kingdom. Many legends about Storm Knight are related to medicine.

“The last point is how I have seen you.”

Under Adier’s gaze, Sisely got up from where she was and gave a Knight gift to Adier: “Sir, I say hello on behalf of Alina.”

“Who the hell are you?” Adier frowned: “Malan Kingdom, not at all, a Princess named Sisely.”

“Malan Kingdom, it really isn’t.” Sisely smiled, a delicate face that looked very beautiful, making Mengla behind Adier look awkward.

“Introduce yourself, I’m the third Princess of the Decala Empire, Sisely. Decala.”

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