“Dekara Empire?”

In the small quiet room, looking at a composed bearing in front of me, sitting there introducing myself to Sisely, Adier frowned.

The Decala Empire, this country is very famous, just like the Malan Kingdom, it is one of the four empires in the world.

However, compared to the Malan Kingdom today, the Dekara Empire has been in a bad situation in recent years.

Three years ago, when Adier had not yet chosen to live in seclusion and was still Knight under Alina, there was news that the Dekara Empire was hit by the Contamination Beast, and after that, not only did not have any good news, but bad news continued. Constantly, it makes somewhat numb.

Even in this remote town today, Adier can guess how the Dekara Empire is doing today.

“Why is Princess of the Decala Empire in the Malan Kingdom?”

He asked, frowning, without a trace of awe in his words.

But looking at his appearance, the people around him didn’t care.

In their hearts, as a Legendary Knight, this kind of performance is normal. If it behaves like an ordinary Knight, it makes people look down.

“This thing, speaking of which is complicated.”

Sisely sighed slightly and looked up at Adier: “Can I ask you a question?”

“Why didn’t you go out for the past three years?”

She looked at Adier tightly, and finally asked the question.

This question was not only what she wanted to ask, but also the doubts of everyone present.

As a Legendary Knight, since Adier is not dead, it is normal to return to the outside stage and enjoy the glory that he deserves according to ordinary people’s views. He should not hide in this town incognito in his good years.

Among the people, Mengla and Qianmi remembered the years they had spent with each other, or Adier’s always pale face, and it seemed that there was a clear comprehension between them.

In the eyes of everyone, Adier just sighed slightly, then got up and walked out, without answering the question directly.

It was then that people discovered the abnormality on him.

He was wearing a white robe. Although his walking posture was normal, his walking speed seemed slow and strenuous, let alone a Knight, not even an ordinary person.

The road from the hall to the yard was not long, but he walked for a long time, and even as he walked longer, his face became pale.

Obviously he is still a teenager, but on him, there is clearly a twilight precipitating, and there is a sadness.

Looking at his appearance, beside Sisely, Daycali was silent for a moment, and there were some touches in his heart.

“The Storm Knight that was so powerful back then has finally come to this point.”

She looked at Adier’s back and sighed.

“Mr. Adier!” At this point, a voice rang out, echoing around.

Looking at Adier’s back, Sisely stood up and shouted out Adier’s real name: “Alina, she misses you!”

The words fell, and everyone saw that Adier’s silhouette suddenly stopped before continuing to walk outwards.

This time, no one spoke again.

The crowd watched Adier’s back away, slowly disappearing into their sight.

“Princess, sorry.”

In situ, after Adier left, looking at Sisely, Mengla said apologetically, “teacher … he doesn’t really like to be disturbed.”

“It’s okay.” Sisely shook her head slightly, making sense. “Experienced that many things, Mr. Adier, he would be so understandable.”

“It’s the next time, I’m going to trouble you.”

“Me?” Mengla was surprised. “What can I do?”

“I hope you can help me persuade Mr. Adier.” Sisely sighed softly. “The situation outside is very bad now.”

“Pollution continues to erupt everywhere. Until now, it has spread like a plague and cannot be controlled at all.”

“The reason it’s okay here is because it’s remote. But you must know the situation outside.”

Listening to these words, Mengla was silent nodded.

He has been out for more than half a year. Although he has not fully figured out the situation outside, he has also learned a lot.

Contamination Beast broke out in various places, and the plague caused by the seed of pollution also spread. In just two or three years, I don’t know how many people were killed.

He had seen a small town with his own eyes, and all the residents in it had been infected with the plague. The horrible sight still made him feel uneasy.

“The only thing that can change this is your teacher.”

In front of Mengla, looking at him, Sisely sighed: “Mr. Adier is the best doctor. As long as he is willing to help us, the plague outside may find a solution.”

“Mengla, in order not to let those innocent people suffer this kind of pain, I hope you can help me.”

She looked at Mengla and looked at him with a pair of beautiful eyes, with strong expectations that could not be rejected.

Looking at Sisely’s imploring look, feeling the other’s undeniable eyes, thinking about the person suffering from the disease at this time, Mengla finally gritted his teeth: “Okay.”


“This kid …”

In the courtyard, Spirit stared hard at the lobby and watched Mengla’s final performance. Adier was a little disappointed: “It’s too soft-hearted. Others just sell so miserably, he just promised to come down?”

“Just like this, is it just a supporting role.” He shook his head, speechless: “It’s the Sisely, I’m afraid it’s not an ordinary person.”

The people present today are actually nothing simple.

Take Sisely, who looks like a sick girl, in fact, she is very strong, and she is the strongest one besides Adier.

Azure Firmament Knight Peak’s Strength has far surpassed Titled Knight, and it is necessary to go further.

Even when seeing the other party, Adier clearly felt that there was a strong and pure vitality blooming in the heart of the other party, and the hidden Strength surprised him.

“The strength of Azure Firmament Knight Peak, the identity of Princess Dekara Empire, the inexplicably powerful treasure, and the sudden increase in Boundary Energy after I just treated her …”

Silently thinking about the other party’s message, Adier shook the head: “It’s another protagonist template.”

Although the contact time is not long, Adier has basically been able to determine that the Sisely Princess from afar, ten-nine is the Child of Destiny who belongs to the Dekara Empire.

As for Mengla, it is also not simple. It was discovered by Adier a long time ago, and there is also the entanglement of the line of fate.

The line of destiny on him is not too much. It is not as good as the Child of Destiny of Alina. Like the original Angel and Wolf, they can only be called supporting roles of destiny.

But even the supporting role of fate is far from being comparable to ordinary people, so in just three years, advanced by leaps and bounds, from an original person, has become the Great Knight of today.

“Let’s wait.”

Looking up, looking at the dazzling sun in the sky, Adier whispered in his heart, standing still.

He didn’t actually have much dislike for Sisely’s purpose in inviting him out of the mountain.

The reason why I chose to stay in this remote town at first was because of the backlash of the power of World, and the latter was to prepare for the promotion of Level 3 wizard.

By now, the backlash of World Power has passed, and the Level 3 wizard has been promoted successfully a few months ago. There is no meaning left here.

Even if Sisely doesn’t come, after a while, he will choose to walk out of this small town to find Sisely and the others.

After all, while staying in a remote town is comfortable, but not near Child of Destiny, Boundary Energy acquisition will be much slower.

And Boundary Energy is the most important thing for Adier today.

Thinking of this, he could not help but look at his physical data.

“Name: Adier.Fax. Strength: 104.5. Agility: 124.7. Constitution: 130.7. Spirit: 141.1. Boundary Energy: 3810.4. Bloodline: Moon Elf (growing period).”

Promoted Level 3 Wizard and Source Awakening Knight at the same time. By now, the data has changed a lot.

Hundreds of points of Strength and Agility. Up to now, even if Adier does not use Battle Qi or mana, the strength of the body alone is enough to crush Wizards below Level 3.

In addition to the changes in the data, in the column of Bloodline, Moon Elf Bloodline is no longer a young child, but has actually entered the growth stage.

This is the change brought about by using Moon Elf Bloodline to promote Source Awakening Knight. The combination of the Seed of Life and Moon Elf Bloodline seems to speed up the maturity of Moon Elf Bloodline to a certain extent, allowing Adier to cross the infancy ahead of time and enter a successful stage. long.

“I have a hunch, if there is enough Boundary Energy, my shuttle ability within the body should soon evolve again.” Looking at his physical data, Adier whispered in his heart: “Just, I want to achieve this goal , These Boundary Energy are not enough. “

He looked at the only 3,800 Boundary Energy left on his body, shook the head with some pity, and then turned around and walked outside.

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