“I didn’t want this …”

On the sky, two different breaths are intertwined with each other, forming a huge vortex together.

In the center of the vortex, looking at the long sword, Adier was always as usual, and Herama couldn’t help sighing.

His appearance changed a lot.

The whole body became scarlet red, with thick brown hair growing on it, and the height of the entire person suddenly became much higher. It looked like a standing giant tiger, and it looked very scary.

And on his chest, a bit of pure breath was revealed, making Adier present frowned.

“Seeds of pollution …”

He looked at Herama in front of his eyes, and his face was shocked for the first time: “Collect a lot of King Descendant’s Bloodline, what you want to do, this is the original.”

“Nice!” Herama gently nodded, opposite Adier.

Although incarnation became a giant tiger, Herama’s eyes were very clear. It seemed that not at all had been affected too much, and she still kept her sanity: “The original purpose of the seed of pollution is this.”

“In this world, the seed of Qiyuan has long since disappeared. If you want to break through the glory and promote Qiyuan, you can only find a way from other places.” He looked calm and watched Adier slowly said: “And the seed of pollution, then It’s a method we Turing found. “

“By polluting the seeds, you can purify the Bloodline, the king of the Knight family within the body, and combine it with huge vitality to create a true seed of origin.”

“That’s why you keep hunting King Descendant and massacres all over the world?” Adier brows slightly wrinkle, looking at Herama opened the mouth and said in front of her.

“Of course.” Herama’s face was calm and ruthless: “If you want to do something, there must be sacrifice behind it, nothing more than the difference in size that’s all.”

Listening to this, Adier was silent and did not answer.

“Unfortunately, this artificial way to make the seed of Qiyuan consumes too much, even if we have accumulated Turing for so many years, so far, it has only been a success and a half.”

“One and a half?” Adier frowned.

“Only one was completed, and the remaining one is only 5% products, and has not been completely successful.” Herama sighed softly: “The complete one is naturally on Your Majesty.”

“As for the remaining half …”

The voice fell, and in place, a fiery glow erupted in place.

In the Seed of Glory, Adier saw a scene clearly.

At the heart of Herama, the round seed of a scarlet is beating continuously, and a strong Strength is brewing on it, exuding the essence of the human body.

For this thing, Adier, who has been promoted to Source Awakening Knight, can’t be more familiar.

That is clearly a seed of Kaiyuan. The structure above is similar to that of Adier, but the actual Strength contained in it is much weaker than Adier, and it has a more messy meaning, as if it may explode at any time.

oh la la ···

As if the long sword was brushing over the calm water, a crisp and crackling sound sounded in place.

Listening to the sound, Adier looked up slightly, just saw a scarlet long sword dropping from the sky, and quickly cut down at him.

The space seemed to stagnate. At this moment, everything around quickly disappeared, leaving only that pure sword, with a majestic momentum and Strength, and chopped down towards Adier with all its strength.

On the sky, a large area of ​​red light was flashing, the sky was discolored momentarily, and the wind and falling rocks danced, forming a violent storm in an instant, spreading out in place.

A giant dozen meters long giant tiger phantom was unfolding, and at this moment it roared upward, and the momentum was violent and shocking at the moment.


At this moment, Lilice finally changed color and looked at the distant sky in disbelief unbelievably: “Not good!”

No matter how Herama was promoted to Qiyuan in the end, his strength has been revealed to this day. Although I don’t know for any reason, the momentum and strength are not as good as those of Lilice, who was once Peak, but these people can’t afford it now.

Radiance and Qiyuan are completely two different levels. Even the weakest Qiyuan can easily kill Peak’s Radiant Knight.

How could Adier stop her face when facing herama directly?

The idea had just risen in her mind, and then she could not help stared wide-eyed, and was stunned by the upcoming scene.

rays of light, endless rays of light.

At the moment when the red light was about to sweep everything, on the body of Adier, a little silver light gradually lit up, firstly faint, and then quickly became exuberant. At this moment, it was like a flaming Fire of Life, at this moment Enjoy blooming.


The deafening noise erupted.

At this moment, in Adier’s eyes, a touch of silver moon phantom flashed instantly, and then quickly appeared behind him.

At this moment, all his blood was boiling, and the power of Moon Elf within the body was boiling. At this moment, all the blood flowed into the heart in a certain vein, and the strength of the ancient Moon Elf Bloodline was completely activated. .

As if a black hole suddenly appeared, all the red light disappeared in an instant, and then the outside sunlight.

The light disappeared at this moment, and darkness briefly enveloped everything.

At this moment, looking at the darkness in front of them, everyone was shocked. In the face of this fearful power, I didn’t know what to say.

Frightened, disturbed, shocked … Emotions are intertwined.

It’s just that they haven’t waited for them to erupt. In front of them, a glimmer of silver began to emerge, and at the moment caught everyone’s attention.

A bright and bright moon emerged from the earth, slowly rising to the sky, and the light in it brightened the darkness.

Yueyao! !!

At this moment, Adier eyes opened, and the power of Moon Elf within the body began to boil, all pouring into the heart, fully activating the strength of Moon Elf Bloodline, blooming the most brilliant blow.

There is no dynamic force. This is a blow that purely uses Bloodline Strength, and is also a strength manifestation of Moon Elf Bloodline. At this moment, a huge formidable power is revealed.

The earth began to collapse, and the red light that originally enveloped the sky completely disappeared, leaving only a pure silver brilliance, and a bright moon.

boom! !

The sound of the earth’s shaking kept ringing, and then in front of everyone’s eyes, a majestic silhouette with a huge body and a tiger-like appearance fell from the sky and hit the ground heavily.

It was Herama. At this time, she was covered with dripping blood, her face was shocked, and she looked at Adier in the distance, she couldn’t believe that she would lose.

It’s not just him. In the distance, Alina and the others are also completely stunned at this moment, watching the distance standing quietly, covering the moonlight, as if the moon God’s Son was born Adier, and his heart is full of shock.

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