“Why … why …”

Lying on the ground on the battlefield full of scars, her eyes staring at Adier coming in the distance, Herama struggled to open the mouth and said.

In the quiet place, looking at Herama lying on the ground quietly, Adier’s face was calm.

He knew what the other person wanted to ask, and that was nothing more than Qiyuan.

Tuling Church spent a full hundred years of strength, first hunting a lot of Royal Family to collect the ancient Bloodline, and then the pollution disaster to collect a lot of vitality, which created two species of Kaiyuan, even one of them 5% products, it is difficult.

Dignified Tuling Church Even so, why did Adier promote Kaiyuan?

Looking at Adier in front of her, Herama wanted to ask this question, but after struggling for a while, she found that the strength of her last words was about to disappear.

Because of the backlash caused by Herama’s death, Adier not at all used his full strength in the final blow, but only killed him halfway, leaving a life.

Even so, to avoid accidents, he severely wounded Herama and planned to let Alina and the others resolve it later.

“It’s a pity …” Adier sighed softly, standing still, watching Herama lying quietly under her feet.

His original intention was just to fight back with Herama, not at all like the idea of ​​killing it.

After all, as one of the supporting roles of fate, the power of the World on this Red Spirit Knight is absolutely huge. If it is rushed to kill, something bad may happen.

Just plan to keep up with the changes.

The adversary temporarily exploded, and Adier had to use most Strength to cope with it, and forcibly turned it into this picture.

Things have changed to what they are now. For Adier, there are good and bad things.

The benefit is obvious, that is, the Boundary Energy that has soared again in Adier, and now it has reached a total of seven thousand.

As for the disadvantages, it is also very direct.

“There are less than two months left.”

Standing in place, feeling the strong pressure of the in the depth of one’s soul soaring again, Adier’s face was a little unsightly.

Coming to this world, since gaining the strength of the life-threatening runner, he has a sense of how long he spends in this world.

He is not the life of this world. Although there is a slow erosion of the soul because of the traversal ability, it still exists.

Once you stay in this world for too long, the power of the World will penetrate into the depth of one’s soul, impacting his soul at all times, causing all kinds of negative effects.

And with the constant contact between Adier and the creatures of this world, the erosion of the power of the World is also accelerating, which makes Adier’s safety time in this world continuously less.

Prior to killing Shadow Knight and Wolf Knight, and staying in Northern Maple Town for a full three years, Adier had little time left. After experiencing this conflict with Red Spirit Knight again, it was almost consumed .

For a period of more than two months, he must leave this world and return to his own world to cultivate, in order to slowly wipe out the breath of other worlds.

At this moment, Adier thought a lot.

And in front of him, looking at Adier’s appearance quietly, Herama reluctantly raised her head and looked at Adier in front of her with a smile: “Do you think you won this time?”

“En?” Listening to this, Adier froze, not yet figured out the situation.

A mist of black suddenly rose and shrouded around it at this moment.

On Herama, the scarlet seed of the Scarlet was glowing, and most of it turned black.

In it, a black horizontal eye opened slowly.

It was a pure black eye, with no white eyes and pupils, which showed weirdness and terror, and looked at Adier coldly at this moment.

As this eye opened, a tremendous amount of pressure struck, pressing on Adier’s body in an instant.

“Not good!” A strong sense of danger came to mind, and at this moment, the Adier complexion greatly changed, realizing something.

On Herama’s body, a strong Strength is coming through the seed of the source of his within the body, at this time not only brought a new Strength, but also received his body more fully.

Understandable, through Silver’s eyes, Adier saw vaguely, behind Herama, a silhouette of a black robed man was standing there, although it was just a phantom, but it had an indomitable domineering and prestige. It’s alarming.

Turing Emperor!

At this moment, Adier was shocked and recognized the identity of the person.

Adier was the head of Knight under Alina and traveled with Sisely, the Decala empire, so Adier knew about what many people at Tuling Church looked like.

Among them, the portrait of the Turing Emperor has been seen many times, so the first time I met, I immediately recognized it.

“Not good !!”

Recognizing Turing Emperor, what seemed to come to mind, an unexpected thought flashed in Adier’s mind.

Sure enough, next moment, in the spot, Herama had a weird smile on her face, and looked at Adier so quietly, it seemed strange.


The next moment, a horrible shock broke out, and the huge Strength all dissipated at this moment, sweeping the surrounding 1000 meters.

The gravel is constantly vacated by the air current, and the black Battle Qi spreads out, forming a small storm.

In the rear, looking at the scene in front of them, everyone stopped for a moment.


After being stunned in place for a long time, Alina suddenly drew her sword and rushed forward, her Battle Qi Wings quickly condensed and rushed towards the center of the battlefield.

She pulled up the long sword, quenched the raging storm with a single blow, and then went madly to search forward.

It was just in place that both Adier and Herama were completely gone, and only part of the Battle Qi left between the two before the fight was still left. Even after such a terrible shock, they still remained tenacious.

“Adier!” Alina stared blankly at the place, Alina looked dull, standing still, wondering what to do.

Similar to her reaction, there are also Qianmi and Mengla.

They rushed forward frantically, searching for Adier around the battlefield, but only found part of the Adier weapon and some of Herama’s flesh.

As for the rest, they were all destroyed in the previous self-explosion.

They searched the entire battlefield one after another, and then they completely lost their hearts. This time, they finally accepted the facts and confirmed the death of Adier.

As a matter of fact, a Source Awakening Knight detonates the seed of Kaiyuan, burning everything and exploding. This formidable power is absolutely terrifying.

Under close contact, Adier simply doesn’t exist, which is very likely.

Sorry, it’s too sleepy tonight. It seems that the third chapter can only be paid tomorrow

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